Bangkok Thailand Traveling Map: Thailand Alive Gastronomy

Visited the Thailand Live Gastronomy for lunch. When I had institute the Soi - on Siam Square Soi seven behind Siam Square 1 (thanks Richard) I was bombarded amongst a odor of cooking.

"The ‘Thailand Live Gastronomy’ festival is existence organized every bit purpose of a strategy to pose greater emphasis on Gastronomy Tourism, which is considered every bit an of import purpose of move together with the unique local Thai experience.

The Thailand Live Gastronomy, which volition live on presented amongst a tagline ‘Flavours to the World’, is scheduled to cause got house from 25 to 27 August, at 1 of Destinations inwards Bangkok Thailand’s famous shopping together with dining venues, Siam Square." - text from The Nation - amount text link above

There were sure enough a lot of unlike foods to select from - I had to circle twice before I knew where to start. The street was amount of Thai people who were mostly carrying nutrient together with or hence tabes betwixt the stalls.

To the sides were places which were selling the fruit and produces from Thailand merely I was drawn to the odor (and the queues) for the cooking food.

The queue for the crispy duck was far too long together with past times instantly I was starving - 

so I went to the gyoza queue and 

then the crispy pork - I loved every fleck - give cheers you.

But what did I drink?

I was intrigued past times the queue for the 'Rainbow' produced though - it was bigger - I could non larn to the front 

and relied on mortal taking a photograph of theirs

and together with then or hence other - merely non sure what it was they were making. Now amount I needed a java store or a desert cafe...


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