Thailand place to visit: Phuket Vegetarian Festival - Piercing In Addition To Parade 2015

The Phuket Vegetarian Festival was particular for me because I joined the parade this fourth dimension (after the possessions together with the piercing). I receive got written thence much close this in previous posts that today I am going to pose roughly links at the bottom. Jamie had a proficient stance together with updated the post... only I didn't.

The morn started amongst beingness at the incorrect temple (I was at Samkong together with non Jeng Ong) - only Samkong did await prissy inwards the early on morning.

Then I was offered a elevator yesteryear a Thai gentleman equally I walked betwixt the ii temples - give cheers you.

It was busy amongst people when I arrived at 7am. The colour fun purpose had started - the threading of the pins - I e'er intend that this must receive got time... it does.

Then the possessed began to come upward out of the temple to the shell of the drums.

The piercing always begins nether this stuff - which is the same equally the 1 that the listen Mah Song carries.

Then in that place seemed to live on the possessed flooding out from the shrine all coming out to live on pierced.

I noticed that each chair where the piercing took house was also resting on blessed newspaper from the temple - like to the offering tables along the roads of the parade.

The drumming became louder together with it was clear who the caput Mae Song was for the hateful solar daytime - together with equally he was tipped into a frenzy to a greater extent than people seemed to appear. More people joined inwards together with and thence they seemed to stream out.

Then the parade began. 

Just noticed that I watched this mortal live on possessed together with pierced...

Firecrackers were thrown - yes I got hitting a publish of times - my videos were quite entertaining.

I produce larn comments close why I direct to become only I actually intend that cycling through the chaos was a fleck strange?

We entered inwards to Phuket Old Town where in that place were to a greater extent than people waiting yesteryear the side of the route waiting for blessing from the possessed.

The pierced sometimes stopped for a photograph to live on taken 

whilst to possessed blessed the onlookers. 

For the others it was a illustration of running along the route to grab upward amongst them.

(my Instagram photo)

Previous Visits 2015
 1) Possession together with Piercing 2015 - Bangkoo Shrine 

Previous Visits 2014


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