Thailand place to visit: King Chulalongkorn Twenty-Four Hours 23 Oct

23 Oct of every twelvemonth is a national vacation inward Thailand equally it marks “King Chulalongkorn Day" or known inward Thai equally "Wan Piyamaharaj Day". It is the memorial 24-hour interval of the passing away of King Chulalongkorn, otherwise known equally King Rama V. King Chulalongkorn led several major reforms inward Thailand, for illustration inward the areas of Thai educational system, military machine affairs, State Railway together with Slave Liberation Act without bloodshed inward Thailand.
this text is from the Royal Thai Embassy inward Singapore.

The virtually of import majestic contribution was the annunciation of Slave Abolition Act. Slave Abolition made him the Beloved Great King of all people of Siam.
this text together with images are from Thailand Life.


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