Bestbitcoinexchange Facebook Marketing 3 Ways To Do It In 2018

In recent times the term Facebook Marketing is pretty much talked about and interested. What is Facebook Marketing? How to implement this strategy? How to apply this strategy to online money making activities?
⧫Marketing Strategy via Fanpage, how to increase natural reach (interaction)
⧫Optimization and building Group (group on Facebook social network)

⧫Build and increase interactive sales, make affiliate marketing and earn money online through Profile (personal facebook account).

Facebook Marketing is simply understood: Do marketing (marketing) on the social networking platform Facebook. In other words, Facebook Marketing is all about promoting and promoting products or services to potential customers via Facebook to increase profits.

In recent years, social networking has become a tool for us to be very effective. With just a few simple steps you can sell anything, for anyone with virtually no geographical restrictions.

However, with the increasing number of users, the level of competition is gradually increasing, the sales and marketing on facebook today is not only simple to write a few lines and then share on personal account, fanpage ... There is a The fact that, for marketing on facebook more effective, reach more people you need ... spend money on advertising! And the price of advertising is on a high rise!

So the question is how can marketing be good, reach many customers, users with the lowest cost or do not have to spend money?

The answer is probably the strategy of Facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing is a form of marketing via Facebook without the use of capital, you do not have to spend money on Facebook Ads. You focus on content value strategy to increase your spread to reach more customers in a natural way.

This strategy requires investment and you will definitely have more effort! But the result is better and more cost-effective.


In many forms of online money making, affiliate marketing is still one of the most persistent online monetization trends and in 2017 this is expected to explode.

One of the top principles in affiliate marketing is to: Make sure your customers know, and then trust and ultimately sell. So, to get trust, we have to give our customers a lot of free value.

In a chain of principles, how do you know your customers? How to find out how to market and get customers to the system that you have built with the lowest cost? Perhaps these are the toughest questions!

So what should newbie do to get customers to their system? When the cost of advertising Facebook Ads, Google Adwords growing high? Your personal point of view is whether you are a newbie or even if you have worked long enough to focus your marketing efforts.

Let's start with the direction !!!


New Facebook algorithms are no longer in favor of us, the reach of subscribers has fallen sharply in 2017. So how do we market Facebook fanpage?


First of all, we need to have the title spread: It must be short, clear, specific, you can insert numbers, adjectives. In a nutshell, hit the reader's emotions. Moreover, you can put keywords in the post if you want to post to Top google.
So, just post? We should look to the Q & A, multi-dimensional interaction on the fanpage.
Using the story is a secret here. The social network is virtual, to do facebook marketing 0 viral and post high Viral, then we should put the real factor. Why is the story? It just makes the reader believe, just cause them to be hit on feelings that have feelings are interactive!

More secret, a post should use 5W1H thinking. You should have at least 3/6 of the following, your post will become clear and specific to the reader:

A form that I see few people talking about and applying. That is, using Notes. Why should you use it? I noticed, using the note on Facebook page to the top very well, due to some SEO standards factors. Of course, if you write standard SEO too, then Note that it will top sustainability => You will dominate the traffic from Google. But remember, take note of the keywords


Video - a strategic tool! Many times I have asked: Why posting post on facebook, videos make users reach and interact most? After a while, I found the bottom line: videos strike the viewer's emotions, can be reached by the trend, social problems causing fever ... You will receive a lot of interaction. !
If you are an affiliate marketer and want to implement the facebook marketing strategy, apply the 80/20 rule: That is to share the value of 80 - to 20 is the marketing video / sales! You can create product introductory videos that address customer issues, solutions - product features, content and price comparisons with other products (how much?).

Furthermore, there should be a special price limit. (limited to the time limit, for example, only 24 hours to order ABC products for 99k - has fallen 90% compared to the original price)

Photo, should focus share the photo album: Why is the album? Users tend to prefer content that is synthesized, full,  etc.

Apply on affiliate marketing to earn money online? A good direction is that you can post the photo album product is beautifully designed, professional. Because people are always looking for "beautiful". If we market a number of products such as clothing, watches, .. we can post the sample photos with product prices, beautifully designed photos will help the album is Viral higher!

Most important - interact with the member / customer via LiveStream. Some common forms of live: sharing knowledge, exchanging questions and answers, playing games, receiving gifts, etc. I have had livestream times to share knowledge, play a movie or clips with high Virility, will be very Many of you members interact. Can say, this is the best  way marketing on facebook today.

Here, I have shared with you the basics and most practical for you to do Facebook Marketing 0 through the fanpage. In the next lesson, I will share my knowledge of Marketing through Group and Profile.

If you find any posts worth, please share this post with your friends or you can comment here for your answer! I also want to hear more experience as Facebook Marketing

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