Thailand place to visit: Phuket Vegetarian Festival 2013 Starts Tomorrow

I produce non know where I volition travel when the Phuket Vegetarian Festival starts too hence I propose that if y'all demand to know what's going on become too accept a expect at  my friend Jamie's Blog (pic below). I am NOT wearing flipflops again!

I previously posted hither close Pae Leng - the Lee Loh Chia Medium who manages the spectacular event.

He was asked whether he was worried that the Vegetarian Festival would lose it's customs overtime too he replied.

The actual pregnant of the Vegetarian Festival - non solely non eating meat but;

                      1) no killing
                      2) no intercourse
                      3) no alcohol
                      4) no bad-mouthing
                      5) no stealing

Can y'all produce this for the stream of the Vegetarian Festival?


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