I visited the Moon Festival for 'Otter's Tales' - the weblog for Cape Panwa Hotel as well as I enjoyed the Festival enormously - give cheers you.
After leaving nosotros visited the Weekend Market reverse Wat Naka for dinner - pasty rice as well as Fried Chicken. The marketplace seemed to hold upward festooned amongst tourists I did non realise that it had cash inward one's chips such an attraction!
Jor Soo Kong Naka.
The atmosphere was electrifying - as well as hence much as well as hence that Jemma would non allow cash inward one's chips of me when nosotros get-go entered. We were straightaway bombarded amongst the vibrations of cymbals, shouting, a dragon dancing as well as much more. I believe that the Head of the Village (Or Ba Tor) was hither at get-go to welcome the dragon past times placing a ruby (that color again) inward the oral cavity of the dragon.
Then nosotros moved away from the furore as well as nosotros watched a smaller (more traditional dragon) dance inward front end of others as well as have a pocket-size donation.
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