the Thai royal family

the Thai royal family - Best Place to Travel

happy to be together on happy together! - happy together! / - happy together! - hello. / - hello. - hi. / - it feels like i haven't seen you in a while. - i heard a rumor, by the way. / - what is it?

the Thai royal family

the Thai royal family, rumor has it jaeseok is in my position when recording with big mouth. - he's the youngest member. / - i'm in your position. - you're the youngest member? / - they never change.

they make me do everything for them. - everything. / - in fact, - i read the viewers' comments. / - yes. they said you seem so comfortable and happy with them. i'm happy when i record with you as well. - is it big mouth or us? / - sorry? - we're on the same team. / - why would you say that? it's time for you to make a choice. - jaeseok. / - we feel so uncomfortable.

jaeseok, what is your choice? bell of truth, show us the truth! that's a quote from an old variety show. - everyone, please don't think / - now... - they are your competition. / - okay. we should create a win-win situation. - however, / - we should help each other. our scripts got much thinner. - we get much less air time. / - it used to be

- three times thicker than this. / - you know... - this is normal. / - is that right? - this is normal. / - i see. our script used to be this thick, right? (their scripts were heavy.) - as big mouth hosts the second half, / - right. it became thinner. how nice. - they have half of it now. / - that's right. many people say that it's a good mix of old and new.

- good. / - that's right. - let's do our best / - we're the new. to bring back - let's work together. / - the golden days of our show. people often talk about the golden days of their lives. today, we're going to meet with great stars who are in their golden days. - please come out! / - golden days! - hello. / - hi, sebin.

- hello. / - hi, eunji, bada, and chiyeul. our first guest made her comeback through "first love again". the icon of innocent girl, myung sebin! (sebin, the icon of innocent girl) - she hasn't aged. / - exactly. - i think we've never met before. / - right. - i think so too. / - right? - i didn't appear on variety shows. / - exactly.

i've never met anyone here except for bada. -you've never appeared on / - i think i've met you. - maybe i forgot. / - any variety show before, right? - almost none. / - have you appeared on a variety show? yes, i have, but only when i was a newcomer. so i'm very nervous right now. - besides, i tend to / - she admits it. make the atmosphere calm. - you already calmed us all down. / - right.

(she already ruined the excitement.) we said, "yes! sebin is here!" - now we're all so calm. / - exactly. i tend to tone down mood. - it doesn't feel that way though. / - is that so? - i was distracted for a while. / - she makes us focus. - it feels rather calm. / - "what did i do yesterday?" therefore, i'm very nervous, but i'll do my best. that's great. sebin!

he had only 30 dollars in his bank account. he became a korean wave star from a vocal trainer. the man of passion, hwang chiyeul! - hello, everyone. / - welcome. chiyeul! he really is the man of passion. - that's right. he's a korean wave star. / - right. the great singer came back as a newlywed wife. even after she got married...

- ♪i'm so mad ♪/ - ♪i'm so mad ♪ - bada! / - bada! she's a good actress and a rising star of spring songs. - the multi-talented member of apink, / - look here. jeong eunji! (eunji, the multi-talented member of apink) you know... - eunji, when you smile, / - yes? more of your teeth show than before.

i think it's because i lost some weight. - her big smile showing teeth / - right. - is what makes her charming. / - she's charming. - we can even see your back teeth. / - exactly. - gosh. / - i hear i look like i'm wearing a mouth gag. - a mouth gag? / - i get that a lot. your mouth looks bigger because you lost weight? that's right. i think i shouldn't lose weight. your smile became even bigger.

- i can even see your back teeth. / - exactly. - thank you. / - you can make your gum fat. - pardon? / - just her gum. - make her gum fat? / - really? - i'll tell you later. / - is that possible? - i'll tell you. / - we'll finish late because of bada. brace yourselves, everyone. it's better than being boring while talking a lot. gosh.

bada, we would like to hear about your marriage today. - i'll tell you later. be patient. / - i'm so curious. - i'll tell you. / - she's dealing with three people. she's amazing. - bring it on. / - i didn't know i was boring. i got orders from higher-ups. - you did? / - from the chief executives? - i have to be funny today. i'm sorry. / - i see. bada and sebin are sitting together.

they are completely different. - sebin is calm. / - she's calm. bada is... i'm not sure if this is appropriate, - but she tends to act up. / - i'll refrain myself. - no, please be yourself. / - okay. - that makes you charming. / - speaking of which, sebin came on a variety show after a long time. are you older than hyunmoo? - really? / - is that true?

- please tell us the truth. / - yes, i am. - really? / - i was born in 1975. - you were born in 1975? / - yes. you're 43 years old? - i don't want to answer that. / - that's unnecessary. - it was a necessary question. / - it wasn't. - sebin looks angry. / - why would you be angry? - still... / - she sat up straight. - she almost ran out. / - that's right.

how do you keep yourself looking young? - i don't do much. / - i see. i just keep a strict diet. please tell us about it. i go to an oriental medical clinic. - i see. / - she goes to an oriental medical clinic. - it helps you adjust your diet naturally. / - i see. the doctor tells me what food is good for my health. - according to your body constitution? / - exactly.

- that's what i do. / - to decrease your appetite too. suzy is every man's first love these days, - but it was sebin in my days. / - that's right. (sebin was every man's first love in the past.) - sebin looks very feminine and innocent. / - exactly. - she was one of a kind. / - that's right. chiyeul and i are the same age. - sebin was really popular. / - that's right. - "purity". / - "purity".

- she looked innocent. / - indeed. - that's right. / - that's right. - when i was young... / - i know. sebin looked... how should i say it? she looked very neat and... she looked cheery and feminine - at the same time. / - she looked innocent. when i was young, while watching her on tv, i thought, "i'm sure she never washes up."

i thought she wouldn't need to wash up to stay clean. she's a type of woman that other women hate. - why? / - women feel envious when they see an innocent-looking woman. she was the icon of first love - because her dramas "purity", "paper crane", / - yes. - "into the sun", / - "paper crane". and "the woman who wants to marry"... all of her dramas became a big hit.

korea was going through a financial crisis back then. so people preferred an innocent image - to a luxurious image. / - that's right. - i think i was lucky. / - i see. - really? / - how are you in real life? in your dramas, you had the innocent image - as chiyeul said. / - she looks fragile. how are you in real life? i'm not like that in real life.

people think i would be feminine and shy, - but / - that's how you appear to be. they realize how boyish and quick-tempered i am later. - you're quick-tempered? / - especially when driving, i become short-tempered. when you drive a car, - your personality shows. / - i don't swear, - but i behave tough. / - do you cut in front of a car? - excuse me. / - do you honk your horn?

- and this? / - do you turn on the high beam? - like this. / - high beam? you turn on your high beam. (she's embarrassed.) - like this? / - this is how men do. do you behave in a rude way when driving? i feel like i should win when changing lanes. - you're like a racer. / - right. - i change lanes and move fast. / - that's unexpected.

- exactly. / - likewise, i act like a man sometimes. she looks like she would yield to everyone. "go ahead." - exactly. / - you look like you're the opposite. - i'm not. / - when someone honks the horn... when someone ruins the flow of driving, - i get angry. / - i see. - i'm quick-tempered. / - you're quite impatient. - i'm impatient. / - does cutting in front of you or driving slowly in front of you make you angrier?

driving slowly makes me angrier. - she really is impatient. / - you're that type. - i let the car cut in front of me, / - so it's okay? so i'm to blame. this is an old story. i don't drive like that now, but i went through puberty in my early 20s. - puberty came late. / - before he became successful. - i'm curious. / - things weren't going well for me. - he drove elantra. / - you even know the car name?

- elantra. / - it was my first car. i was overly confident back then. the car in front of me was driving slowly. - i turned on my high beam. / - you did this. - you can say it now. / - it was my dad. it was my dad. (oh, my goodness.) - gosh. / - really? - you did it to your dad? / - it was my dad.

didn't you recognize your dad's car? it was too dark. - you couldn't see it clearly. / - that's possible. - i didn't know. / - if it's too bright, - it's hard to see the plate. / - i couldn't see it. (why is that car going toward my house?) the car kept going toward my house. i couldn't believe it. - you tried to light his way. / - i was...

- your dad was in your way. / - i was so surprised. as we said, even we don't have a chance to see sebin often even though we're working - in the same industry. / - that's true. - she remained mysterious unintentionally. / - right. - it wasn't intentional. / - i know. - it was because i'm not funny. / - she's good. - i agree. / - am i doing well?

- yes, you are. / - you're doing great. - you sound like an announcer. / - thank you. i think she might become more confident after this, and dance on another variety show. aren't we doing that today? - she's a good dancer. / - we're not doing it today. - we should do it. / - that's a shame. - not today. / - let's move on to bada. she got married not long ago.

(bada is the last member of s.e.s to get married.) - how long has it been? / - it hasn't been so long. it's been about three months. actually, i met bada's husband a few days ago. - how? / - we had a meal together. - he's famous for his handsome face. / - he's handsome. i think he looks the same as a celebrity. - who? / - minhyuk of cnblue. - he looks the same as minhyuk. / - is that right?

- you agreed with me. / - he does. - he looks like minhyuk. / - he does. - he's very tall too. / - he's tall. both of them look beautiful. - they look great together. / - bada must have tried not to let him go. right? he's nine years younger than you, right? - who is? / - her husband is. - yes, he is. / - he's nine years younger than you?

- yes. / - i was - very happy for the two of them. / - that's right. did his parents disapprove of you because of your age? how did they react? when they watched me on tv, they probably liked my public image. my parents-in-law liked me so much. it was hard for me to decide whether i should date him or not, but then,

i went to busan for my concert. my uncle came to my concert. all of a sudden, he said that i have my career and i'm quite old, so i should date a guy who is 10 years younger than me. he told me that so suddenly. all the other relatives thought that he was joking. however, my husband had already confessed his love.

- that's interesting. / - exactly. - it sounds like destiny. / - i was confused. i wondered why he said that. he must've had a feeling. when i asked him about that after the wedding, he even said he couldn't remember what he had said. maybe you asked him to say that. (she wanted him to help to convince the relatives?)

she asked her uncle a favor. - that's possible. / - let me think about it. - did i do that? / - that's possible. did i do that? i don't think so. - it's weird. / - your uncle can't remember that. it sounds like a movie. it doesn't feel realistic. - he's right. / - exactly. i wonder how your group members reacted. before they met him, i told them his age.

both of them were worried and surprised. after they met my husband in person, they seemed relieved. - she always said / - yes? that her husband acts like an old man. when i talked with him, it felt like he was older than me. - really? / - yes, he was calm...

how should i say? he loves bada so much. that's the most important thing. - the fact that he loves her is important. / - right. what does he call you? your real name? - he calls her by her real name. / - me? when we're alone, he calls me baby. (screaming) you startled me. - i got startled too. / - it's not...

- did someone step on your foot? / - what happened? i think i stepped on her foot. - she startled me. / - goodness. - i didn't expect that answer. / - who calls who baby? - my husband calls me baby. / - i see. - he calls you that? / - what do you call him? - what do i call him? / - yes. i call him grandpa. why do you call him grandpa?

only those who have met him would understand it. - that's right. / - i know what it means. he acts like an old man sometimes. - still... / - he's a nice guy. sometimes he sounds like he's advising his students. - does he advise others? / - that's interesting. he sounds like a school teacher sometimes. he doesn't talk like people around his age. - i like the way he talks. / - you're a cute couple.

- that's great considering his age. / - right. what does he do for a living? he's running a restaurant. - he's in the food industry. / - yes, he is. as he's young, he runs his business boldly. he asked her out for one year. - really? / - bada told me that all the time. - he didn't believe me. / - i asked her husband,

and he said it's true she refused him for a year. - his true heart probably changed her mind. / - yes. - please tell us your story. / - that's amazing. why didn't you accept his love, bada? - you tried to make a pun, right? / - gosh. yes, he did. if you think that i did, you got me. most of all, nine years was too big of an age gap. in my whole career,

i maintained good work ethics. work ethics? what does it have to do with work ethics? i have nothing to do with work ethics. if you did, why did you sing, "i'm so mad"? - that song is about passion. / - i see. - i followed rules. / - she has swag. i never cross the street on a red light. you felt uncomfortable about it, right?

yes. nine years felt too big of an age gap. i refused him when he first asked me out. - did you really do that? / - yes, she did. - of course, i did. / - you just heard her. as a member of s.e.s, i have a public image as everyone's sister, everyone's friend later, and everyone's daughter now. you know that, right? - did you say you were called / - we've heard

- everyone's friend? / - the fairy of korea. - i had that nickname. / - i'm not sure about that. - everyone's friend? / - everyone's friend. the expression "eardrum girlfriend" was used first - because of me. / - "eardrum girlfriend"? - i've heard ear girlfriend. / - that was my nickname. - i've never heard of it. / - it's ear girlfriend. - so... / - okay. after i refused him...

i haven't told this before. i think i can say it here as it's a show for families. - sure. / - jaeseok is a host that everyone likes. i'll tell you as this is a show that everyone likes. after i refused him, i started dating another man. (she drops a bomb.) - i did it because... / - oh, my. - my husband is a really good catch. / - that's right.

i liked everything about him except for his age. - right. / - so i was afraid i might fall in love with him. - you did it on purpose. / - she pushed him away. there was a guy i liked other than my husband. unlike my husband, age was not the problem. - the second choice? / - no. maybe she had a list of guys. (why would you explain it hard?)

- maybe she had a list of guys. / - i didn't. - she must've had a list. / - that's not true. - it wasn't like that. / - there must have been - the third choice too. / - there wasn't. - that was all. / - it seems like... - you chose between them. / - were you two-timing them? - no, i wasn't. / - i have a question. what are you doing? i don't understand why she just said that.

- i said it's not true. / - what are you doing now? - she had another man... / - you might... my point is i refused him when he asked me out. so i was single. - right? / - yes, you were. at that time, someone else older than me - asked me out. / - he asked you out. i decided to go out with him.

later, i realized something about him. for example, he asked me to sing songs in a different genre. - what genre? / - his family was conservative. - oh, my. / - so he suggested genres like operatic pop. - classical music? / - he asked me if i can do that. - i guess it was hard / - she's a musical actor too. - i perform in musicals too. / - for his family

to accept your song "mad", right? i guess so. - are you taken aback? / - the song wasn't acceptable. "remake that song in the operatic pop style." - it wasn't acceptable for them. / - it'd be okay if i sing it in operatic pop style like this. (if you want to sing, sing operatic pop songs.) - it would be acceptable. / - that sounds good. - so it wasn't acceptable for them. / - that's amazing.

i told him that there's nothing i can't do. i said it's possible, - "there's nothing i can't do." / - but it felt like - she's so cool. / - i had to remove myself. if he didn't accept me as i am, and i had to change to date him, i thought it could be just the beginning. - it could've been worse. / - that's right. right then,

i wondered if there's anyone who would love me as i am. my husband came across my mind. - number one? / - yes. - number one. / - your first choice. - he was number one. / - oh, right. she dumped the second choice. there must have been many guys' names she crossed off her list. "she crossed their names off."

- like the "death note". / - you thought of him. - did you call him? / - when i wanted to call him, - he called me. / - oh, my. - they were meant to be. / - he called me when i thought i would reconsider my decision. i pretended that i didn't want him. - oh, no. / - i said, "i told you to forget me." i said that. it's because...

please keep it down. - stop stepping on her foot. / - i'm sorry. i'm sorry. it feels like i'm watching a drama. according to an ancient book, - an ancient book. / - an ancient book? if a girl clings to a guy, he would never come to her, and would leave her eventually. my husband is tall and handsome,

so i thought he was experienced. - a playboy. / - i see. her husband is really handsome. - we saw his photo before. / - he's tall too. - i think... / - i mean it. he's not that handsome. he's good-looking for a non-celebrity. he's not as handsome as a celebrity. we're celebrities, but we're ugly.

- not all celebrities are handsome. / - all of us - are ugly. / - still, we're celebrities. - look at saeho. / - what do you think of me? all of us here are ugly. - you guys are not ugly. / - most celebrities... - you guys are not ugly. / - you're not ugly. - they don't look that ugly. / - that's right. of course, i'm the most handsome among us. - it's true. / - i look better than you.

- that's ridiculous. / - i'm sm entertainment style. - no, you're not. / - you're antenna style. - they are so funny. / - take your glasses off. - take your glasses off. / - come on. - stop it. / - it's even funnier that you guys compete. exactly. we compete against each other. before i got married, i pushed my husband away many times.

that's because i was in the perfect age for marriage. however, my husband is nine years younger than me, so it wouldn't hurt him much even if we break up. - for me, it was a precious time. / - right. every single day was precious. every woman in korea at my age... who is single would understand me. when a woman turns 36 or 37,

and a nine-year younger man her asks her out, it's not easy to decide to go out with him. it could be a waste of her time. so i told myself to cut him out of my life completely. i felt like i was enchanted by a spell. i thought it wasn't right. i decided to end it even if i would be single forever. i told myself to end things with him. when i was younger,

a man from the thai royal family proposed to me once. - royal family? / - yes, i have that experience. i once dated a guy who owns a helicopter too. - a helicopter? / - yes. i've never heard of anyone dating a man like that. - goodness. / - he had nothing else but a helicopter? he presses the button and the helicopter doors open. - he had his own helicopter. / - it's a true story.

- he must be very rich. / - the prince of thailand... i went to phi phi islands to film as s.e.s member. - it's a famous place. / - we filmed our music video. on a boat, we filmed the music video of "just in love". - it goes like this. i will give you / - right. i looked the prettiest and the most refreshing. that's when i was called a fairy. when we were shooting on the yacht, an even bigger yacht appeared

in the distance. i wondered who it was. they knew we were shooting, but they didn't care and approached our yacht. we were in a tropical country. but this person was wearing long sleeves and pants. and she had ruby diamond rings on all her ten fingers. i had never seen someone who wears ten rings. - she was doing this. / - was this a man? - it was a woman. / - it was a woman.

it was a lady. suddenly, she said, "who's bada?" - did she speak in korean? / - she was korean. - is that right? / - she spoke in korean. i wondered why i was talking to a korean there. our managers came and told her to back off because we're in the middle of a shoot. and she said, "move. that yacht is mine too." - what? / - she was the owner of our yacht.

she came in a bigger yacht. she said, "i'm friends with sooman. move." - she said that. / - who is she? it turns out she was a korean woman married to a thai royalty. at the time, s.e.s. was popular in southeast asia. so the royal family saw my physiognomy and thought i was fitting for the royal family. you have the physiognomy fitting for the royal family.

that's why she came to talk to me. she came to make me marry a royalty. i was scared, so i hesitated. and she said i should discuss it with my parents. it could make my family rich for 100 generations. she said 100 generations will be set for life. - 100 generations? / - i'd be given inheritance. - it was real. in the end, / - it's surprising. mr. lee sat me down and talked to me about it.

- really? / - really. he said he doesn't want to take away - a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. / - right. - it was your choice. / - it was up to me. of course i didn't choose it because of s.e.s. that was one incident. i did a musical in japan. - is this a different story? / - yes. it's different. - it's different. / - it's about a helicopter guy. - is this about a helicopter guy? / - yes, it is.

when i was performing, he came riding a helicopter. (hello, bada.) - he rode something too. / - and he proposed to me. - they always ride something. / - they do. how did you know he came by a helicopter? i was fascinated by his helicopter. he asked me to go to tokyo with him, but i couldn't. so he proposed to me and left. i refused him. he was japanese, and...

- is he your friend? / - he's my friend. he's so rich that he's surrounded by girls who go after his money. we've been friends for over ten years, and i told him to never date a gold digger. i gave him a lot of harsh advice all the time. he thanked me for saying those things to him, and one day he developed feelings for me. - isn't he just a pilot? / - was he?

- many men proposed to you. / - yes. so what did you do to break up with your boyfriend? so one day, i asked him. i forgot that we were talking about that. - i'll be done soon. / - go on. i thought i should break up with him. - you thought you should break up. / - right. i thought it wasn't doing any good for him either. i met him and told him this.

i looked straight into his eyes and said this. "are you a prince? do you have a helicopter?" "are you a royalty?" - that was harsh. / - i was harsh. i told him not to dare to propose to me if he didn't qualify for any of those criteria. - she was trying to make him leave her. / - yes. "are you a prince? a loyalty? do you own a helicopter?" and his reaction really surprised me.

- what did he say? / - when that happens, - men usually get intimidated. / - his ego is hurt. - his ego would be hurt. / - right. when that happens, men usually back off, thinking i'm out of his league. so i was certain that he'd give up. but he stared at me like this. until that time, he used to call me ms. choi. - is that right? / - yes. he always called me that. i never let him call me by my first name.

- suddenly, he stared at me. / - and? and for the first time, he called me by my first name. i'll say the exact words he said. i remembered it. "sunghee, if you become just a little less greedy," "you can live happily with a man like me." "why can't you think like that?" that really shocked me. i felt like i was defeated.

and i started going out with him after that day. - that really changed you. / - yes, it really did. how is this related to the thai royalty incident? i needed it for the introduction. - saeho. / - it was the introduction. - i am sorry. / - why would you say that? i'm sorry. goodness. - hey. / - i am sorry.

- i'm sorry. / - saeho. - how about the helicopter? / - it would've been just fine without the thai royalty story. sebin and i kept exchanging glances and wished it would soon be over. - sebin. / - that's not it. - what did you think about her story? / - she liked it. it made me think that your life flows according to

your personality. i think i can't date anyone because i am too quiet. i want to learn from her. - no. / - i was jealous of her. she always talks as if she's in a musical. "you're here. come in." i love it. it's nice at first. - she's got the positive energy. / - yes.

she exudes positive energy. and she talks without hesitation. so i get excited, but soon i get exhausted. (she drains your energy.) i get tired really fast when i'm around her. that will help you one day. when you live your life, you will come across people who are more draining than me. - i will make you get used to it. / - she's the best.

- she's the best. / - i don't do any harm to you. - bada is... / - she's the most positive person. you had a bridal shower before the wedding. before the wedding, my friends gathered and... - explain it in an easier way. / - it's a party. one time, i checked my phone after a shoot. when you get a message, you receive a notification. i had 78 unread messages. i wondered what was going on.

it turned out it was a group chat. - it was a group chat. / - and i was invited. - yes. yes. / - everyone introduced themselves. - yes. / - so many celebrities - were invited to the chat room. / - really? i was invited too. bada said, "saeho's here too." "everyone, say hello to saeho." "saeho, you have to show up this time."

i wrote, "it's embarrassing to say this," "but i am saeho." and it felt as if everyone was looking for the right time to leave the chatroom. nobody answered your greetings. - some greeted me, including eunji. / - i said hello. chiyeul greeted me too. but we didn't know each other. bada provided the opportunity. "this is a chance to become close to each other." "let's have fun together."

and she posted an invitation card. she said she was having a bridal shower with her closest friends. it was going to be casual. - only best friends. / - she invited tens of people. i know a lot more people. celebrities, i mean. and they were the selected ones. they didn't know each other, but you put them in a group. - you become close once you meet. / - right.

we had never met before. at her bridal shower, - i met him for the first time. / - was he there? the three of us were there. - they became close. she was there too. / - was she? - actually, when i got the message, / - yes. i was shocked by all the notifications. there were a few hundred, so i checked them. and there were so many people in that chat room.

- you had never experienced such a thing. / - never. you are not a celebrity yet. is it just because he's not invited to a group chat? she personally messaged me and said it was a "brother party". - a brother party. / - i... - a brother party! / - she's a woman. she's a woman. so i wondered why she'd have a party with men.

(why would a bride have a party with men?) i didn't know what a bridal shower was. you thought she was going to throw a party - with a bunch of male friends. / - yes. - that's a new idea. / - she'd be the only girl. i thought she was going to be like a queen. i had never heard of such a party. that's why you thought it was called a "brother party". - later i found out / - a bridal shower.

that it was called a bridal shower. a bridal shower. you're supposed to wear robes. - is that right? / - yes. there was part one and two that day. i joined part one. i came a little early. - were there two parts? / - yes. when i arrived, the bodyguard stopped me. "what's your business here?"

"i came for bada's bridal shower." "please come this way." - and i was taken to an elevator. / - really? - there was a bodyguard. / - when i went up the doors opened and there were chandeliers. everyone looked like, "why am i here?" (everyone seemed dumbfounded.) they were popping champagne bottles. he's right.

when i asked where bada is, the staff said, "she's not here yet." i can sympathize with you. when i arrived, part two had already begun. i was running late. it was like a high-end - wine bar. / - it was a bar. when i entered, the atmosphere was heavy. i thought, "what's this?"

she said, "have a seat, chiyeul" i sat next to her. when i sat, she asked me to introduce myself. - i had to introduce myself. / - right. "hello. i am chiyeul." it felt like a blind date. he came as soon as he came back from china. - he came straight from the airport. / - i finished my work in china and went straight there. she's a very progressive.

- you mean she's driven. / - that's it. - he said she's progressive. / - progressive. - progressive. / - that's a wrong word choice. she's got leadership. "you must all know each other." "but you might not, so introduce yourselves." - right. / - i didn't want to do it at first, but - i felt much more comfortable afterward. / - right? i heard you didn't recognize bada's husband.

at the time, - i hadn't met him. / - you didn't know him. i rushed to the party after i landed. when i sat down, there was a handsome tall man standing behind me. what do you call them? sommelier. - sommelier. / - i thought he was a sommelier. - you mistook him for a sommelier. / - sommelier. - sommelier. / - okay.

he was standing next to me. since i don't drink, i was about to tell him that i don't drink. and bada said, "sit down, honey." (he turned out to be bada's fiance.) i was surprised. he was really handsome. i almost made a big mistake. - you thought he was a sommelier. / - yes. i almost said, "give me something sweet, please."

but my husband is the type of person who would say - that he'd get you what you want. / - right. - that's him. / - i could've made a huge mistake. - really. / - it's because he's a restaurateur. - that's one reason. / - he's very nice. that party was to make me, the woman he loves the most, the happiest woman. so he would've done anything to please me.

he was the happiest person in that party. - right. / - he listens to her so well. - he sat when she told her to sit. / - it's true. he went away when she told her to go away. - he's very sweet. / - it's true. - he goes away when she tells him to. / - yes. - he listens to her well. / - it's like... - he listens to her very well. / - wait. when she asks for something, he gets it for her.

and he's like her journal. he's like her notebook. - really? / - when she goes, "what was this?" he says, "it's that." - right. / - he always helps me. - she often talks about yogongdan. / - what's that? she's a member. - what is yogongdan? / - what is it? it's a group she founded.

it's like a private organization. it's composed of people from that bridal shower. but only a few people got invited to join it. she filtered people from there. - yes. / - but it was formed before the party. i see. who are the members? there's sandara park, hyoseong, jisook from rainbow, - solbi, / - solbi.

- yeryun... / - there are shoo and eugene. there are many members. some don't know they are part of yogongdan. - right. / - someone still hasn't accepted. her looks were fitting to be a member. - what does the name mean? / - what does it mean? - the purpose was / - depend on each other? - for us girls to have fun. / - right. - that was the purpose. / - what does it stand for?

- "fairy princess group". / - "fairy princess group". "fairy princess group". - yes. / - she... (we are the members of fairy princess group.) when she was inviting me, she said i was continuing their legacy. so i deserved a place in the group. when i met her, she was in her prime.

that's when we sang "no no no". she was in her prime then. she always came and said hello to me. and she really stood out. so i decided to raise her. - did you raise her? / - i decided to. is that why you invited her to yogongdan? yes. i thought i would benefit from her. - you wanted to benefit from her. / - you took her.

i was shocked at first. she's a member of s.e.s., and all the trainees grew up watching - the videos of s.e.s. and fin.k.l. / - right. we once performed together on "dream concert". and we sang "dreams come true" together. i was so nervous when i first met her in her car. she asked me how old i was. i told her my age and introduced myself.

we only met for a while. later that day, i ran into her in the hallway. and she greeted me as if we've known for years. "eunji!" you need a good teamwork to perform well. so i didn't know how to react. - so i said, "hello, bada." / - you did well. - you did well. / - i wasn't bad. - this is what she did. / - you had just met.

- i said, "hello, eunji!" / - and i said, "hello!" - she did well. / - i did that. i was planning on wearing earrings. but she didn't like any of them, and i didn't like any of them either. - she was wearing both. / - right. and she gave me one earring. so we wore one earring each and performed. - right. we did that. / - it felt really strange.

(eunji wore it on the left side.) (bada wore it on the right side.) (eunji's dream came true that day.) by the way, i wondered what "dan" would mean. it means "group". they are fairy scammer group. - that's how he calls it. / - they deceive us. - i think it's not a bad idea. / - that's better. is sebin part of the group too?

i think she needs to join us. - she can be an advisor. / - there are princesses too. there are princesses too. yeryun is a princess in the group. - that's too much. / - if "princess" is too much for you, you can just be "group". because it's "fairy princess group". - you're so bad. / - goodness. that is if "princess" is too much for her.

she will be in charge of promoting the group. bada, can't hyeongyeong join the group? i have to get her. i met her when i just arrived. our members need to walk with elegance. i'll explain our criteria. - first... / - you have such a thing. you have to be a humble celebrity. - i care about the person's character. / - character.

if you are jealous, - you get into a fight. / - right. i only picked the humble and sweet ones. hyeongyeong is not jealous, but she swears. is that okay for a fairy? just don't make her drink. - is that okay? / - she's not jealous. - is it okay if i have bad habits? / - she's... she's got some drinking habits.

- goodness. / - i never expected that. is that okay? it seems like she's hesitating. am i disqualified because i swear? well, if... - am i disqualified? / - is she disqualified? - you can't sweat. / - can't she swear? she looked like a fairy when she was walking. i saw her when she was just coming in.

- did you? / - she walks as if she's on a catwalk. - she walks like a model. / - i saw it. so i thought i should invite her to our group. a lot of celebrities who always go abroad get specially dressed when they go to the airport. but hyeongyeong dresses up for happy together. she walks down the lobby as if it's a catwalk. by the way, chiyeul released another solo album after ten years.

it's amazing. when we were doing "i live alone" together, he always talked about how stressed he was that he didn't have an album. what's important is that you should have a few hits. - right. / - right. i'm modeling for duty-free shops. are you a model? yes.

he's as popular as exo. so? the duty-free brand held a concert one time. lee minho opened the concert. did people go crazy? they went crazy. ji changwook came out next. - changwook. / - changwook.

park haejin was next. then kim soohyun came out. - that's amazing. / - and... you were last. bravo! what did you decide during the concert? i was singing the songs i sang on "i am a singer". i sang the songs i sang during the competition. they were other people's songs.

i wished i could sing my songs. if i sang one of my songs, it would've made it better. let us hear it then. - what's the song title? / - let's hear it. it's titled "a daily song". - "a daily song". / - "a daily song". so i always ask people this. what is the song you always listen to?

- me? / - stop acting like a host. help me once. why wouldn't you help me? "help me once." - please help me once. / - help him once. - i'm trying to help. / - i thought it would be a nice way to start the song. ♪the song that i listen to every day ♪ ♪the song that makes you cry every day ♪

(chiyeul has such a charming voice.) (the echo of his voice numbs our hearts.) (we want to hear "a daily song" every day.) that's how it goes. the highlight of this song is the part "it's like our story". ♪it's like our story ♪ - ♪it's like our story ♪/ - ♪it's like our story ♪ - great. / - you have to look sad.

- ♪it's like our story ♪/ - please teach us. you have to pretend to be sassy. right. teach us again. - so that's how you do it. / - look at that face. (she doesn't mind appearing ugly.) you're so funny. i hope she will join yogongdan. now let's talk about what hardships they went through to get this far.

let's begin with sebin. i heard you never wanted to become an actor. i majored in costume design. my school is in cheongdam-dong. so i used to hang out a lot in apgujeong-dong. - at the time, street casting was popular. / - right. i got some name cards. but i didn't think i had that quality. i never thought i would get name cards.

did they only give it to you when you're with friends? - i think so. / - she was beautiful. i wasn't beautiful, but they gave me the cards. that's when i realized i might be charming. and one day, i went to a mall. - and? / - i was shopping for clothes, and i ran into shin seunghun. it was my first time seeing a celebrity. were you his fan?

i wasn't, but my brother was a big fan. - you weren't his fan. / - you could say you were. but i wasn't. she made it clear that she wasn't. - she's very honest. / - she's honest. this is her charm. she's very precise. you should consider seunghun's feelings. my brother was a big fan, and he wanted an autograph.

so we asked him for an autograph, - and he did it while smiling. / - did he? it was so fascinating, so we followed him for a while. - it was embarrassing to follow a celebrity. / - right. it was embarrassing to watch him shop. right. and it wasn't like you were his fan. - your brother was a fan. / - that's right. so i walked out of the department store. it was may, but it was raining all of a sudden.

- suddenly? / - i just stared at the sky and said, "the universe wants me to see seunghun once more." without thinking much, i just blurted that out. i tried to find him, but i didn't know where he was. when i didn't know what to do, i saw his agent. his agent was actually walking towards me. he asked if i'd like to star in his music video. - he asked that? / - yes.

that's right. it was "love in my own way". - how did you know? / - you knew that. - of course. / - it's a famous song. - no, it's not famous. / - seunghun and i... - there was a dance move like this. / - right. (the girl who got an autograph for her brother) (made her debut through seunghun's music video.) at times like this, i sort of tend to act quite manly. i felt courageous. so i just said i'd like

- to try. / - you didn't think about it? - i accepted it. / - have you thought about the career? i have never thought about this career. getting that business card gave me courage. i think it did make me braver. this was bound to happen since it was her fate. a lot of people try hard and have a lot of auditions, - but they can't succeed. / - that's true. some didn't think of becoming stars, but they did.

- this happens quite often. / - she was fated. i think i got lucky. you were a model, but didn't you shave your head? i was working as a model and got an offer for an ad. - the friends of the main role / - i remember that. shaved their heads in the ad. - i remember that commercial. / - i remember it too. i heard at that time, you were getting to know a guy, but he ran away after seeing your short hair.

- really? / - it was during my college days. we weren't dating yet. - you were getting to know him. / - we were. when i showed up after getting my hair cut, he was flustered. - he must have been surprised. / - yes. you should've asked if he liked your hair, not you. we weren't that serious. he started to avoid me.

i realized later that he didn't like me due to my hair. to be honest, women's hairstyles play a big role. - hairstyles matter. / - right. - but she was so brave. / - i agree. can you shave your head? - no, i wouldn't do that. / - me neither. - i'll do it if the pay is a lot. / - i can't. hold on. that's the right answer.

(she's honest.) bada, i heard your father was so against you becoming a singer. is it true he wanted you to become a nun? - that's true. / - i was so shocked by this. that's what he wanted. i attended a program for becoming a nun for four years. you did? when i was in middle and high school,

- i volunteered at the senior care center. / - i see. why did your father want you to become a nun? he suffered from a disease and was cured. - he endured it with his religious faith. / - i see. i was the youngest and third daughter of his family. he didn't want me to get married and thought becoming a nun was good at that time. i'm glad you didn't become a nun. - your talent would've been wasted.

i bet you would've still ended up on tv as a nun. i agree. - someone would've visited you. / - at least once... i bet she'd have starred on "vj trooper" as an unusual nun. "the nun is known to be a great dancer." the clip would have started with my back first. (she enacts the clip.) are you talking about me?

i bet a show would have contacted you. my mom didn't want me to become a singer either. for a brief period, i wanted to become a detective. - that's so cool. / - it suits you. - it'd have suited you. / - i thought i could be - a singing detective. / - that's so cool. there was a period when i used to have this dream. - it fits you. / - whatever you decided to do, at the end,

we would have met at the tv station. - that's right. / - yes. we would have started our club after that. - that would've happened. / - that's right. sebin, i think even if it didn't rain on that day, - you would've become an actress. / - i agree. eunji, you are preparing to release your album. - apink! / - great! - apink will come back on june 26. / - that's right.

- the whole group will return? / - yes. - it's been a while. / - it's been nine months. - you took too long. / - many people are waiting. a lot of people are waiting for their return. i have a feeling that this album's title track - will be similar to "no no no". / - that's great! - i like it. / - that's my favorite song. this is perfect. eunji, both of your parents worked, so i heard

you and your brother waited for your parents. - he and i are eight years apart. / - that's a big gap. because of our age gap, my parents trusted me and left him in my care. when i come back from school, i'd pick him up from preschool and cook him dinner. - you cook him dinner? / - when he was a baby, - i'd put him on my back and go for a walk. / - really? - i'd use the baby blanket. / - she's nice.

- you were like his mother. / - that's right. so when i walk around my neighborhood, old ladies would say, "a kid is carrying a baby." i agree though. "a kid is carrying a baby." - but that was true though. / - right. by the way, are you two from the same town? we are both from gyeongsang province.

there's only one gyeongsang province. she's from the south side and i'm from the north side. - we speak... / - our dialects are a bit different. - she's right. / - how are they slightly different? what's the difference? - we're curious. / - we... to be honest, it depends on the speaker. - i agree. / - oh, i see. i didn't know that. if i have to compare, my dialect is similar to simon's.

- simon dominic? / - yours is similar to his? for a while, i was the female version of simon. on another channel, we had a debate in our dialects. i said, "you're balding because you are mean." - after i did that, / - this is funny. i became the female version of simon. so my acquaintances called me simon. - chiyeul. / - her dialect is amazing. is yours different from hers?

we know our differences. this is how she says, "it's okay." - it's okay. / - it's okay. "eat a lot." she enunciates her syllables. - i can't tell the difference. / - she does? - that's how she talks, i say it like this. / - right. it's okay. eat a lot. - my dialect sounds cuter. / - yours is smooth.

in a way, i talk smoothly. i see. - mine doesn't sound cute. / - it's different. - on tv, when i say i speak with a dialect, / - right. they ask me to speak with my dialect in a cute way. that puts me in an awkward position. when people hear girls speak with a dialect, - they think it will be cute. / - that's right. - but hers is different. show them. / - my dialect...

- hey. / - this is it. this is how i speak. or i would say, "bro" or something like this. "bro" is an abbreviation of "brother". - really? / - i heard that i thought it meant the food. ladies from the north side sound cute when they speak. they use the dialect most of you know to be cute. how do you talk to your sister?

i want to hear guys with the cute dialect. - their cute dialect? / - we don't have a cute dialect. if we were to try to sound cute, - okay, if you had to... / - if we had to, i'd say, "i picked it up on the way. eat it." (he sounds affectionate.) "i picked it up on the way. eat it." - "i picked it up on the way. eat it." / - he's smooth. - he talks softly. / - he does.

- he's gentle. / - when i say this, - it's fun to hear the lady's reply. / - what is it? i'll show you an example. i picked it up on the way. eat it. you didn't have to buy this. let's split and share. - this is amazing. / - this is what i'm talking about. (she's no joke.) - "let's split and share." / - right. - this is so nice. / - it's great.

your teamwork is perfect too. - i agree. / - he's right. chiyeul, i heard that as soon as you got to seoul, - you lived with newlyweds for six months. / - really? that's when things were progressing. a songwriter i was close to got married at that time. he said he had an empty spare room since they did not have kids and asked me if i wanted to use the room. - you must've felt grateful. / - i did.

- i was thankful. / - it's not an easy thing to do. - exactly. / - it's not easy. - they were newlyweds. / - living with newlyweds... - that's right. / - it wasn't an easy decision to make. i should have thanked them and turned down the offer, - but i needed a place to stay. / - it was a hard time. i was in desperate need and accepted the offer. so then i started living with them. all of us got along well.

it was fine, but at night... (but when it was time to sleep...) when it started to get dark, i sort of got startled easily by small sounds. i was startled by small sounds. - i bet you didn't mean to. / - that was funny. - that's understandable. / - did you feel that - you had to give them privacy? / - i just felt the need to do that.

i got out of the house at night. i stayed at the playground for a while. - you got some fresh air. / - you are well-mannered. even though they didn't hint anything to you... - they have never hinted anything. / - but still. - you felt awkward on your own. / - that's right. they had never done it, but a small sound startled me. (startled) i was surprised.

- you were surprised for nothing. / - even when - he was sleeping, he woke up. / - that's true. why were you startled though? after staying with them for six months, i moved to a roof-top house in sinsu-dong. i moved to that house. chiyeul, you gave your parents a credit card. - goodness. / - you mentioned that. i heard your father did something

with the alerting system of the card. - what did he do? / - oh, that. i gave all of my earnings to my parents. - what a great son. / - i gave them all. i told them to spend the money and not to hesitate. people usually give their parents a credit card. and you'd get messages when they spend money. - you get messages. / - it says where it was spent. - i can look at it and feel proud. / - that's right.

- "my father had his meal." / - that's true. - you're kind. / - "he should've eaten a better meal." i could have smiled proudly and let that go, but i never got any messages. (he never received messages.) i thought - he wouldn't spend it because i earn it. / - i see. - that's right. / - parents don't spend a lot of money. when i checked the statement,

the statement was so long. (he spent a lot of money.) i thought it was odd. - i never got the messages, / - you didn't get them. but there was a statement of transactions. i asked my dad since it was weird. i asked what was going on, and he told me that he deactivated the alerting system. i was like...

he didn't want to think about the messages. - right. / - he was worried about me. he didn't want to burden his son. i bet he didn't want chiyeul to know where he was. we will give the korean pork sets to our four guests who brought us much laughter today. (korean pork sets are presented.) let's teleport with the use of high technology. i'm going to go alone. bye.

(boom) (he succeeded in joining big mouth.) gosh, that startled me. - you should have given a better reaction. / - my gosh. where did you fall from? i have a job before this one. i work two jobs a day. that's right. you are so busy.

only when i'm present from the start to the end will the viewers think, "this is happy together." for goodness' sake. even when you are by yourselves, - the viewers will be flustered. / - that's right. "what is this program? i need to watch happy together." - we need you. / - that's right. this part of the show is funnier, right? - what? / - this part of the show is funnier, right?

the shoot for the first part of the show went well. - really? / - did the shoot go well? - the shoot went well. / - that's impossible. - really? / - the shoot went well. you should pay more attention to this one. this is the second episode - of the legendary big mouth. / - that's right. after the legendary big mouth aired last week, how did people around you react?

i didn't know i would see such an impassioned reaction. i received a lot of criticism for negotiating my appearance fee. however, there was an upside. i looked young. - you looked young. / - in most programs i am in, - i look old. / - you tend to be the older member. that's right. here, i am the second youngest. - you are right. / - thus,

i have the image of a cute man. a cute man? did the negotiation on the appearance fee go well? - please stop talking about it. / - why? people say that i am obsessed with money. (the celebrity who is obsessed with money, soohong) - i said i don't read the comments. / - you read them. i don't read the comments. (soohong claimed that he doesn't read the comments.)

it's no use. - why did you read them? / - my family did. my mom told me not to be so cocky. - i see. / - these days, my mom became a junior entertainer. - she is in a program. / - she is receiving offers for commercials. she turns down most offers and only appears in the public commercials.

- really? / - she is already minding her image. her son is known as the trash. her son is negotiating the appearance fee, but she is acting that way. you should lower the price. - i did. / - really? i did that after the first episode aired. you receive too much for your performance. i renegotiate my appearance fee.

i apologize for my behavior. you are the worst. (soohong is the worst.) that's harsh. you should get paid per episode. that's ridiculous. you can get an envelope of cash after each shoot. that's a good idea. write the chinese character for "well"

to see how many times you made people laugh. you mean the chinese character for "upright". (it's the chinese character for "upright".) the chinese character for "well" has four strokes. (the chinese character for "well" has four strokes.) my goodness. suyong promised to give three big laughs in every episode. the reaction was hot.

the viewers commended me for keeping my promise. "he really made me laugh more than three times." "i look forward to seeing him this week." didn't you write a comment on soohong's article? of course i did. "soohong is the worst." (he always says, "soohong is the worst.") is there anything else? you always say that. - he is the worst. / - why is soohong the worst? i am saving the comments so that i can sue him later.

(stay tuned for part 2.) (suyong is the keyboard warrior.) i can't believe you. (they clap.) why would you write that kind of a comment? suyong doesn't pick on us. he only picks on soohong. that's because soohong is the one with the last word. suyong doesn't pick on me either.

even though i'm much younger, he gets intimidated. why does he only pick on me? that's what i find regretful about suyong. he could have attacked two or three times. - really? / - you need to do that. what should i do? go past calling him the worst. - kick him. / - for goodness' sake. - i should hit him / - don't be ridiculous.

with a stick. is it okay to kick people on tv these days? i'm sure that much is acceptable. (he kicks timidly.) you need to kick hard. (you need to kick properly.) - my goodness. / - he did a good job. - it exuded confidence. / - he was confident. why would you kick so timidly?

- jaeseok. / - kick like this. jaeseok. let's kick each other. - that's the way to go. / - i see. this is the way add energy to the show. - it yields good reaction. / - you are right. - this week, / - insert the vhs. which segment will we have? - the youngest member. / - let's watch.

okay. the youngest member. despite being the youngest, his joints creak. (creaking) i heard the sound. insert the vhs. i would have done it anyway. why would you order me? come on and do it. i would have done it on my own.

the youngest member is cute. (for goodness' sake.) he is 46 years old. (this 46-year-old is much loved.) he is so cute. he wore stripes to look cute. - i want to dig up your outfit. / - that's ridiculous. i want to dig up your outfit. i want to take a hoe

- and pick mugwort. / - would you like some vegetables? - let's have some vegetables. / - i need a hoe. there are all kinds of vegetables in this outfit. - my goodness / - all right. let's take a look. it uses a front-loading method. the vhs is inserted at the front and loaded. which legendary segment will it be? (word relay talk)

- it's "scary word relay". / - "scary word relay". let's start the game. - it was very fun. / - it's anchor lee jiyeon. it was very fun. - kungs kungs kungs / - kungs kungs kungs... - kung kung ttari kung kuna tta. / - hodong and i. (hodong looks young.) - kung kung kung. / - kung kung kung. - story, kung kung tta. / - technician, kung kung tta.

car, kung kung tta. beef brisket, kung kung tta. beef brisket! (beef brisket) does it have to be a three-letter word? "beef brisket" has four letters in korean. being flustered makes you blurt out all sorts of words. - that's the penalty. / - yes. he is being dressed up like a baby.

i get it now. (the penalty crew plays an important role.) that's why i saw a few juniors earlier. they are here as the penalty crew. (a random penalty is fun.) the second segment of the legendary big mouth is a popular segment from "the clash of the mcs" titled "scary word relay". ("scary word relay")

only three-letter words are allowed. three-letter words. "scary word relay" is nice, but i have a problem. last week, we reenacted a show jaeseok was in. we're reenacting only jaeseok's old shows. should we let this slide? - it's discrimination. / - it's discrimination. - you think it's discrimination. / - what do you think? it means that many of my shows were popular.

(take this.) that's the answer. i did an amazing job. - you know, / - what do you think? i will be honest with you. - go on. / - in our group, jaeseok is the youngest member. it's thanks to him that we are gathered here. i want to cast my vote to jaeseok.

(jaeseok, do what you want to do.) he sided with jaeseok. - what is it? / - i knew it. he is the worst. he is a lackey. - a lackey! / - he is a lackey. - i'm jaeseok's lackey. / - you're a lackey. criticize me instead. don't criticize jaeseok. he went through a lot of struggles.

it was through "scary word relay"... get lost. (mischievous) (there are a lot of problems.) my heart feels light. how cooperative! the negotiation must have gone well. he is the master of negotiations. i still don't receive as much as jaeseok. he is not to be trusted.

it looks like we will have a female guest. we prepared a seat for the guest. back then, anchor jiyeon hosted the segment. i think we will have a special mc. it's someone who used to enjoy the segment. please come on out. (dressed in beautiful hanbok) (is bomi of apink) is she a member of exid?

- bomi of apink. / - lovelyz? hello. - we have a female guest. / - who said "lovelyz"? - i think it's him. / - i am a member of apink. - i am sorry. / - she is a member of apink. - every girl groups came up. / - i am sorry. (there is no exit to her charms.) (she is funny in an unexpected way.) (the special mc of the day, bomi of apink)

hello, members of big mouth. (hello, members of big mouth.) you are hosting the segment like a machine. - i am the mc of the day, / - communicate with us. - bomi. / - let's say hello to each other. (stay strong, bomi.) bomi! bomi, what do you remember about "scary word relay" after all these years?

- the penalty. i wondered / - that's right. - which penalty would come next. / - i see. (running over) (there was a comical penalty in every round.) (the charm of a random penalty) - i closely monitored the segment. / - i see. jaeseok's image was very different than my thought. - how was it different? / - how has he changed? back then, he was a bit light-hearted

and flippant. - he was like that. / - he was very flippant. that's right. i think he became more serious now. it's because i mostly host programs these days. when i'm here, - i become very flippant. / - i wish jaeseok would put down his cross and go back to being his flippant self. he can do that here.

- he's the youngest. / - we free you from your burdens. (we free you from all burdens.) you will be reborn as the flippant man. (the return of flippant man) he was incredibly flippant. isn't that kind of an image strange, but fun? - that's right. / - he seemed approachable back then. - that's right. / - he is hard to approach now. - that's right. / - really?

that's right. / - he is hard to approach now. what are your thoughts on suyong? (well...) she is lost. i think he will be pretty easy-going. really? what is he doing? he is allowing her to speak freely. he is...

(you can speak freely.) he has some serious... (he has some serious dark circles.) - he didn't draw them. / - he isn't a baseball player. he still looks cool. - he wiped some of them off. / - they are tattoos. they are tattoos. - what about me? / - what are your thoughts on soohong?

soohong reminds me of a wax club. my image is ruined. - did you get waxed? / - he seems like an athlete. an athlete? i think he seems more like an athlete. - an athlete? / - what about yongman? yongman is very famous. - in what ways? / - everyone knows who he is.

(yongman is so famous that everyone knows who he is.) it makes me think, "how do i know him?" i didn't mean it like that. (her words make him faint.) - you are very famous. / - she made him faint. this is like a scary movie. "he is famous, but how do i know him?" - this is like a scary movie. / - he is famous. "there is no reason for him to be famous."

bomi has a way with words. - she is good. / - she is funny. - she is funny. / - he is famous. she is right. "how do i know him?" everyone knows him. it's like a scary movie. bomi, what are your thoughts on seokjin? - she's funny. / - seokjin...

- you don't remember. / - he is just seokjin. (he is just seokjin.) - my goodness. / - "seokjin" "is just seokjin." - her comments are refreshing. / - she is good. she is good. we like those comments, bomi. - okay. / - that was nice. what she said about yongman was incredible.

"he is very famous," "but how do i know him?" - i took a three-year break. / - that's right. i was more relevant in the past. when people around your age were in school, i was in a lot of programs. i just don't know from which program i know you. that's hilarious. that was great.

are you making a comeback with this program? (are you making a comeback with this program?) (it's a loaded attack.) me? (me?) (am i wrong?) he made a comeback long time ago. her words are like needles. - i'm in programs. / - her words are like needles.

you will find me on tv if you look closely. it has been a while since i was on a major program. it looks like - bomi is a sniper. / - i don't watch tv often. she is brutal. she is yongman killer. you met your match. you broke out in a sweat. - i don't sweat much. / - that's right.

- gosh, i broke out in a sweat. / - she startled me. that was funny. bomi is good at this. she is very good at this. (bomi will continue to show her talent.) i want to ask this question to suyong. have you watched "scary word relay"? - of course i have. i enjoyed it. / - really? the segment made me laugh "irl".

(he used trendy internet language.) - what? / - "irl". you always pretend to be young. he uses the words young people use. - it means "in real life". / - you know it, right? - right. / - these middle-aged men don't know it. it means "in real life". is it similar to "getting bloody irl"? "getting bloody irl"!

that's something entirely different. - really? / - yes. - what does it mean? / - gamers use the expression. it indicates getting in a bloody fight in real life. - it's something similar. / - that's right. it indicates fighting in real life. i won't be able to play games with you. bomi, we will trust you to host the segment well.

- put down the cross. / - be comfortable. i will do that. i have a role to play. what role? the role of being flippant? - i... / - big mouth came together. (bomi makes jaeseok close his mouth.) it doesn't feel good to get cut off. you need to keep your mouth closed. this is...

- this is the legendary segment, / - i must learn. "scary word relay". the guests have come - to join the segment. / - there will be more guests. that's right. shall we invite them in? - please come on in. / - please come on in. (dujun and dongwoon of highlight) (they made a comeback under a different group name.) (the new group with 9 years of experience, highlight)

(dujun and dongwoon) the former beast and the current highlight. we had fun, right? did you watch the opening? yes, we waited a long time. (it's a shocking hello.) - we waited for three hours. / - they said, "we waited a long time." - they are good. / - they aren't kind with their words.

dongwoon has improved a lot. they are honest. - perhaps you came too early. / - they are funny. - it's possible. / - for goodness' sake. i also think you pressured us by coming too early. - we wanted to talk more. / - we were asked to standby. we were asked to standby. - you could have taken a break. / - you annoyed us.

(you could have taken a break.) dongwoon and dujun are with us. - yongman knows them well. / - we are good friends. you are good friends with dujun. we have spent many nights together. - we are very close. / - do you contact him? - yes, i do. / - you met through a program, right? dongwoon used to call me to say hello. i still send you text messages, but you don't reply.

really? i'm sorry. he doesn't recognize people's faces. let's hear bomi's comments. - me? / - stop it. - i will look after her. / - thank you. you can believe in me. take care of yourself. you are in no position to take care of her. in the past,

- highlight had... / - you cut him off. their group name was beast. they struggled emotionally as they became highlight. that's when i went on a trip with dujun and dongwoon. - it was through a program. / - that's right. i have known dujun - ever since his debuted days. / - that's right. - the two of you met then. / - we went to africa and made a well for a program.

- "welcome rain". / - that's right. - you now remember yongman. / - yes. she now remembers yongman. i was in a few programs. you were in many hit programs. "let's play, economy". - "yongman eats rice cake". / - "brain survival". they are all in the past. (they are all in the past.) i'm taking many hits today.

(he took a critical hit.) i'm in tatters. this program is brutal. - yongman is working like a novice. / - that's right. i heard that yongman consulted dongwoon - on your worries. / - really? i wouldn't call them worries. his son is around my age. - that's right. / - his son is thinking about finding a career in music.

that's why he asked me for realistic advice. he was very open with me even though i'm young enough to be his son. yongman's son entered - a nice college. / - berklee college of music. - berklee college of music. / - i was so shocked. - did he enter berklee college of music? / - yes. he entered the college after our talk. how did you get him to spend so much money on tuition?

we didn't talk about college, - but what will come. / - the future. he wants to find a career in music - as a beat maker. / - i see. since he is working in the music industry, i asked dongwoon for his opinion - as a senior artist. / - you asked for his opinion. - he didn't know much. / - i see.

your son is already on a higher level. that's right. however, his words were helpful. "passion alone put me where i am." his words touched my heart. i enjoyed the conversation. we often tell you the same thing, but you don't listen. your words don't stick. they are currently in the music industry. - that's right. / - they are a part of it.

the two of you are presidents of your agency. that's incredible. are all members of highlight co-presidents? yes, all of us are co-presidents. do you have different positions? we have the same position, but different duties. should i call them duties? what duties are there? i'm in charge of financial management.

- he is the influential one. / - that's right. - i wouldn't say that. / - he deals with money. - what about you, dongwoon? / - i develop rookies. - there are no rookies yet. / - develop yourself first. i didn't want to say it. while it's important to develop rookies... - he should develop himself more. / - that's right. it's time for him to develop himself. you are in no position to worry about the others.

he will develop rookies and himself. he is in no position - to train junior artists. / - he should say that he develops himself. developing yourself should come first. the youngest member should act cute. jaeseok... (the youngest member's cute act) (he calls forth the youngest member of big mouth.) - jaeseok. / - i'm curious.

- it has been a while. / - do the dooly dance. - do the dooly dance. / - let's see it. - do the dooly dance. / - come on. - do the dooly dance. / - hurry up. - do the grasshopper dance. / - don't ruin the mood. jaeseok is treated so poorly on this show. (jaeseok is treated so poorly on this show.) - you are doing your best today. / - come on. do it. - show us the dance. / - i'm the youngest here.

show us the dooly dance. (they are looking forward to it.) - you are so cute. / - that was really cute. - looking that way / - looking that way you are so cute. (he tries his best.) - that was really cute. / - hey, kid. go there and dance. dance in the middle. - sit down. / - do the grasshopper dance.

- let's see it. / - come on. - do the grasshopper dance. / - tell this to no one. - in one, two, three, four. / - here we go. - grasshopper. / - grasshopper. our jaeseok is cute. - you're so good. / - there you go. - you were excellent. / - goodness. what a cutie. i should have prepared some allowance for him.

that's right. let's give him some money. i ought to give you some pocket money. jaeseok, how old is your son? - he's eight years old. / - oh, he is? i don't even have a son. you're the only bachelor in big mouth. all of us are married, but you... the girl... bomi, you are getting ready to move on.

bomi, i think you are good at hosting a show. - i feel relaxed now. / - i see. - i see. / - i can see that on your face. at which point did you start to feel relaxed? - is it when yongman talked? / - if soohong stops paying attention to me, i would feel more relaxed. (you ought to) (listen to the whole story.)

you make me feel uncomfortable. - that was a good one. / - she feels uneasy. - bomi. / - i'm grateful, but... don't make her feel pressured. - don't make her feel uneasy. / - don't do that. she feels pressured. - you put a lot of pressures on her. / - that's right. - now, i'm at ease. / - i got it. dujun, tell us about names on water bottles.

we get a lot of leftover water. - water that we don't finish drinking. / - i see. singers and the staff write names on the bottles. - on the caps? / - to get a new one, we must finish it. we end up throwing it out after drinking some. - we throw it out. / - we must drink it during - we ought to. / - the show since this is how we will be able to pay soohong's fee. (this is to pay soohong's high rate.)

- is that it? / - we were supposed to drink this? i'll put it in my shirt and continue. why don't you hang this next to my face? to pay soohong's fee, - what is this? it's tasty. / - i - have to drink it. / - really? if we do everything for him... this is my first time feeling sorry during the shoot. - it's all because of me. / - it's fine. it's funny.

- it's because of him. / - gosh, we sure do talk a lot. (he's the only one drinking.) suyong, stop drinking, you don't have to drink a lot. we should constantly expose the product. what? expose what? it might bring negative effects. - the company might not want it. / - that's right. bomi, dujun, and dongwoon should drink more.

- you guys should drink more. / - i got it. why don't you have a sip? drink it up. - it's enough. / - all right. we are going to start "scary word relay". before that, you'll play a game to pick your outfits. there's another game before playing "scary word relay"? depending on the result of the game, your outfit - and status will be determined. / - this is too much. the winner of the game will wear a king's outfit.

the loser will wear a eunuch's outfit. a eunuch's outfit? we'll play the game highlight enjoys playing. - which games do you play? / - which games do you play? we play "mafia". - mafia? / - i see. that game takes time. - let's play that. / - i think it'll be fun. - it's the best game. / - i agree.

it really is the best game. (it was peaceful here before.) (they began to suspect each other.) (the one who talks the most is the culprit.) (the problem is) (everyone is talkative.) (chatty) (what is the clue that points out the culprit?) (the game of mafia begins now.)

there are two mafias? - the host will pick two mafias. / - bomi will do it. - she will choose them. after that... / - i see. when you lower your heads, i will pick two mafias. i will tell them to open their eyes, so they can check - who the other one is. / - they'll raise heads. you have to figure out who the mafias are and - eliminate them. / - we'll choose whom we'll kill? - that's right. / - i got it.

- since it's night, close your eyes. / - all right. - put your heads down. / - then close your eyes. - should we tap the floor? / - let's play a fair game. - if we tap the floor, it's better. / - like this? - we can't look, right? / - we may hear clothes moving. - you are sharp. / - you are good. - you are sharp. / - dujun. we should play it fair. please close your eyes.

(bomi sets out.) i'll scold you if you open your eyes. someone isn't using both hands. will you tap the head, bomi? where will you tap? (who are the selected mafias?) now, the morning has broken. - goodness, it's morning. / - gosh. - i slept well. / - oh, my. (everyone is into playing the role.)

- goodness. / - seokjin looks very awkward. - he's awkward. / - he's acting odd all of a sudden. - that's what i think. / - i've played this before. whoever talks a lot gets caught. exactly. you talk a lot. i'm trying to figure out. i don't want to talk a lot. - i'm a citizen. / - you are talking the most. he's so awkward. everyone, can you listen to my side of the story?

mafias point someone out to avoid attention. - dujun just pointed me out. / - i'm the mafia? - since he pointed me out... / - yes, i'm the mafia. (what is he talking about now?) - what? / - i'm the mafia. - what do we do? / - it's confusing if he does that. - why did he say that? / - what do we do? i'm the mafia if you believe that i'm. - i'm a citizen if you think i'm. / - now, look.

(he's the expert in the game of mafia.) - think carefully. he pointed me out. / - i'm puzzled. i was just sitting. this implies that since he's the mafia, - he must peg someone else. / - you said earlier. whoever talks the most is the mafia. you talked the most. - doesn't he talk a lot? / - he does. would you want to put seokjin on the scaffold?

- look at him! / - i want seokjin... - look at him! / - let's put him on the scaffold. everyone, look what just happened. he's the first one to bring up... - that sounded quite urgent. / - no. - it's because i'm a citizen. / - are you in a hurry? - to be honest... / - a citizen will get hurt. (his noise level has exceeded the limit.) - it's 1 of these 2. / - i think 1 of them is a mafia.

- dujun... / - soohong isn't talking at all. - he stopped talking. / - he's not talking. you said i shouldn't talk. i'm scared of the mafias. but you are not talking at all. - are you the mafia? / - you're scared of the mafias. - then you are the mafia. / - no, i'm scared of mafias. you are a mafia because you said he's a mafia. you look suspicious too. - you are acting weird too. / - everyone is strange.

- are you the mafia? / - what? the mafias are doing a very good job. - really? / - they are doing well? they are stirring up the people. they are either stirring us up or doing nothing. let me give you my analysis. i bet she picked one of the two since they are idol singers just like her. - i agree with that. / - that is possible.

she probably picked the one whom she's closest to and the one who can turn this into a funny segment. i think one of the mafias has to be either dujun or jaeseok. (are they the mafias?) - you are wise. / - i agree too. - i think soohong is the one. / - dujun... (he thinks outside of the box.) - i'm not the mafia. / - why do you think so?

- suyong. / - he's pegging other people as mafias. - he can't say he's a mafia. / - i swear i'm not it. i'm serious. (what is this signal?) what on earth is this? - what was that? / - what is it? - what is it? / - you can skin my head if i'm the mafia. are you a native american?

no, i got it waxed. i swear that i'm not the mafia. i mean it. - i've never played this. / - i'll do it too. that's not it. - hey. / - i'll do it too. (everyone is doing the signal.) - i'm serious. / - i can do it too. all right. (he plays a strong move for no reason.)

it's likely the first one pegged as a mafia is - a real mafia. / - who was pegged as a mafia at first? - no, it's not that. / - it was seokjin. someone who pointed someone else is the real mafia. - it's you. / - okay then. - let's eliminate him. / - let's try dujun first. let's discuss it among ourselves. it's either dujun or seokjin. - i vote for dujun. / - it's one of the two.

- it's one of them, right? / - look at that. - yes. / - let's put them on the scaffold one by one. both of you can deliver your last argument. - please do so. / - i'll give you time. - seokjin, you're up first. / - she's good. we are moving fast. - my last game... / - don't you think it'd be better if we wrap up here instead playing "scary word relay"? this is fun.

the mafia is the first person who points someone else as a mafia and the person who targets others. that's the mafia. i'm 100 percent certain it's dujun. - ten seconds. / - don't eliminate an innocent citizen. you said the one who talks most is the mafia. - no, i'm an innocent citizen. / - ten seconds. - your time is up. / - that was for my last argument. - dujun, you're up. / - you can eliminate me.

what? goodness. - you'll lose a citizen. / - it'll be bad for citizens. - you will be at a disadvantage. / - i don't like his confidence. - why? / - then we have no choice. he's too confident. dongwoon, you've seen him up close and how he acts. - i... / - from your observations, tell us. - you're not it? / - either he's a citizen or a mafia,

he likes to drive people into a corner. - what? / - he does? he likes doing that. - i'm 100 percent sure he's the mafia. / - really? then let's eliminate seokjin first. - let's kill him first. / - yes. - he said he's 100 percent certain. / - right. - this is crazy. / - either it's you or him. the first decision is really important.

it's important for the mafias. - i'm not a mafia. / - isn't it important, seokjin? are you really not the mafia? - no, i'm not. / - you are not the mafia? - i'm not the mafia. / - look me in the eyes. (look me in the eyes.) (can you not see the truth?) - he's the mafia. / - i think he might be one. what was that?

- i got a hunch. / - this... - he's the mafia. / - this is driving me crazy. why do you accuse me of being the mafia, dumb citizens? - did you call us dumb? / - do you want to die? you said that because of this, right? - aren't i right? / - you, dumb citizens. fine. you can eliminate me. if i'm the citizen, eliminate dujun next. - if he's a citizen, / - fine. we'll do that.

- then kill me. / - let's go. - in one, two, three. / - to kill or let him live? no. - everyone voted to kill him. / - all right. - first of all... / - we killed one mafia. the night has come. please lower your heads. - it's night again. / - goodness. (was seokjin) (really the mafia?)

- an innocent citizen has been killed. / - what? (seokjin was an innocent citizen.) - you can't open your eyes. / - i can open mine, right? - what's up with you? / - what? he wasn't the mafia? two mafias, please open your eyes. (the first suspect, dujun who confused other players) i'm 100 percent sure he's the mafia. (the second suspect, jaeseok who slyly stirred them up) - that was sudden. / - everyone is strange.

(the third suspect, soohong who got overly defensive) what is that? (or could it be someone from the third party?) two mafias, please open your eyes. (who could be the mafias?) two mafias, please stand up and open your eyes. i think we can hear them if they get up. - are you the mafia? / - just lift your head up.

oh, right. (the mafias are) (yongman and jaeseok.) (chapter zero. the birth of the mafias) - you'll be in trouble if you open your eyes. / - who? (bomi selected the two mafias.) (the mafias attacked seokjin off his guard.) - i'm not. / - you seem so awkward. (they manipulated the others' thoughts.)

(they concluded that dujun or seokjin is the mafia.) let's go for seokjin. i'm 100 percent sure that seokjin is the mafia. (yongman pretended to listen to him carefully.) (they officially announced their first target.) - he's 100 percent sure. / - that's right. (they succeeded in making seokjin a mafia.) also, please choose one citizen you would like to kill. (every night, the mafias can eliminate one citizen.)

(the mafias chose) (dujun.) the morning has broken. (chapter three. kill to survive) - i heard it. / - it's so fun now that i'm dead. (he looks cheerful.) something happened at night. - who died? / - another citizen has been killed. - who died? / - i told you so.

- it's dujun. / - why was i killed? you have been killed. - they can kill a citizen at night. / - you too? we were on the same team. i'm sorry, seokjin. why was he... - dujun. why aren't you the mafia? / - why... - he seemed suspicious. / - why did you keep giggling? - sorry? / - when we were lowering our heads. (why did he laugh when she announced the result?)

it was funny that seokjin wasn't the mafia. - he looked like the mafia. / - exactly. - i said i wasn't. / - i heard someone sitting on my left side raising his hand. - someone didn't tap the floor. / - everyone. (he heard someone raising his hand?) (you heard the sound?) when jaeseok was talking, i heard his voice down here,

but then i heard clothes rustling on my left side. one of them is definitely the mafia. (will the mafias) (be caught like this?) believe me. i'm sure of it. (he's shaking in excitement.) - you're the mafia. / - no, i'm not. (he's disappointed.)

i'm not the mafia. - i heard the rustling sound. / - from my experience, those who talk much and suspect someone are the mafias. - i'm sure i heard it on my left side. / - right? i clearly heard someone raising his hand. - he heard something suspicious. / - i heard the sound. - the rustling sound. / - take a listen. - listen and see if it's one of us. / - okay. jaeseok, raise your hand.

- like this? / - what are you doing? i said to raise your arm. - how? / - to point at dujun, you needed to lift your arm and point him like this. i heard you moving like this. do it like this. - i see. / - i'm just asking you to pretend. (i see what you're doing.) - is jaeseok the mafia? / - move your arm like this. - come on. / - okay.

like this? why did you lift your arm so carefully? yongman, you do it. - i don't agree with him. / - unlike you, he hesitated. - he kept talking while lifting his arm. / - soohong. - i really heard the noise. / - he's loyal. - how does it feel to frame him? / - that's not it. how does it feel to frame him? dongwoon, who do you think is the mafia?

- i think... / - i didn't raise my hand. this is the situation we're in. - it's over if another citizen dies. / - that's right. - we should be wise. / - only one more citizen. we should peg the most suspicious person. who do you think is the most suspicious? - i'll be quiet. / - soohong. - soohong. / - he's acting weirdly. i think soohong is suspicious too.

the mafias are doing really well now. i think it's dongwoon. she said the mafias are doing well. it's one of them. it's either jaeseok or dongwoon. please. shall we let them give their last argument? - okay. / - i want to go for soohong. - i'm not the mafia. / - i shouldn't be pointed out. - see? he's suspecting me. / - who do you think it is? - it's you. / - i think it's soohong.

(it's a good chance to manipulate the opinions.) - soohong. / - it's you. - i'm not the mafia. / - i mean it. - i've never played this game before. / - one of them. this is my first time, and i'm not that smart. two votes for soohong. - i'm not that smart. / - you talk so much. i'll give my last argument. - go ahead. / - hear me out.

- try to convince us. / - right. i can give up my appearance fee if i'm the mafia. i'm not the mafia. if this is... you negotiate every week. (i don't trust you.) no, i can't trust you. maybe this week's pay is low, - and he'll be paid double next week. / - try again. if i'm the mafia, i won't appear on kbs.

- kbs? / - yes, that's how confident i am. you can come back two weeks later. - exactly. / - you can just take a break for one week. - you're good at overturning your decision. / - right. suyong, believe me. i'm not the one. please trust me just this once. just this once. - i think he's the one. / - please trust me. jaeseok, it's not me.

please put your thumb down if you want to kill him. - in one, two / - please. just this once. - and three! / - don't listen to the mafias. (what will happen to him?) see? they are the mafias. see? i said these two are the mafias. how dare you! - it's a tie? / - you thought i wouldn't know, right? - what happens now? / - i heard the noise.

what happens when it's a tie? - the person gets killed. / - he's been killed. if he gets killed when it's a tie, i'll just kill him. (if that's the rule, i'll kill him.) (the mafia teases him to the end.) - he'll get killed anyway. / - that's right. - you'll get killed anyway. / - right. - the night has come. / - gosh. - the night has come. / - it's night.

an innocent citizen has been killed. - oh, my. / - i can't believe this. - how could you? / - the morning has broken. - why didn't you believe me? / - i tried to save you. - i tried to save you. / - you didn't believe me. - it's over. / - the mafias win. - the mafias are... / - you're the mafia, right? (it's time to be surprised.) you're the mafias, right?

yongman and jaeseok. it was yongman? (the mafias win.) i have goosebumps. (he has goosebumps.) dujun, you and i jumped to a conclusion. - they fooled me. / - when you play mafia... i told you that i heard the noise. - i had this feeling. / - how did you hear that?

(soohong's power of attention is amazing.) let's play another round. it's so fun. mafias, choose two citizens to wear eunuch's outfit. - can we choose them? / - do we get to choose them? - yes. / - two citizens? the outfit is in a similar color to his jacket. i'll choose seokjin. seokjin? i think one of the guests should wear it. - that's right. / - oh, no.

i choose dongwoon. (dongwoon is the second eunuch.) - look at his face. / - dongwoon, you'll look great. dongwoon will wear it. - this is the repair service. / - that's right. ("i'm sorry, my friend") (after the 500th episode special...) (am i going to become a star?) (that's nonsense.)

(hear the stories they couldn't tell last time.) that's nonsense! (he lets go of his resentment.) (the highlight will begin.) sunset! (i don't care as long as i can survive.) (it's not me.) start the torture! ("2017 scary word relay" with big mouth)

it's not me! (it will be even funnier.) (stay tuned for next week's episode.) - i said it's not me. / - what was that? (don't miss "scary word relay" with big mouth.) ("a daily song" by hwang chiyeul)

happy to be together on happy together! - happy together! / - happy together! - hello. / - hello. - hi. / - it feels like i haven't seen you in a while. - i heard a rumor, by the way. / - what is it?

the Thai royal family

the Thai royal family, rumor has it jaeseok is in my position when recording with big mouth. - he's the youngest member. / - i'm in your position. - you're the youngest member? / - they never change.

they make me do everything for them. - everything. / - in fact, - i read the viewers' comments. / - yes. they said you seem so comfortable and happy with them. i'm happy when i record with you as well. - is it big mouth or us? / - sorry? - we're on the same team. / - why would you say that? it's time for you to make a choice. - jaeseok. / - we feel so uncomfortable.

jaeseok, what is your choice? bell of truth, show us the truth! that's a quote from an old variety show. - everyone, please don't think / - now... - they are your competition. / - okay. we should create a win-win situation. - however, / - we should help each other. our scripts got much thinner. - we get much less air time. / - it used to be

- three times thicker than this. / - you know... - this is normal. / - is that right? - this is normal. / - i see. our script used to be this thick, right? (their scripts were heavy.) - as big mouth hosts the second half, / - right. it became thinner. how nice. - they have half of it now. / - that's right. many people say that it's a good mix of old and new.

- good. / - that's right. - let's do our best / - we're the new. to bring back - let's work together. / - the golden days of our show. people often talk about the golden days of their lives. today, we're going to meet with great stars who are in their golden days. - please come out! / - golden days! - hello. / - hi, sebin.

- hello. / - hi, eunji, bada, and chiyeul. our first guest made her comeback through "first love again". the icon of innocent girl, myung sebin! (sebin, the icon of innocent girl) - she hasn't aged. / - exactly. - i think we've never met before. / - right. - i think so too. / - right? - i didn't appear on variety shows. / - exactly.

i've never met anyone here except for bada. -you've never appeared on / - i think i've met you. - maybe i forgot. / - any variety show before, right? - almost none. / - have you appeared on a variety show? yes, i have, but only when i was a newcomer. so i'm very nervous right now. - besides, i tend to / - she admits it. make the atmosphere calm. - you already calmed us all down. / - right.

(she already ruined the excitement.) we said, "yes! sebin is here!" - now we're all so calm. / - exactly. i tend to tone down mood. - it doesn't feel that way though. / - is that so? - i was distracted for a while. / - she makes us focus. - it feels rather calm. / - "what did i do yesterday?" therefore, i'm very nervous, but i'll do my best. that's great. sebin!

he had only 30 dollars in his bank account. he became a korean wave star from a vocal trainer. the man of passion, hwang chiyeul! - hello, everyone. / - welcome. chiyeul! he really is the man of passion. - that's right. he's a korean wave star. / - right. the great singer came back as a newlywed wife. even after she got married...

- ♪i'm so mad ♪/ - ♪i'm so mad ♪ - bada! / - bada! she's a good actress and a rising star of spring songs. - the multi-talented member of apink, / - look here. jeong eunji! (eunji, the multi-talented member of apink) you know... - eunji, when you smile, / - yes? more of your teeth show than before.

i think it's because i lost some weight. - her big smile showing teeth / - right. - is what makes her charming. / - she's charming. - we can even see your back teeth. / - exactly. - gosh. / - i hear i look like i'm wearing a mouth gag. - a mouth gag? / - i get that a lot. your mouth looks bigger because you lost weight? that's right. i think i shouldn't lose weight. your smile became even bigger.

- i can even see your back teeth. / - exactly. - thank you. / - you can make your gum fat. - pardon? / - just her gum. - make her gum fat? / - really? - i'll tell you later. / - is that possible? - i'll tell you. / - we'll finish late because of bada. brace yourselves, everyone. it's better than being boring while talking a lot. gosh.

bada, we would like to hear about your marriage today. - i'll tell you later. be patient. / - i'm so curious. - i'll tell you. / - she's dealing with three people. she's amazing. - bring it on. / - i didn't know i was boring. i got orders from higher-ups. - you did? / - from the chief executives? - i have to be funny today. i'm sorry. / - i see. bada and sebin are sitting together.

they are completely different. - sebin is calm. / - she's calm. bada is... i'm not sure if this is appropriate, - but she tends to act up. / - i'll refrain myself. - no, please be yourself. / - okay. - that makes you charming. / - speaking of which, sebin came on a variety show after a long time. are you older than hyunmoo? - really? / - is that true?

- please tell us the truth. / - yes, i am. - really? / - i was born in 1975. - you were born in 1975? / - yes. you're 43 years old? - i don't want to answer that. / - that's unnecessary. - it was a necessary question. / - it wasn't. - sebin looks angry. / - why would you be angry? - still... / - she sat up straight. - she almost ran out. / - that's right.

how do you keep yourself looking young? - i don't do much. / - i see. i just keep a strict diet. please tell us about it. i go to an oriental medical clinic. - i see. / - she goes to an oriental medical clinic. - it helps you adjust your diet naturally. / - i see. the doctor tells me what food is good for my health. - according to your body constitution? / - exactly.

- that's what i do. / - to decrease your appetite too. suzy is every man's first love these days, - but it was sebin in my days. / - that's right. (sebin was every man's first love in the past.) - sebin looks very feminine and innocent. / - exactly. - she was one of a kind. / - that's right. chiyeul and i are the same age. - sebin was really popular. / - that's right. - "purity". / - "purity".

- she looked innocent. / - indeed. - that's right. / - that's right. - when i was young... / - i know. sebin looked... how should i say it? she looked very neat and... she looked cheery and feminine - at the same time. / - she looked innocent. when i was young, while watching her on tv, i thought, "i'm sure she never washes up."

i thought she wouldn't need to wash up to stay clean. she's a type of woman that other women hate. - why? / - women feel envious when they see an innocent-looking woman. she was the icon of first love - because her dramas "purity", "paper crane", / - yes. - "into the sun", / - "paper crane". and "the woman who wants to marry"... all of her dramas became a big hit.

korea was going through a financial crisis back then. so people preferred an innocent image - to a luxurious image. / - that's right. - i think i was lucky. / - i see. - really? / - how are you in real life? in your dramas, you had the innocent image - as chiyeul said. / - she looks fragile. how are you in real life? i'm not like that in real life.

people think i would be feminine and shy, - but / - that's how you appear to be. they realize how boyish and quick-tempered i am later. - you're quick-tempered? / - especially when driving, i become short-tempered. when you drive a car, - your personality shows. / - i don't swear, - but i behave tough. / - do you cut in front of a car? - excuse me. / - do you honk your horn?

- and this? / - do you turn on the high beam? - like this. / - high beam? you turn on your high beam. (she's embarrassed.) - like this? / - this is how men do. do you behave in a rude way when driving? i feel like i should win when changing lanes. - you're like a racer. / - right. - i change lanes and move fast. / - that's unexpected.

- exactly. / - likewise, i act like a man sometimes. she looks like she would yield to everyone. "go ahead." - exactly. / - you look like you're the opposite. - i'm not. / - when someone honks the horn... when someone ruins the flow of driving, - i get angry. / - i see. - i'm quick-tempered. / - you're quite impatient. - i'm impatient. / - does cutting in front of you or driving slowly in front of you make you angrier?

driving slowly makes me angrier. - she really is impatient. / - you're that type. - i let the car cut in front of me, / - so it's okay? so i'm to blame. this is an old story. i don't drive like that now, but i went through puberty in my early 20s. - puberty came late. / - before he became successful. - i'm curious. / - things weren't going well for me. - he drove elantra. / - you even know the car name?

- elantra. / - it was my first car. i was overly confident back then. the car in front of me was driving slowly. - i turned on my high beam. / - you did this. - you can say it now. / - it was my dad. it was my dad. (oh, my goodness.) - gosh. / - really? - you did it to your dad? / - it was my dad.

didn't you recognize your dad's car? it was too dark. - you couldn't see it clearly. / - that's possible. - i didn't know. / - if it's too bright, - it's hard to see the plate. / - i couldn't see it. (why is that car going toward my house?) the car kept going toward my house. i couldn't believe it. - you tried to light his way. / - i was...

- your dad was in your way. / - i was so surprised. as we said, even we don't have a chance to see sebin often even though we're working - in the same industry. / - that's true. - she remained mysterious unintentionally. / - right. - it wasn't intentional. / - i know. - it was because i'm not funny. / - she's good. - i agree. / - am i doing well?

- yes, you are. / - you're doing great. - you sound like an announcer. / - thank you. i think she might become more confident after this, and dance on another variety show. aren't we doing that today? - she's a good dancer. / - we're not doing it today. - we should do it. / - that's a shame. - not today. / - let's move on to bada. she got married not long ago.

(bada is the last member of s.e.s to get married.) - how long has it been? / - it hasn't been so long. it's been about three months. actually, i met bada's husband a few days ago. - how? / - we had a meal together. - he's famous for his handsome face. / - he's handsome. i think he looks the same as a celebrity. - who? / - minhyuk of cnblue. - he looks the same as minhyuk. / - is that right?

- you agreed with me. / - he does. - he looks like minhyuk. / - he does. - he's very tall too. / - he's tall. both of them look beautiful. - they look great together. / - bada must have tried not to let him go. right? he's nine years younger than you, right? - who is? / - her husband is. - yes, he is. / - he's nine years younger than you?

- yes. / - i was - very happy for the two of them. / - that's right. did his parents disapprove of you because of your age? how did they react? when they watched me on tv, they probably liked my public image. my parents-in-law liked me so much. it was hard for me to decide whether i should date him or not, but then,

i went to busan for my concert. my uncle came to my concert. all of a sudden, he said that i have my career and i'm quite old, so i should date a guy who is 10 years younger than me. he told me that so suddenly. all the other relatives thought that he was joking. however, my husband had already confessed his love.

- that's interesting. / - exactly. - it sounds like destiny. / - i was confused. i wondered why he said that. he must've had a feeling. when i asked him about that after the wedding, he even said he couldn't remember what he had said. maybe you asked him to say that. (she wanted him to help to convince the relatives?)

she asked her uncle a favor. - that's possible. / - let me think about it. - did i do that? / - that's possible. did i do that? i don't think so. - it's weird. / - your uncle can't remember that. it sounds like a movie. it doesn't feel realistic. - he's right. / - exactly. i wonder how your group members reacted. before they met him, i told them his age.

both of them were worried and surprised. after they met my husband in person, they seemed relieved. - she always said / - yes? that her husband acts like an old man. when i talked with him, it felt like he was older than me. - really? / - yes, he was calm...

how should i say? he loves bada so much. that's the most important thing. - the fact that he loves her is important. / - right. what does he call you? your real name? - he calls her by her real name. / - me? when we're alone, he calls me baby. (screaming) you startled me. - i got startled too. / - it's not...

- did someone step on your foot? / - what happened? i think i stepped on her foot. - she startled me. / - goodness. - i didn't expect that answer. / - who calls who baby? - my husband calls me baby. / - i see. - he calls you that? / - what do you call him? - what do i call him? / - yes. i call him grandpa. why do you call him grandpa?

only those who have met him would understand it. - that's right. / - i know what it means. he acts like an old man sometimes. - still... / - he's a nice guy. sometimes he sounds like he's advising his students. - does he advise others? / - that's interesting. he sounds like a school teacher sometimes. he doesn't talk like people around his age. - i like the way he talks. / - you're a cute couple.

- that's great considering his age. / - right. what does he do for a living? he's running a restaurant. - he's in the food industry. / - yes, he is. as he's young, he runs his business boldly. he asked her out for one year. - really? / - bada told me that all the time. - he didn't believe me. / - i asked her husband,

and he said it's true she refused him for a year. - his true heart probably changed her mind. / - yes. - please tell us your story. / - that's amazing. why didn't you accept his love, bada? - you tried to make a pun, right? / - gosh. yes, he did. if you think that i did, you got me. most of all, nine years was too big of an age gap. in my whole career,

i maintained good work ethics. work ethics? what does it have to do with work ethics? i have nothing to do with work ethics. if you did, why did you sing, "i'm so mad"? - that song is about passion. / - i see. - i followed rules. / - she has swag. i never cross the street on a red light. you felt uncomfortable about it, right?

yes. nine years felt too big of an age gap. i refused him when he first asked me out. - did you really do that? / - yes, she did. - of course, i did. / - you just heard her. as a member of s.e.s, i have a public image as everyone's sister, everyone's friend later, and everyone's daughter now. you know that, right? - did you say you were called / - we've heard

- everyone's friend? / - the fairy of korea. - i had that nickname. / - i'm not sure about that. - everyone's friend? / - everyone's friend. the expression "eardrum girlfriend" was used first - because of me. / - "eardrum girlfriend"? - i've heard ear girlfriend. / - that was my nickname. - i've never heard of it. / - it's ear girlfriend. - so... / - okay. after i refused him...

i haven't told this before. i think i can say it here as it's a show for families. - sure. / - jaeseok is a host that everyone likes. i'll tell you as this is a show that everyone likes. after i refused him, i started dating another man. (she drops a bomb.) - i did it because... / - oh, my. - my husband is a really good catch. / - that's right.

i liked everything about him except for his age. - right. / - so i was afraid i might fall in love with him. - you did it on purpose. / - she pushed him away. there was a guy i liked other than my husband. unlike my husband, age was not the problem. - the second choice? / - no. maybe she had a list of guys. (why would you explain it hard?)

- maybe she had a list of guys. / - i didn't. - she must've had a list. / - that's not true. - it wasn't like that. / - there must have been - the third choice too. / - there wasn't. - that was all. / - it seems like... - you chose between them. / - were you two-timing them? - no, i wasn't. / - i have a question. what are you doing? i don't understand why she just said that.

- i said it's not true. / - what are you doing now? - she had another man... / - you might... my point is i refused him when he asked me out. so i was single. - right? / - yes, you were. at that time, someone else older than me - asked me out. / - he asked you out. i decided to go out with him.

later, i realized something about him. for example, he asked me to sing songs in a different genre. - what genre? / - his family was conservative. - oh, my. / - so he suggested genres like operatic pop. - classical music? / - he asked me if i can do that. - i guess it was hard / - she's a musical actor too. - i perform in musicals too. / - for his family

to accept your song "mad", right? i guess so. - are you taken aback? / - the song wasn't acceptable. "remake that song in the operatic pop style." - it wasn't acceptable for them. / - it'd be okay if i sing it in operatic pop style like this. (if you want to sing, sing operatic pop songs.) - it would be acceptable. / - that sounds good. - so it wasn't acceptable for them. / - that's amazing.

i told him that there's nothing i can't do. i said it's possible, - "there's nothing i can't do." / - but it felt like - she's so cool. / - i had to remove myself. if he didn't accept me as i am, and i had to change to date him, i thought it could be just the beginning. - it could've been worse. / - that's right. right then,

i wondered if there's anyone who would love me as i am. my husband came across my mind. - number one? / - yes. - number one. / - your first choice. - he was number one. / - oh, right. she dumped the second choice. there must have been many guys' names she crossed off her list. "she crossed their names off."

- like the "death note". / - you thought of him. - did you call him? / - when i wanted to call him, - he called me. / - oh, my. - they were meant to be. / - he called me when i thought i would reconsider my decision. i pretended that i didn't want him. - oh, no. / - i said, "i told you to forget me." i said that. it's because...

please keep it down. - stop stepping on her foot. / - i'm sorry. i'm sorry. it feels like i'm watching a drama. according to an ancient book, - an ancient book. / - an ancient book? if a girl clings to a guy, he would never come to her, and would leave her eventually. my husband is tall and handsome,

so i thought he was experienced. - a playboy. / - i see. her husband is really handsome. - we saw his photo before. / - he's tall too. - i think... / - i mean it. he's not that handsome. he's good-looking for a non-celebrity. he's not as handsome as a celebrity. we're celebrities, but we're ugly.

- not all celebrities are handsome. / - all of us - are ugly. / - still, we're celebrities. - look at saeho. / - what do you think of me? all of us here are ugly. - you guys are not ugly. / - most celebrities... - you guys are not ugly. / - you're not ugly. - they don't look that ugly. / - that's right. of course, i'm the most handsome among us. - it's true. / - i look better than you.

- that's ridiculous. / - i'm sm entertainment style. - no, you're not. / - you're antenna style. - they are so funny. / - take your glasses off. - take your glasses off. / - come on. - stop it. / - it's even funnier that you guys compete. exactly. we compete against each other. before i got married, i pushed my husband away many times.

that's because i was in the perfect age for marriage. however, my husband is nine years younger than me, so it wouldn't hurt him much even if we break up. - for me, it was a precious time. / - right. every single day was precious. every woman in korea at my age... who is single would understand me. when a woman turns 36 or 37,

and a nine-year younger man her asks her out, it's not easy to decide to go out with him. it could be a waste of her time. so i told myself to cut him out of my life completely. i felt like i was enchanted by a spell. i thought it wasn't right. i decided to end it even if i would be single forever. i told myself to end things with him. when i was younger,

a man from the thai royal family proposed to me once. - royal family? / - yes, i have that experience. i once dated a guy who owns a helicopter too. - a helicopter? / - yes. i've never heard of anyone dating a man like that. - goodness. / - he had nothing else but a helicopter? he presses the button and the helicopter doors open. - he had his own helicopter. / - it's a true story.

- he must be very rich. / - the prince of thailand... i went to phi phi islands to film as s.e.s member. - it's a famous place. / - we filmed our music video. on a boat, we filmed the music video of "just in love". - it goes like this. i will give you / - right. i looked the prettiest and the most refreshing. that's when i was called a fairy. when we were shooting on the yacht, an even bigger yacht appeared

in the distance. i wondered who it was. they knew we were shooting, but they didn't care and approached our yacht. we were in a tropical country. but this person was wearing long sleeves and pants. and she had ruby diamond rings on all her ten fingers. i had never seen someone who wears ten rings. - she was doing this. / - was this a man? - it was a woman. / - it was a woman.

it was a lady. suddenly, she said, "who's bada?" - did she speak in korean? / - she was korean. - is that right? / - she spoke in korean. i wondered why i was talking to a korean there. our managers came and told her to back off because we're in the middle of a shoot. and she said, "move. that yacht is mine too." - what? / - she was the owner of our yacht.

she came in a bigger yacht. she said, "i'm friends with sooman. move." - she said that. / - who is she? it turns out she was a korean woman married to a thai royalty. at the time, s.e.s. was popular in southeast asia. so the royal family saw my physiognomy and thought i was fitting for the royal family. you have the physiognomy fitting for the royal family.

that's why she came to talk to me. she came to make me marry a royalty. i was scared, so i hesitated. and she said i should discuss it with my parents. it could make my family rich for 100 generations. she said 100 generations will be set for life. - 100 generations? / - i'd be given inheritance. - it was real. in the end, / - it's surprising. mr. lee sat me down and talked to me about it.

- really? / - really. he said he doesn't want to take away - a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. / - right. - it was your choice. / - it was up to me. of course i didn't choose it because of s.e.s. that was one incident. i did a musical in japan. - is this a different story? / - yes. it's different. - it's different. / - it's about a helicopter guy. - is this about a helicopter guy? / - yes, it is.

when i was performing, he came riding a helicopter. (hello, bada.) - he rode something too. / - and he proposed to me. - they always ride something. / - they do. how did you know he came by a helicopter? i was fascinated by his helicopter. he asked me to go to tokyo with him, but i couldn't. so he proposed to me and left. i refused him. he was japanese, and...

- is he your friend? / - he's my friend. he's so rich that he's surrounded by girls who go after his money. we've been friends for over ten years, and i told him to never date a gold digger. i gave him a lot of harsh advice all the time. he thanked me for saying those things to him, and one day he developed feelings for me. - isn't he just a pilot? / - was he?

- many men proposed to you. / - yes. so what did you do to break up with your boyfriend? so one day, i asked him. i forgot that we were talking about that. - i'll be done soon. / - go on. i thought i should break up with him. - you thought you should break up. / - right. i thought it wasn't doing any good for him either. i met him and told him this.

i looked straight into his eyes and said this. "are you a prince? do you have a helicopter?" "are you a royalty?" - that was harsh. / - i was harsh. i told him not to dare to propose to me if he didn't qualify for any of those criteria. - she was trying to make him leave her. / - yes. "are you a prince? a loyalty? do you own a helicopter?" and his reaction really surprised me.

- what did he say? / - when that happens, - men usually get intimidated. / - his ego is hurt. - his ego would be hurt. / - right. when that happens, men usually back off, thinking i'm out of his league. so i was certain that he'd give up. but he stared at me like this. until that time, he used to call me ms. choi. - is that right? / - yes. he always called me that. i never let him call me by my first name.

- suddenly, he stared at me. / - and? and for the first time, he called me by my first name. i'll say the exact words he said. i remembered it. "sunghee, if you become just a little less greedy," "you can live happily with a man like me." "why can't you think like that?" that really shocked me. i felt like i was defeated.

and i started going out with him after that day. - that really changed you. / - yes, it really did. how is this related to the thai royalty incident? i needed it for the introduction. - saeho. / - it was the introduction. - i am sorry. / - why would you say that? i'm sorry. goodness. - hey. / - i am sorry.

- i'm sorry. / - saeho. - how about the helicopter? / - it would've been just fine without the thai royalty story. sebin and i kept exchanging glances and wished it would soon be over. - sebin. / - that's not it. - what did you think about her story? / - she liked it. it made me think that your life flows according to

your personality. i think i can't date anyone because i am too quiet. i want to learn from her. - no. / - i was jealous of her. she always talks as if she's in a musical. "you're here. come in." i love it. it's nice at first. - she's got the positive energy. / - yes.

she exudes positive energy. and she talks without hesitation. so i get excited, but soon i get exhausted. (she drains your energy.) i get tired really fast when i'm around her. that will help you one day. when you live your life, you will come across people who are more draining than me. - i will make you get used to it. / - she's the best.

- she's the best. / - i don't do any harm to you. - bada is... / - she's the most positive person. you had a bridal shower before the wedding. before the wedding, my friends gathered and... - explain it in an easier way. / - it's a party. one time, i checked my phone after a shoot. when you get a message, you receive a notification. i had 78 unread messages. i wondered what was going on.

it turned out it was a group chat. - it was a group chat. / - and i was invited. - yes. yes. / - everyone introduced themselves. - yes. / - so many celebrities - were invited to the chat room. / - really? i was invited too. bada said, "saeho's here too." "everyone, say hello to saeho." "saeho, you have to show up this time."

i wrote, "it's embarrassing to say this," "but i am saeho." and it felt as if everyone was looking for the right time to leave the chatroom. nobody answered your greetings. - some greeted me, including eunji. / - i said hello. chiyeul greeted me too. but we didn't know each other. bada provided the opportunity. "this is a chance to become close to each other." "let's have fun together."

and she posted an invitation card. she said she was having a bridal shower with her closest friends. it was going to be casual. - only best friends. / - she invited tens of people. i know a lot more people. celebrities, i mean. and they were the selected ones. they didn't know each other, but you put them in a group. - you become close once you meet. / - right.

we had never met before. at her bridal shower, - i met him for the first time. / - was he there? the three of us were there. - they became close. she was there too. / - was she? - actually, when i got the message, / - yes. i was shocked by all the notifications. there were a few hundred, so i checked them. and there were so many people in that chat room.

- you had never experienced such a thing. / - never. you are not a celebrity yet. is it just because he's not invited to a group chat? she personally messaged me and said it was a "brother party". - a brother party. / - i... - a brother party! / - she's a woman. she's a woman. so i wondered why she'd have a party with men.

(why would a bride have a party with men?) i didn't know what a bridal shower was. you thought she was going to throw a party - with a bunch of male friends. / - yes. - that's a new idea. / - she'd be the only girl. i thought she was going to be like a queen. i had never heard of such a party. that's why you thought it was called a "brother party". - later i found out / - a bridal shower.

that it was called a bridal shower. a bridal shower. you're supposed to wear robes. - is that right? / - yes. there was part one and two that day. i joined part one. i came a little early. - were there two parts? / - yes. when i arrived, the bodyguard stopped me. "what's your business here?"

"i came for bada's bridal shower." "please come this way." - and i was taken to an elevator. / - really? - there was a bodyguard. / - when i went up the doors opened and there were chandeliers. everyone looked like, "why am i here?" (everyone seemed dumbfounded.) they were popping champagne bottles. he's right.

when i asked where bada is, the staff said, "she's not here yet." i can sympathize with you. when i arrived, part two had already begun. i was running late. it was like a high-end - wine bar. / - it was a bar. when i entered, the atmosphere was heavy. i thought, "what's this?"

she said, "have a seat, chiyeul" i sat next to her. when i sat, she asked me to introduce myself. - i had to introduce myself. / - right. "hello. i am chiyeul." it felt like a blind date. he came as soon as he came back from china. - he came straight from the airport. / - i finished my work in china and went straight there. she's a very progressive.

- you mean she's driven. / - that's it. - he said she's progressive. / - progressive. - progressive. / - that's a wrong word choice. she's got leadership. "you must all know each other." "but you might not, so introduce yourselves." - right. / - i didn't want to do it at first, but - i felt much more comfortable afterward. / - right? i heard you didn't recognize bada's husband.

at the time, - i hadn't met him. / - you didn't know him. i rushed to the party after i landed. when i sat down, there was a handsome tall man standing behind me. what do you call them? sommelier. - sommelier. / - i thought he was a sommelier. - you mistook him for a sommelier. / - sommelier. - sommelier. / - okay.

he was standing next to me. since i don't drink, i was about to tell him that i don't drink. and bada said, "sit down, honey." (he turned out to be bada's fiance.) i was surprised. he was really handsome. i almost made a big mistake. - you thought he was a sommelier. / - yes. i almost said, "give me something sweet, please."

but my husband is the type of person who would say - that he'd get you what you want. / - right. - that's him. / - i could've made a huge mistake. - really. / - it's because he's a restaurateur. - that's one reason. / - he's very nice. that party was to make me, the woman he loves the most, the happiest woman. so he would've done anything to please me.

he was the happiest person in that party. - right. / - he listens to her so well. - he sat when she told her to sit. / - it's true. he went away when she told her to go away. - he's very sweet. / - it's true. - he goes away when she tells him to. / - yes. - he listens to her well. / - it's like... - he listens to her very well. / - wait. when she asks for something, he gets it for her.

and he's like her journal. he's like her notebook. - really? / - when she goes, "what was this?" he says, "it's that." - right. / - he always helps me. - she often talks about yogongdan. / - what's that? she's a member. - what is yogongdan? / - what is it? it's a group she founded.

it's like a private organization. it's composed of people from that bridal shower. but only a few people got invited to join it. she filtered people from there. - yes. / - but it was formed before the party. i see. who are the members? there's sandara park, hyoseong, jisook from rainbow, - solbi, / - solbi.

- yeryun... / - there are shoo and eugene. there are many members. some don't know they are part of yogongdan. - right. / - someone still hasn't accepted. her looks were fitting to be a member. - what does the name mean? / - what does it mean? - the purpose was / - depend on each other? - for us girls to have fun. / - right. - that was the purpose. / - what does it stand for?

- "fairy princess group". / - "fairy princess group". "fairy princess group". - yes. / - she... (we are the members of fairy princess group.) when she was inviting me, she said i was continuing their legacy. so i deserved a place in the group. when i met her, she was in her prime.

that's when we sang "no no no". she was in her prime then. she always came and said hello to me. and she really stood out. so i decided to raise her. - did you raise her? / - i decided to. is that why you invited her to yogongdan? yes. i thought i would benefit from her. - you wanted to benefit from her. / - you took her.

i was shocked at first. she's a member of s.e.s., and all the trainees grew up watching - the videos of s.e.s. and fin.k.l. / - right. we once performed together on "dream concert". and we sang "dreams come true" together. i was so nervous when i first met her in her car. she asked me how old i was. i told her my age and introduced myself.

we only met for a while. later that day, i ran into her in the hallway. and she greeted me as if we've known for years. "eunji!" you need a good teamwork to perform well. so i didn't know how to react. - so i said, "hello, bada." / - you did well. - you did well. / - i wasn't bad. - this is what she did. / - you had just met.

- i said, "hello, eunji!" / - and i said, "hello!" - she did well. / - i did that. i was planning on wearing earrings. but she didn't like any of them, and i didn't like any of them either. - she was wearing both. / - right. and she gave me one earring. so we wore one earring each and performed. - right. we did that. / - it felt really strange.

(eunji wore it on the left side.) (bada wore it on the right side.) (eunji's dream came true that day.) by the way, i wondered what "dan" would mean. it means "group". they are fairy scammer group. - that's how he calls it. / - they deceive us. - i think it's not a bad idea. / - that's better. is sebin part of the group too?

i think she needs to join us. - she can be an advisor. / - there are princesses too. there are princesses too. yeryun is a princess in the group. - that's too much. / - if "princess" is too much for you, you can just be "group". because it's "fairy princess group". - you're so bad. / - goodness. that is if "princess" is too much for her.

she will be in charge of promoting the group. bada, can't hyeongyeong join the group? i have to get her. i met her when i just arrived. our members need to walk with elegance. i'll explain our criteria. - first... / - you have such a thing. you have to be a humble celebrity. - i care about the person's character. / - character.

if you are jealous, - you get into a fight. / - right. i only picked the humble and sweet ones. hyeongyeong is not jealous, but she swears. is that okay for a fairy? just don't make her drink. - is that okay? / - she's not jealous. - is it okay if i have bad habits? / - she's... she's got some drinking habits.

- goodness. / - i never expected that. is that okay? it seems like she's hesitating. am i disqualified because i swear? well, if... - am i disqualified? / - is she disqualified? - you can't sweat. / - can't she swear? she looked like a fairy when she was walking. i saw her when she was just coming in.

- did you? / - she walks as if she's on a catwalk. - she walks like a model. / - i saw it. so i thought i should invite her to our group. a lot of celebrities who always go abroad get specially dressed when they go to the airport. but hyeongyeong dresses up for happy together. she walks down the lobby as if it's a catwalk. by the way, chiyeul released another solo album after ten years.

it's amazing. when we were doing "i live alone" together, he always talked about how stressed he was that he didn't have an album. what's important is that you should have a few hits. - right. / - right. i'm modeling for duty-free shops. are you a model? yes.

he's as popular as exo. so? the duty-free brand held a concert one time. lee minho opened the concert. did people go crazy? they went crazy. ji changwook came out next. - changwook. / - changwook.

park haejin was next. then kim soohyun came out. - that's amazing. / - and... you were last. bravo! what did you decide during the concert? i was singing the songs i sang on "i am a singer". i sang the songs i sang during the competition. they were other people's songs.

i wished i could sing my songs. if i sang one of my songs, it would've made it better. let us hear it then. - what's the song title? / - let's hear it. it's titled "a daily song". - "a daily song". / - "a daily song". so i always ask people this. what is the song you always listen to?

- me? / - stop acting like a host. help me once. why wouldn't you help me? "help me once." - please help me once. / - help him once. - i'm trying to help. / - i thought it would be a nice way to start the song. ♪the song that i listen to every day ♪ ♪the song that makes you cry every day ♪

(chiyeul has such a charming voice.) (the echo of his voice numbs our hearts.) (we want to hear "a daily song" every day.) that's how it goes. the highlight of this song is the part "it's like our story". ♪it's like our story ♪ - ♪it's like our story ♪/ - ♪it's like our story ♪ - great. / - you have to look sad.

- ♪it's like our story ♪/ - please teach us. you have to pretend to be sassy. right. teach us again. - so that's how you do it. / - look at that face. (she doesn't mind appearing ugly.) you're so funny. i hope she will join yogongdan. now let's talk about what hardships they went through to get this far.

let's begin with sebin. i heard you never wanted to become an actor. i majored in costume design. my school is in cheongdam-dong. so i used to hang out a lot in apgujeong-dong. - at the time, street casting was popular. / - right. i got some name cards. but i didn't think i had that quality. i never thought i would get name cards.

did they only give it to you when you're with friends? - i think so. / - she was beautiful. i wasn't beautiful, but they gave me the cards. that's when i realized i might be charming. and one day, i went to a mall. - and? / - i was shopping for clothes, and i ran into shin seunghun. it was my first time seeing a celebrity. were you his fan?

i wasn't, but my brother was a big fan. - you weren't his fan. / - you could say you were. but i wasn't. she made it clear that she wasn't. - she's very honest. / - she's honest. this is her charm. she's very precise. you should consider seunghun's feelings. my brother was a big fan, and he wanted an autograph.

so we asked him for an autograph, - and he did it while smiling. / - did he? it was so fascinating, so we followed him for a while. - it was embarrassing to follow a celebrity. / - right. it was embarrassing to watch him shop. right. and it wasn't like you were his fan. - your brother was a fan. / - that's right. so i walked out of the department store. it was may, but it was raining all of a sudden.

- suddenly? / - i just stared at the sky and said, "the universe wants me to see seunghun once more." without thinking much, i just blurted that out. i tried to find him, but i didn't know where he was. when i didn't know what to do, i saw his agent. his agent was actually walking towards me. he asked if i'd like to star in his music video. - he asked that? / - yes.

that's right. it was "love in my own way". - how did you know? / - you knew that. - of course. / - it's a famous song. - no, it's not famous. / - seunghun and i... - there was a dance move like this. / - right. (the girl who got an autograph for her brother) (made her debut through seunghun's music video.) at times like this, i sort of tend to act quite manly. i felt courageous. so i just said i'd like

- to try. / - you didn't think about it? - i accepted it. / - have you thought about the career? i have never thought about this career. getting that business card gave me courage. i think it did make me braver. this was bound to happen since it was her fate. a lot of people try hard and have a lot of auditions, - but they can't succeed. / - that's true. some didn't think of becoming stars, but they did.

- this happens quite often. / - she was fated. i think i got lucky. you were a model, but didn't you shave your head? i was working as a model and got an offer for an ad. - the friends of the main role / - i remember that. shaved their heads in the ad. - i remember that commercial. / - i remember it too. i heard at that time, you were getting to know a guy, but he ran away after seeing your short hair.

- really? / - it was during my college days. we weren't dating yet. - you were getting to know him. / - we were. when i showed up after getting my hair cut, he was flustered. - he must have been surprised. / - yes. you should've asked if he liked your hair, not you. we weren't that serious. he started to avoid me.

i realized later that he didn't like me due to my hair. to be honest, women's hairstyles play a big role. - hairstyles matter. / - right. - but she was so brave. / - i agree. can you shave your head? - no, i wouldn't do that. / - me neither. - i'll do it if the pay is a lot. / - i can't. hold on. that's the right answer.

(she's honest.) bada, i heard your father was so against you becoming a singer. is it true he wanted you to become a nun? - that's true. / - i was so shocked by this. that's what he wanted. i attended a program for becoming a nun for four years. you did? when i was in middle and high school,

- i volunteered at the senior care center. / - i see. why did your father want you to become a nun? he suffered from a disease and was cured. - he endured it with his religious faith. / - i see. i was the youngest and third daughter of his family. he didn't want me to get married and thought becoming a nun was good at that time. i'm glad you didn't become a nun. - your talent would've been wasted.

i bet you would've still ended up on tv as a nun. i agree. - someone would've visited you. / - at least once... i bet she'd have starred on "vj trooper" as an unusual nun. "the nun is known to be a great dancer." the clip would have started with my back first. (she enacts the clip.) are you talking about me?

i bet a show would have contacted you. my mom didn't want me to become a singer either. for a brief period, i wanted to become a detective. - that's so cool. / - it suits you. - it'd have suited you. / - i thought i could be - a singing detective. / - that's so cool. there was a period when i used to have this dream. - it fits you. / - whatever you decided to do, at the end,

we would have met at the tv station. - that's right. / - yes. we would have started our club after that. - that would've happened. / - that's right. sebin, i think even if it didn't rain on that day, - you would've become an actress. / - i agree. eunji, you are preparing to release your album. - apink! / - great! - apink will come back on june 26. / - that's right.

- the whole group will return? / - yes. - it's been a while. / - it's been nine months. - you took too long. / - many people are waiting. a lot of people are waiting for their return. i have a feeling that this album's title track - will be similar to "no no no". / - that's great! - i like it. / - that's my favorite song. this is perfect. eunji, both of your parents worked, so i heard

you and your brother waited for your parents. - he and i are eight years apart. / - that's a big gap. because of our age gap, my parents trusted me and left him in my care. when i come back from school, i'd pick him up from preschool and cook him dinner. - you cook him dinner? / - when he was a baby, - i'd put him on my back and go for a walk. / - really? - i'd use the baby blanket. / - she's nice.

- you were like his mother. / - that's right. so when i walk around my neighborhood, old ladies would say, "a kid is carrying a baby." i agree though. "a kid is carrying a baby." - but that was true though. / - right. by the way, are you two from the same town? we are both from gyeongsang province.

there's only one gyeongsang province. she's from the south side and i'm from the north side. - we speak... / - our dialects are a bit different. - she's right. / - how are they slightly different? what's the difference? - we're curious. / - we... to be honest, it depends on the speaker. - i agree. / - oh, i see. i didn't know that. if i have to compare, my dialect is similar to simon's.

- simon dominic? / - yours is similar to his? for a while, i was the female version of simon. on another channel, we had a debate in our dialects. i said, "you're balding because you are mean." - after i did that, / - this is funny. i became the female version of simon. so my acquaintances called me simon. - chiyeul. / - her dialect is amazing. is yours different from hers?

we know our differences. this is how she says, "it's okay." - it's okay. / - it's okay. "eat a lot." she enunciates her syllables. - i can't tell the difference. / - she does? - that's how she talks, i say it like this. / - right. it's okay. eat a lot. - my dialect sounds cuter. / - yours is smooth.

in a way, i talk smoothly. i see. - mine doesn't sound cute. / - it's different. - on tv, when i say i speak with a dialect, / - right. they ask me to speak with my dialect in a cute way. that puts me in an awkward position. when people hear girls speak with a dialect, - they think it will be cute. / - that's right. - but hers is different. show them. / - my dialect...

- hey. / - this is it. this is how i speak. or i would say, "bro" or something like this. "bro" is an abbreviation of "brother". - really? / - i heard that i thought it meant the food. ladies from the north side sound cute when they speak. they use the dialect most of you know to be cute. how do you talk to your sister?

i want to hear guys with the cute dialect. - their cute dialect? / - we don't have a cute dialect. if we were to try to sound cute, - okay, if you had to... / - if we had to, i'd say, "i picked it up on the way. eat it." (he sounds affectionate.) "i picked it up on the way. eat it." - "i picked it up on the way. eat it." / - he's smooth. - he talks softly. / - he does.

- he's gentle. / - when i say this, - it's fun to hear the lady's reply. / - what is it? i'll show you an example. i picked it up on the way. eat it. you didn't have to buy this. let's split and share. - this is amazing. / - this is what i'm talking about. (she's no joke.) - "let's split and share." / - right. - this is so nice. / - it's great.

your teamwork is perfect too. - i agree. / - he's right. chiyeul, i heard that as soon as you got to seoul, - you lived with newlyweds for six months. / - really? that's when things were progressing. a songwriter i was close to got married at that time. he said he had an empty spare room since they did not have kids and asked me if i wanted to use the room. - you must've felt grateful. / - i did.

- i was thankful. / - it's not an easy thing to do. - exactly. / - it's not easy. - they were newlyweds. / - living with newlyweds... - that's right. / - it wasn't an easy decision to make. i should have thanked them and turned down the offer, - but i needed a place to stay. / - it was a hard time. i was in desperate need and accepted the offer. so then i started living with them. all of us got along well.

it was fine, but at night... (but when it was time to sleep...) when it started to get dark, i sort of got startled easily by small sounds. i was startled by small sounds. - i bet you didn't mean to. / - that was funny. - that's understandable. / - did you feel that - you had to give them privacy? / - i just felt the need to do that.

i got out of the house at night. i stayed at the playground for a while. - you got some fresh air. / - you are well-mannered. even though they didn't hint anything to you... - they have never hinted anything. / - but still. - you felt awkward on your own. / - that's right. they had never done it, but a small sound startled me. (startled) i was surprised.

- you were surprised for nothing. / - even when - he was sleeping, he woke up. / - that's true. why were you startled though? after staying with them for six months, i moved to a roof-top house in sinsu-dong. i moved to that house. chiyeul, you gave your parents a credit card. - goodness. / - you mentioned that. i heard your father did something

with the alerting system of the card. - what did he do? / - oh, that. i gave all of my earnings to my parents. - what a great son. / - i gave them all. i told them to spend the money and not to hesitate. people usually give their parents a credit card. and you'd get messages when they spend money. - you get messages. / - it says where it was spent. - i can look at it and feel proud. / - that's right.

- "my father had his meal." / - that's true. - you're kind. / - "he should've eaten a better meal." i could have smiled proudly and let that go, but i never got any messages. (he never received messages.) i thought - he wouldn't spend it because i earn it. / - i see. - that's right. / - parents don't spend a lot of money. when i checked the statement,

the statement was so long. (he spent a lot of money.) i thought it was odd. - i never got the messages, / - you didn't get them. but there was a statement of transactions. i asked my dad since it was weird. i asked what was going on, and he told me that he deactivated the alerting system. i was like...

he didn't want to think about the messages. - right. / - he was worried about me. he didn't want to burden his son. i bet he didn't want chiyeul to know where he was. we will give the korean pork sets to our four guests who brought us much laughter today. (korean pork sets are presented.) let's teleport with the use of high technology. i'm going to go alone. bye.

(boom) (he succeeded in joining big mouth.) gosh, that startled me. - you should have given a better reaction. / - my gosh. where did you fall from? i have a job before this one. i work two jobs a day. that's right. you are so busy.

only when i'm present from the start to the end will the viewers think, "this is happy together." for goodness' sake. even when you are by yourselves, - the viewers will be flustered. / - that's right. "what is this program? i need to watch happy together." - we need you. / - that's right. this part of the show is funnier, right? - what? / - this part of the show is funnier, right?

the shoot for the first part of the show went well. - really? / - did the shoot go well? - the shoot went well. / - that's impossible. - really? / - the shoot went well. you should pay more attention to this one. this is the second episode - of the legendary big mouth. / - that's right. after the legendary big mouth aired last week, how did people around you react?

i didn't know i would see such an impassioned reaction. i received a lot of criticism for negotiating my appearance fee. however, there was an upside. i looked young. - you looked young. / - in most programs i am in, - i look old. / - you tend to be the older member. that's right. here, i am the second youngest. - you are right. / - thus,

i have the image of a cute man. a cute man? did the negotiation on the appearance fee go well? - please stop talking about it. / - why? people say that i am obsessed with money. (the celebrity who is obsessed with money, soohong) - i said i don't read the comments. / - you read them. i don't read the comments. (soohong claimed that he doesn't read the comments.)

it's no use. - why did you read them? / - my family did. my mom told me not to be so cocky. - i see. / - these days, my mom became a junior entertainer. - she is in a program. / - she is receiving offers for commercials. she turns down most offers and only appears in the public commercials.

- really? / - she is already minding her image. her son is known as the trash. her son is negotiating the appearance fee, but she is acting that way. you should lower the price. - i did. / - really? i did that after the first episode aired. you receive too much for your performance. i renegotiate my appearance fee.

i apologize for my behavior. you are the worst. (soohong is the worst.) that's harsh. you should get paid per episode. that's ridiculous. you can get an envelope of cash after each shoot. that's a good idea. write the chinese character for "well"

to see how many times you made people laugh. you mean the chinese character for "upright". (it's the chinese character for "upright".) the chinese character for "well" has four strokes. (the chinese character for "well" has four strokes.) my goodness. suyong promised to give three big laughs in every episode. the reaction was hot.

the viewers commended me for keeping my promise. "he really made me laugh more than three times." "i look forward to seeing him this week." didn't you write a comment on soohong's article? of course i did. "soohong is the worst." (he always says, "soohong is the worst.") is there anything else? you always say that. - he is the worst. / - why is soohong the worst? i am saving the comments so that i can sue him later.

(stay tuned for part 2.) (suyong is the keyboard warrior.) i can't believe you. (they clap.) why would you write that kind of a comment? suyong doesn't pick on us. he only picks on soohong. that's because soohong is the one with the last word. suyong doesn't pick on me either.

even though i'm much younger, he gets intimidated. why does he only pick on me? that's what i find regretful about suyong. he could have attacked two or three times. - really? / - you need to do that. what should i do? go past calling him the worst. - kick him. / - for goodness' sake. - i should hit him / - don't be ridiculous.

with a stick. is it okay to kick people on tv these days? i'm sure that much is acceptable. (he kicks timidly.) you need to kick hard. (you need to kick properly.) - my goodness. / - he did a good job. - it exuded confidence. / - he was confident. why would you kick so timidly?

- jaeseok. / - kick like this. jaeseok. let's kick each other. - that's the way to go. / - i see. this is the way add energy to the show. - it yields good reaction. / - you are right. - this week, / - insert the vhs. which segment will we have? - the youngest member. / - let's watch.

okay. the youngest member. despite being the youngest, his joints creak. (creaking) i heard the sound. insert the vhs. i would have done it anyway. why would you order me? come on and do it. i would have done it on my own.

the youngest member is cute. (for goodness' sake.) he is 46 years old. (this 46-year-old is much loved.) he is so cute. he wore stripes to look cute. - i want to dig up your outfit. / - that's ridiculous. i want to dig up your outfit. i want to take a hoe

- and pick mugwort. / - would you like some vegetables? - let's have some vegetables. / - i need a hoe. there are all kinds of vegetables in this outfit. - my goodness / - all right. let's take a look. it uses a front-loading method. the vhs is inserted at the front and loaded. which legendary segment will it be? (word relay talk)

- it's "scary word relay". / - "scary word relay". let's start the game. - it was very fun. / - it's anchor lee jiyeon. it was very fun. - kungs kungs kungs / - kungs kungs kungs... - kung kung ttari kung kuna tta. / - hodong and i. (hodong looks young.) - kung kung kung. / - kung kung kung. - story, kung kung tta. / - technician, kung kung tta.

car, kung kung tta. beef brisket, kung kung tta. beef brisket! (beef brisket) does it have to be a three-letter word? "beef brisket" has four letters in korean. being flustered makes you blurt out all sorts of words. - that's the penalty. / - yes. he is being dressed up like a baby.

i get it now. (the penalty crew plays an important role.) that's why i saw a few juniors earlier. they are here as the penalty crew. (a random penalty is fun.) the second segment of the legendary big mouth is a popular segment from "the clash of the mcs" titled "scary word relay". ("scary word relay")

only three-letter words are allowed. three-letter words. "scary word relay" is nice, but i have a problem. last week, we reenacted a show jaeseok was in. we're reenacting only jaeseok's old shows. should we let this slide? - it's discrimination. / - it's discrimination. - you think it's discrimination. / - what do you think? it means that many of my shows were popular.

(take this.) that's the answer. i did an amazing job. - you know, / - what do you think? i will be honest with you. - go on. / - in our group, jaeseok is the youngest member. it's thanks to him that we are gathered here. i want to cast my vote to jaeseok.

(jaeseok, do what you want to do.) he sided with jaeseok. - what is it? / - i knew it. he is the worst. he is a lackey. - a lackey! / - he is a lackey. - i'm jaeseok's lackey. / - you're a lackey. criticize me instead. don't criticize jaeseok. he went through a lot of struggles.

it was through "scary word relay"... get lost. (mischievous) (there are a lot of problems.) my heart feels light. how cooperative! the negotiation must have gone well. he is the master of negotiations. i still don't receive as much as jaeseok. he is not to be trusted.

it looks like we will have a female guest. we prepared a seat for the guest. back then, anchor jiyeon hosted the segment. i think we will have a special mc. it's someone who used to enjoy the segment. please come on out. (dressed in beautiful hanbok) (is bomi of apink) is she a member of exid?

- bomi of apink. / - lovelyz? hello. - we have a female guest. / - who said "lovelyz"? - i think it's him. / - i am a member of apink. - i am sorry. / - she is a member of apink. - every girl groups came up. / - i am sorry. (there is no exit to her charms.) (she is funny in an unexpected way.) (the special mc of the day, bomi of apink)

hello, members of big mouth. (hello, members of big mouth.) you are hosting the segment like a machine. - i am the mc of the day, / - communicate with us. - bomi. / - let's say hello to each other. (stay strong, bomi.) bomi! bomi, what do you remember about "scary word relay" after all these years?

- the penalty. i wondered / - that's right. - which penalty would come next. / - i see. (running over) (there was a comical penalty in every round.) (the charm of a random penalty) - i closely monitored the segment. / - i see. jaeseok's image was very different than my thought. - how was it different? / - how has he changed? back then, he was a bit light-hearted

and flippant. - he was like that. / - he was very flippant. that's right. i think he became more serious now. it's because i mostly host programs these days. when i'm here, - i become very flippant. / - i wish jaeseok would put down his cross and go back to being his flippant self. he can do that here.

- he's the youngest. / - we free you from your burdens. (we free you from all burdens.) you will be reborn as the flippant man. (the return of flippant man) he was incredibly flippant. isn't that kind of an image strange, but fun? - that's right. / - he seemed approachable back then. - that's right. / - he is hard to approach now. - that's right. / - really?

that's right. / - he is hard to approach now. what are your thoughts on suyong? (well...) she is lost. i think he will be pretty easy-going. really? what is he doing? he is allowing her to speak freely. he is...

(you can speak freely.) he has some serious... (he has some serious dark circles.) - he didn't draw them. / - he isn't a baseball player. he still looks cool. - he wiped some of them off. / - they are tattoos. they are tattoos. - what about me? / - what are your thoughts on soohong?

soohong reminds me of a wax club. my image is ruined. - did you get waxed? / - he seems like an athlete. an athlete? i think he seems more like an athlete. - an athlete? / - what about yongman? yongman is very famous. - in what ways? / - everyone knows who he is.

(yongman is so famous that everyone knows who he is.) it makes me think, "how do i know him?" i didn't mean it like that. (her words make him faint.) - you are very famous. / - she made him faint. this is like a scary movie. "he is famous, but how do i know him?" - this is like a scary movie. / - he is famous. "there is no reason for him to be famous."

bomi has a way with words. - she is good. / - she is funny. - she is funny. / - he is famous. she is right. "how do i know him?" everyone knows him. it's like a scary movie. bomi, what are your thoughts on seokjin? - she's funny. / - seokjin...

- you don't remember. / - he is just seokjin. (he is just seokjin.) - my goodness. / - "seokjin" "is just seokjin." - her comments are refreshing. / - she is good. she is good. we like those comments, bomi. - okay. / - that was nice. what she said about yongman was incredible.

"he is very famous," "but how do i know him?" - i took a three-year break. / - that's right. i was more relevant in the past. when people around your age were in school, i was in a lot of programs. i just don't know from which program i know you. that's hilarious. that was great.

are you making a comeback with this program? (are you making a comeback with this program?) (it's a loaded attack.) me? (me?) (am i wrong?) he made a comeback long time ago. her words are like needles. - i'm in programs. / - her words are like needles.

you will find me on tv if you look closely. it has been a while since i was on a major program. it looks like - bomi is a sniper. / - i don't watch tv often. she is brutal. she is yongman killer. you met your match. you broke out in a sweat. - i don't sweat much. / - that's right.

- gosh, i broke out in a sweat. / - she startled me. that was funny. bomi is good at this. she is very good at this. (bomi will continue to show her talent.) i want to ask this question to suyong. have you watched "scary word relay"? - of course i have. i enjoyed it. / - really? the segment made me laugh "irl".

(he used trendy internet language.) - what? / - "irl". you always pretend to be young. he uses the words young people use. - it means "in real life". / - you know it, right? - right. / - these middle-aged men don't know it. it means "in real life". is it similar to "getting bloody irl"? "getting bloody irl"!

that's something entirely different. - really? / - yes. - what does it mean? / - gamers use the expression. it indicates getting in a bloody fight in real life. - it's something similar. / - that's right. it indicates fighting in real life. i won't be able to play games with you. bomi, we will trust you to host the segment well.

- put down the cross. / - be comfortable. i will do that. i have a role to play. what role? the role of being flippant? - i... / - big mouth came together. (bomi makes jaeseok close his mouth.) it doesn't feel good to get cut off. you need to keep your mouth closed. this is...

- this is the legendary segment, / - i must learn. "scary word relay". the guests have come - to join the segment. / - there will be more guests. that's right. shall we invite them in? - please come on in. / - please come on in. (dujun and dongwoon of highlight) (they made a comeback under a different group name.) (the new group with 9 years of experience, highlight)

(dujun and dongwoon) the former beast and the current highlight. we had fun, right? did you watch the opening? yes, we waited a long time. (it's a shocking hello.) - we waited for three hours. / - they said, "we waited a long time." - they are good. / - they aren't kind with their words.

dongwoon has improved a lot. they are honest. - perhaps you came too early. / - they are funny. - it's possible. / - for goodness' sake. i also think you pressured us by coming too early. - we wanted to talk more. / - we were asked to standby. we were asked to standby. - you could have taken a break. / - you annoyed us.

(you could have taken a break.) dongwoon and dujun are with us. - yongman knows them well. / - we are good friends. you are good friends with dujun. we have spent many nights together. - we are very close. / - do you contact him? - yes, i do. / - you met through a program, right? dongwoon used to call me to say hello. i still send you text messages, but you don't reply.

really? i'm sorry. he doesn't recognize people's faces. let's hear bomi's comments. - me? / - stop it. - i will look after her. / - thank you. you can believe in me. take care of yourself. you are in no position to take care of her. in the past,

- highlight had... / - you cut him off. their group name was beast. they struggled emotionally as they became highlight. that's when i went on a trip with dujun and dongwoon. - it was through a program. / - that's right. i have known dujun - ever since his debuted days. / - that's right. - the two of you met then. / - we went to africa and made a well for a program.

- "welcome rain". / - that's right. - you now remember yongman. / - yes. she now remembers yongman. i was in a few programs. you were in many hit programs. "let's play, economy". - "yongman eats rice cake". / - "brain survival". they are all in the past. (they are all in the past.) i'm taking many hits today.

(he took a critical hit.) i'm in tatters. this program is brutal. - yongman is working like a novice. / - that's right. i heard that yongman consulted dongwoon - on your worries. / - really? i wouldn't call them worries. his son is around my age. - that's right. / - his son is thinking about finding a career in music.

that's why he asked me for realistic advice. he was very open with me even though i'm young enough to be his son. yongman's son entered - a nice college. / - berklee college of music. - berklee college of music. / - i was so shocked. - did he enter berklee college of music? / - yes. he entered the college after our talk. how did you get him to spend so much money on tuition?

we didn't talk about college, - but what will come. / - the future. he wants to find a career in music - as a beat maker. / - i see. since he is working in the music industry, i asked dongwoon for his opinion - as a senior artist. / - you asked for his opinion. - he didn't know much. / - i see.

your son is already on a higher level. that's right. however, his words were helpful. "passion alone put me where i am." his words touched my heart. i enjoyed the conversation. we often tell you the same thing, but you don't listen. your words don't stick. they are currently in the music industry. - that's right. / - they are a part of it.

the two of you are presidents of your agency. that's incredible. are all members of highlight co-presidents? yes, all of us are co-presidents. do you have different positions? we have the same position, but different duties. should i call them duties? what duties are there? i'm in charge of financial management.

- he is the influential one. / - that's right. - i wouldn't say that. / - he deals with money. - what about you, dongwoon? / - i develop rookies. - there are no rookies yet. / - develop yourself first. i didn't want to say it. while it's important to develop rookies... - he should develop himself more. / - that's right. it's time for him to develop himself. you are in no position to worry about the others.

he will develop rookies and himself. he is in no position - to train junior artists. / - he should say that he develops himself. developing yourself should come first. the youngest member should act cute. jaeseok... (the youngest member's cute act) (he calls forth the youngest member of big mouth.) - jaeseok. / - i'm curious.

- it has been a while. / - do the dooly dance. - do the dooly dance. / - let's see it. - do the dooly dance. / - come on. - do the dooly dance. / - hurry up. - do the grasshopper dance. / - don't ruin the mood. jaeseok is treated so poorly on this show. (jaeseok is treated so poorly on this show.) - you are doing your best today. / - come on. do it. - show us the dance. / - i'm the youngest here.

show us the dooly dance. (they are looking forward to it.) - you are so cute. / - that was really cute. - looking that way / - looking that way you are so cute. (he tries his best.) - that was really cute. / - hey, kid. go there and dance. dance in the middle. - sit down. / - do the grasshopper dance.

- let's see it. / - come on. - do the grasshopper dance. / - tell this to no one. - in one, two, three, four. / - here we go. - grasshopper. / - grasshopper. our jaeseok is cute. - you're so good. / - there you go. - you were excellent. / - goodness. what a cutie. i should have prepared some allowance for him.

that's right. let's give him some money. i ought to give you some pocket money. jaeseok, how old is your son? - he's eight years old. / - oh, he is? i don't even have a son. you're the only bachelor in big mouth. all of us are married, but you... the girl... bomi, you are getting ready to move on.

bomi, i think you are good at hosting a show. - i feel relaxed now. / - i see. - i see. / - i can see that on your face. at which point did you start to feel relaxed? - is it when yongman talked? / - if soohong stops paying attention to me, i would feel more relaxed. (you ought to) (listen to the whole story.)

you make me feel uncomfortable. - that was a good one. / - she feels uneasy. - bomi. / - i'm grateful, but... don't make her feel pressured. - don't make her feel uneasy. / - don't do that. she feels pressured. - you put a lot of pressures on her. / - that's right. - now, i'm at ease. / - i got it. dujun, tell us about names on water bottles.

we get a lot of leftover water. - water that we don't finish drinking. / - i see. singers and the staff write names on the bottles. - on the caps? / - to get a new one, we must finish it. we end up throwing it out after drinking some. - we throw it out. / - we must drink it during - we ought to. / - the show since this is how we will be able to pay soohong's fee. (this is to pay soohong's high rate.)

- is that it? / - we were supposed to drink this? i'll put it in my shirt and continue. why don't you hang this next to my face? to pay soohong's fee, - what is this? it's tasty. / - i - have to drink it. / - really? if we do everything for him... this is my first time feeling sorry during the shoot. - it's all because of me. / - it's fine. it's funny.

- it's because of him. / - gosh, we sure do talk a lot. (he's the only one drinking.) suyong, stop drinking, you don't have to drink a lot. we should constantly expose the product. what? expose what? it might bring negative effects. - the company might not want it. / - that's right. bomi, dujun, and dongwoon should drink more.

- you guys should drink more. / - i got it. why don't you have a sip? drink it up. - it's enough. / - all right. we are going to start "scary word relay". before that, you'll play a game to pick your outfits. there's another game before playing "scary word relay"? depending on the result of the game, your outfit - and status will be determined. / - this is too much. the winner of the game will wear a king's outfit.

the loser will wear a eunuch's outfit. a eunuch's outfit? we'll play the game highlight enjoys playing. - which games do you play? / - which games do you play? we play "mafia". - mafia? / - i see. that game takes time. - let's play that. / - i think it'll be fun. - it's the best game. / - i agree.

it really is the best game. (it was peaceful here before.) (they began to suspect each other.) (the one who talks the most is the culprit.) (the problem is) (everyone is talkative.) (chatty) (what is the clue that points out the culprit?) (the game of mafia begins now.)

there are two mafias? - the host will pick two mafias. / - bomi will do it. - she will choose them. after that... / - i see. when you lower your heads, i will pick two mafias. i will tell them to open their eyes, so they can check - who the other one is. / - they'll raise heads. you have to figure out who the mafias are and - eliminate them. / - we'll choose whom we'll kill? - that's right. / - i got it.

- since it's night, close your eyes. / - all right. - put your heads down. / - then close your eyes. - should we tap the floor? / - let's play a fair game. - if we tap the floor, it's better. / - like this? - we can't look, right? / - we may hear clothes moving. - you are sharp. / - you are good. - you are sharp. / - dujun. we should play it fair. please close your eyes.

(bomi sets out.) i'll scold you if you open your eyes. someone isn't using both hands. will you tap the head, bomi? where will you tap? (who are the selected mafias?) now, the morning has broken. - goodness, it's morning. / - gosh. - i slept well. / - oh, my. (everyone is into playing the role.)

- goodness. / - seokjin looks very awkward. - he's awkward. / - he's acting odd all of a sudden. - that's what i think. / - i've played this before. whoever talks a lot gets caught. exactly. you talk a lot. i'm trying to figure out. i don't want to talk a lot. - i'm a citizen. / - you are talking the most. he's so awkward. everyone, can you listen to my side of the story?

mafias point someone out to avoid attention. - dujun just pointed me out. / - i'm the mafia? - since he pointed me out... / - yes, i'm the mafia. (what is he talking about now?) - what? / - i'm the mafia. - what do we do? / - it's confusing if he does that. - why did he say that? / - what do we do? i'm the mafia if you believe that i'm. - i'm a citizen if you think i'm. / - now, look.

(he's the expert in the game of mafia.) - think carefully. he pointed me out. / - i'm puzzled. i was just sitting. this implies that since he's the mafia, - he must peg someone else. / - you said earlier. whoever talks the most is the mafia. you talked the most. - doesn't he talk a lot? / - he does. would you want to put seokjin on the scaffold?

- look at him! / - i want seokjin... - look at him! / - let's put him on the scaffold. everyone, look what just happened. he's the first one to bring up... - that sounded quite urgent. / - no. - it's because i'm a citizen. / - are you in a hurry? - to be honest... / - a citizen will get hurt. (his noise level has exceeded the limit.) - it's 1 of these 2. / - i think 1 of them is a mafia.

- dujun... / - soohong isn't talking at all. - he stopped talking. / - he's not talking. you said i shouldn't talk. i'm scared of the mafias. but you are not talking at all. - are you the mafia? / - you're scared of the mafias. - then you are the mafia. / - no, i'm scared of mafias. you are a mafia because you said he's a mafia. you look suspicious too. - you are acting weird too. / - everyone is strange.

- are you the mafia? / - what? the mafias are doing a very good job. - really? / - they are doing well? they are stirring up the people. they are either stirring us up or doing nothing. let me give you my analysis. i bet she picked one of the two since they are idol singers just like her. - i agree with that. / - that is possible.

she probably picked the one whom she's closest to and the one who can turn this into a funny segment. i think one of the mafias has to be either dujun or jaeseok. (are they the mafias?) - you are wise. / - i agree too. - i think soohong is the one. / - dujun... (he thinks outside of the box.) - i'm not the mafia. / - why do you think so?

- suyong. / - he's pegging other people as mafias. - he can't say he's a mafia. / - i swear i'm not it. i'm serious. (what is this signal?) what on earth is this? - what was that? / - what is it? - what is it? / - you can skin my head if i'm the mafia. are you a native american?

no, i got it waxed. i swear that i'm not the mafia. i mean it. - i've never played this. / - i'll do it too. that's not it. - hey. / - i'll do it too. (everyone is doing the signal.) - i'm serious. / - i can do it too. all right. (he plays a strong move for no reason.)

it's likely the first one pegged as a mafia is - a real mafia. / - who was pegged as a mafia at first? - no, it's not that. / - it was seokjin. someone who pointed someone else is the real mafia. - it's you. / - okay then. - let's eliminate him. / - let's try dujun first. let's discuss it among ourselves. it's either dujun or seokjin. - i vote for dujun. / - it's one of the two.

- it's one of them, right? / - look at that. - yes. / - let's put them on the scaffold one by one. both of you can deliver your last argument. - please do so. / - i'll give you time. - seokjin, you're up first. / - she's good. we are moving fast. - my last game... / - don't you think it'd be better if we wrap up here instead playing "scary word relay"? this is fun.

the mafia is the first person who points someone else as a mafia and the person who targets others. that's the mafia. i'm 100 percent certain it's dujun. - ten seconds. / - don't eliminate an innocent citizen. you said the one who talks most is the mafia. - no, i'm an innocent citizen. / - ten seconds. - your time is up. / - that was for my last argument. - dujun, you're up. / - you can eliminate me.

what? goodness. - you'll lose a citizen. / - it'll be bad for citizens. - you will be at a disadvantage. / - i don't like his confidence. - why? / - then we have no choice. he's too confident. dongwoon, you've seen him up close and how he acts. - i... / - from your observations, tell us. - you're not it? / - either he's a citizen or a mafia,

he likes to drive people into a corner. - what? / - he does? he likes doing that. - i'm 100 percent sure he's the mafia. / - really? then let's eliminate seokjin first. - let's kill him first. / - yes. - he said he's 100 percent certain. / - right. - this is crazy. / - either it's you or him. the first decision is really important.

it's important for the mafias. - i'm not a mafia. / - isn't it important, seokjin? are you really not the mafia? - no, i'm not. / - you are not the mafia? - i'm not the mafia. / - look me in the eyes. (look me in the eyes.) (can you not see the truth?) - he's the mafia. / - i think he might be one. what was that?

- i got a hunch. / - this... - he's the mafia. / - this is driving me crazy. why do you accuse me of being the mafia, dumb citizens? - did you call us dumb? / - do you want to die? you said that because of this, right? - aren't i right? / - you, dumb citizens. fine. you can eliminate me. if i'm the citizen, eliminate dujun next. - if he's a citizen, / - fine. we'll do that.

- then kill me. / - let's go. - in one, two, three. / - to kill or let him live? no. - everyone voted to kill him. / - all right. - first of all... / - we killed one mafia. the night has come. please lower your heads. - it's night again. / - goodness. (was seokjin) (really the mafia?)

- an innocent citizen has been killed. / - what? (seokjin was an innocent citizen.) - you can't open your eyes. / - i can open mine, right? - what's up with you? / - what? he wasn't the mafia? two mafias, please open your eyes. (the first suspect, dujun who confused other players) i'm 100 percent sure he's the mafia. (the second suspect, jaeseok who slyly stirred them up) - that was sudden. / - everyone is strange.

(the third suspect, soohong who got overly defensive) what is that? (or could it be someone from the third party?) two mafias, please open your eyes. (who could be the mafias?) two mafias, please stand up and open your eyes. i think we can hear them if they get up. - are you the mafia? / - just lift your head up.

oh, right. (the mafias are) (yongman and jaeseok.) (chapter zero. the birth of the mafias) - you'll be in trouble if you open your eyes. / - who? (bomi selected the two mafias.) (the mafias attacked seokjin off his guard.) - i'm not. / - you seem so awkward. (they manipulated the others' thoughts.)

(they concluded that dujun or seokjin is the mafia.) let's go for seokjin. i'm 100 percent sure that seokjin is the mafia. (yongman pretended to listen to him carefully.) (they officially announced their first target.) - he's 100 percent sure. / - that's right. (they succeeded in making seokjin a mafia.) also, please choose one citizen you would like to kill. (every night, the mafias can eliminate one citizen.)

(the mafias chose) (dujun.) the morning has broken. (chapter three. kill to survive) - i heard it. / - it's so fun now that i'm dead. (he looks cheerful.) something happened at night. - who died? / - another citizen has been killed. - who died? / - i told you so.

- it's dujun. / - why was i killed? you have been killed. - they can kill a citizen at night. / - you too? we were on the same team. i'm sorry, seokjin. why was he... - dujun. why aren't you the mafia? / - why... - he seemed suspicious. / - why did you keep giggling? - sorry? / - when we were lowering our heads. (why did he laugh when she announced the result?)

it was funny that seokjin wasn't the mafia. - he looked like the mafia. / - exactly. - i said i wasn't. / - i heard someone sitting on my left side raising his hand. - someone didn't tap the floor. / - everyone. (he heard someone raising his hand?) (you heard the sound?) when jaeseok was talking, i heard his voice down here,

but then i heard clothes rustling on my left side. one of them is definitely the mafia. (will the mafias) (be caught like this?) believe me. i'm sure of it. (he's shaking in excitement.) - you're the mafia. / - no, i'm not. (he's disappointed.)

i'm not the mafia. - i heard the rustling sound. / - from my experience, those who talk much and suspect someone are the mafias. - i'm sure i heard it on my left side. / - right? i clearly heard someone raising his hand. - he heard something suspicious. / - i heard the sound. - the rustling sound. / - take a listen. - listen and see if it's one of us. / - okay. jaeseok, raise your hand.

- like this? / - what are you doing? i said to raise your arm. - how? / - to point at dujun, you needed to lift your arm and point him like this. i heard you moving like this. do it like this. - i see. / - i'm just asking you to pretend. (i see what you're doing.) - is jaeseok the mafia? / - move your arm like this. - come on. / - okay.

like this? why did you lift your arm so carefully? yongman, you do it. - i don't agree with him. / - unlike you, he hesitated. - he kept talking while lifting his arm. / - soohong. - i really heard the noise. / - he's loyal. - how does it feel to frame him? / - that's not it. how does it feel to frame him? dongwoon, who do you think is the mafia?

- i think... / - i didn't raise my hand. this is the situation we're in. - it's over if another citizen dies. / - that's right. - we should be wise. / - only one more citizen. we should peg the most suspicious person. who do you think is the most suspicious? - i'll be quiet. / - soohong. - soohong. / - he's acting weirdly. i think soohong is suspicious too.

the mafias are doing really well now. i think it's dongwoon. she said the mafias are doing well. it's one of them. it's either jaeseok or dongwoon. please. shall we let them give their last argument? - okay. / - i want to go for soohong. - i'm not the mafia. / - i shouldn't be pointed out. - see? he's suspecting me. / - who do you think it is? - it's you. / - i think it's soohong.

(it's a good chance to manipulate the opinions.) - soohong. / - it's you. - i'm not the mafia. / - i mean it. - i've never played this game before. / - one of them. this is my first time, and i'm not that smart. two votes for soohong. - i'm not that smart. / - you talk so much. i'll give my last argument. - go ahead. / - hear me out.

- try to convince us. / - right. i can give up my appearance fee if i'm the mafia. i'm not the mafia. if this is... you negotiate every week. (i don't trust you.) no, i can't trust you. maybe this week's pay is low, - and he'll be paid double next week. / - try again. if i'm the mafia, i won't appear on kbs.

- kbs? / - yes, that's how confident i am. you can come back two weeks later. - exactly. / - you can just take a break for one week. - you're good at overturning your decision. / - right. suyong, believe me. i'm not the one. please trust me just this once. just this once. - i think he's the one. / - please trust me. jaeseok, it's not me.

please put your thumb down if you want to kill him. - in one, two / - please. just this once. - and three! / - don't listen to the mafias. (what will happen to him?) see? they are the mafias. see? i said these two are the mafias. how dare you! - it's a tie? / - you thought i wouldn't know, right? - what happens now? / - i heard the noise.

what happens when it's a tie? - the person gets killed. / - he's been killed. if he gets killed when it's a tie, i'll just kill him. (if that's the rule, i'll kill him.) (the mafia teases him to the end.) - he'll get killed anyway. / - that's right. - you'll get killed anyway. / - right. - the night has come. / - gosh. - the night has come. / - it's night.

an innocent citizen has been killed. - oh, my. / - i can't believe this. - how could you? / - the morning has broken. - why didn't you believe me? / - i tried to save you. - i tried to save you. / - you didn't believe me. - it's over. / - the mafias win. - the mafias are... / - you're the mafia, right? (it's time to be surprised.) you're the mafias, right?

yongman and jaeseok. it was yongman? (the mafias win.) i have goosebumps. (he has goosebumps.) dujun, you and i jumped to a conclusion. - they fooled me. / - when you play mafia... i told you that i heard the noise. - i had this feeling. / - how did you hear that?

(soohong's power of attention is amazing.) let's play another round. it's so fun. mafias, choose two citizens to wear eunuch's outfit. - can we choose them? / - do we get to choose them? - yes. / - two citizens? the outfit is in a similar color to his jacket. i'll choose seokjin. seokjin? i think one of the guests should wear it. - that's right. / - oh, no.

i choose dongwoon. (dongwoon is the second eunuch.) - look at his face. / - dongwoon, you'll look great. dongwoon will wear it. - this is the repair service. / - that's right. ("i'm sorry, my friend") (after the 500th episode special...) (am i going to become a star?) (that's nonsense.)

(hear the stories they couldn't tell last time.) that's nonsense! (he lets go of his resentment.) (the highlight will begin.) sunset! (i don't care as long as i can survive.) (it's not me.) start the torture! ("2017 scary word relay" with big mouth)

it's not me! (it will be even funnier.) (stay tuned for next week's episode.) - i said it's not me. / - what was that? (don't miss "scary word relay" with big mouth.) ("a daily song" by hwang chiyeul)

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