Thailand place to visit: Rain, Mooncakes, Noodles, Mooncakes, Chinese Shrines, Cheesecake As Well As Mooncakes

My itinerary was blocked because all of the pelting this morn - in addition to it kept raining!

This agency that I invested fourth dimension inward earthworks the drain exterior again, making pizza bases for afterwards in addition to thence deciding that I was glad that I did non waste materials my coin yesteryear buying a existent DVD.

As the pelting stopped it was tiffin fourth dimension - a Noodle Shop for me! But my commencement goal was at The Metropole Hotel where they convey a large Chinese clientele thence popular into the TAT office for the bicycle ride on Lord's Day in addition to thence to purchase a Mooncake from the stall outside!

After this I went to the Mee Ton Poe - for - Hokkien Noodle Soup - really skilful in addition to I did similar the Iced Tea - encounter the review hither later.

Time for a java at 168 Cups - skilful java in addition to Free WiFi.

After this it was fourth dimension to become into Robinsons - I was told that they sell really skilful Mooncakes. 

Then I popped into Keng-Tin for their mooncake.

After this it was fourth dimension to walk to the Chinese Shrine where they were reeling a cinema during the Por Tor Festival final week!

On the route I came across something that I had never seen earlier - Ko Hor's Mooncake shop - I was welcomed inward to lookout 1 human being brand them all - fascinating in addition to really special!. (this volition convey a unmarried post).

Then I came to the Shrine - in addition to it was existence rebuilt! - Good Luck!

Then I went to the Bang Neow Shrine to brand a blessing.

As I left the Bang Neow Shrine to provide to the primary route through the dorsum entrance I noticed that at that spot was a novel java store contrary the side of Robinson's - good a Cheesecake Shop - Cheesecake yesteryear K.Reed!

The java in addition to cheesecake were delicious!

Then off to Swensens to await for Jemma - where I had an ice-cream Mooncake!

We left swiftly in addition to returned habitation to brand Pizzas in addition to lookout Scooby Doo - which was;
"Creepy non Scary"

Another wonderful twenty-four hours off - bring together foursquare to follow my investigations every bit they happen!

View Chinese Shrines inward Phuket inward a larger map


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