The Ancient City

The Ancient City - Best Place to Travel

there are some remarkable cities dotted aroundthe world but what about the ones that have been consigned to the past? today we lookat 9 amazing cities that were once bustling hubs, full of life but are now a mere shellof their former selves, forever lost to history. our first lost city is in south-western usaand it was probably abandoned by the 14th century. white immigrants rediscovered itin the late 1800s. the local native american’s

The Ancient City

The Ancient City, obviously knew of its existence but left thesesacred ancestral sites uninhabited. mesa verde in colorado is a large nationalpark and it holds around 4,300 ancient dwellings, with the largest being cliff palace. thisgiant 150 room structure follows the shallow curve of an overhanging cliff and, with itssandstone wall, looks like it’s been carved

right out of the rock. and if you’re thinking,wait; that’s not a city, remember this was built after a long history of nomadic travelling.the people would constantly be on the move, following the seasons and the various animalsthat they hunted. so to build something this big and this permanent was impressive. itwould be just like you coming from a tiny farming village and getting off the trainin new york. historians call the people puebloans, fromthe spanish “pueblo” meaning town. they started building permanent structures in around750 ad, as a way to store food for longer, probably to get some down time when they weresick of running after buffalo. as settlements grew, they increased their reliance on farmingsince they could no longer move with the migrating

animals. plus, the more they built, the morewood they needed and so the less forest there was for them to forage and hunt what happened to its inhabitants? well, unlike many great native american peoples,it wasn’t the early settlers who drove them out of their homes. more likely it was a changingclimate and a series of mega-droughts in the 13th century which hindered their matter how cool your house is, you’re not going to stay if you can’t eat.we’re heading around the other side of the world now, to ancient mesopotamia, which isconsidered by many to be the cradle of civilization. with creations such as writing, metallurgyand farming, they started the long journey that led to you being able play angry birds,on your smartphone, whilst eating a big mac.

and mesopotamia housed one of mankind’sgreatest cities; babylon. at its peak, it had a population of over 200,000 people, whichwas around 0.003% of the world’s population, or to put that in modern terms, it would beover 20 million people. only tokyo is bigger than that right now.the city has a long and violent story and empires have risen and fallen around it. itappeared in history around 2300 bc, although who built it and exactly when are a littlefuzzy, since 3000 years of bad filing have meant it’s kind of difficult to find theoriginal planning application. after 2000 bc the rise of the babylonian empire beganand the city became the key holy place of mesopotamia and was likely the largest cityin the world at that point. it went through

a bit of a slump, but hey, we all do, andthen grew again to greatness between 600 – 300’s been ruled by such leaders as nebuchadnezzar, who created the famous hanging gardens ofbabylon, and by alexander the great. when alexander died, the battle to take over hispower basically emptied the city. i can only imagine his wake was full of big egos andan awful lot of wine. it was also supposedly the home of the mythicaltower of babel, which was written about in the book of genesis. the tower was built toreach all the way up into the heavens and the architects hoped it would act as a signthat their people would remain and not be spread out across the world. but then godcame down and threw a spanner in the works

by making everyone speak a different language,so they had to wander off to separate corners of the earth. you could read this all as anallegory, showing that mesopotamia really was the birthplace of all where is babylon now? its ruins lie in modern day iraq. in the 1980s, saddam husseinstarted to rebuild parts of it to demonstrate the great history of the arab region. he alsodecided to add a huge portrait of himself and nebuchadnezzar and inscribed “this wasbuilt by saddam hussein, son of nebuchadnezzar, to glorify iraq”. if you’re going to bea twisted, evil dictator, you may as well do it with we travel south, across the mediterranean to reach carthage, a lost city on the tipof tunisia, at africa’s point closest to

italy. the area is now a suburb of the tunisiancapital; tunis, but it was once the great power hub of the area, the base of a navalempire. the city was created by phoenician colonistsin about 814 bc, travelling over from their home, in what is now known as lebanon. theywere led by their queen, dido - no, not the late 90s british pop artist. queen dido wasworshipped for many years after her death, this was largely due to her flamboyant end.a rival king was threatening to invade carthage if she didn’t consent to marry him. shebuilt a huge pyre, pretending that she was burning everything that reminded her of herprevious, now deceased, husband. but at the final moment she leapt onto the fire and fellon her own sword. now that’s what i call

a rejection; it makes someone not showingup to a date seem rather mild in comparison. “do you want to go out with me?”“i’d rather fall on my own sword, whilst simultaneously enveloped in flames.”“think i’ll take that as a no then.” carthage was actually very difficult to attackthough, with its massive navy of 220 warships and an enormous 37 kilometres of wall surroundingit. in fact, it wasn’t until 146 bc that it first fell. the romans, who were in a prettybad mood from dealing with hannibal (the carthaginian military commander, not the cannibal) for15 years, took the city. they then burnt the ships and sold some 50,000 carthaginians intoslavery. the romans then built it up into one of thelargest cities in their empire. the vandals

took it over for a while but eventually, in698 ad there was the second great battle of carthage. the armies of umayyad, one of thelarge islamic caliphates, completely destroyed the city, cutting off its water, tearing downthe walls and wrecking the harbour. it really ruined its retail value. our next city was left half-abandoned in thejungle for around 300 years but has now become one of the world’s largest tourist attractions.angkor wat is the largest religious monument in the world and is the pride of cambodia,even featuring on their national flag. constructed in the 12th century by king suryavarman ii,it was originally designed as a hindu temple but had become buddhist by the end of thecentury. this was mainly due to a change in

the beliefs of the land.the beautiful temples we see now are only a small part of what used to exist though.angkor was in fact the largest pre-industrial city in the world and between 1010 and 1220it held at least 0.1% of the world’s population within its 1000 square kilometre sprawl.there are a number of theories as to why this architectural marvel ended up mostly deserted.there was an uprising against a ruler from siam in 1431, since the siamese had takencontrol of the city some 80 years earlier. this probably led a large portion of peopleto migrate out of the city. but it could also have been a mixture of floods, earthquakesand the bubonic plague; hopefully not all at once, that would have been a really badweek.

so angkor was left to rot in the jungle andsome monks stayed on in the temple, which is most of what remains of the city today.the large moat, that surrounds the holy building, mostly protected it from the encroaching vegetationand from the bullets and shells of the cambodian civil war. ironically, despite all the conservationwork, it’s now under more threat than ever since all of those tourists marching overthe sandstone and using up the ground water are weakening the buildings day by day. thedamage of 500 years of jungle growth is nothing compared to what a little kid with a footballand an ice cream can do. okay, let’s come out of the jungle and headto higher ground. machu picchu sits almost two and a half kilometresabove sea level and had a brief but mysterious

history. the incas built it in 1450 but weare still unclear as to its purpose. since the site, although very beautiful, has noreal strategic benefit in terms of trade or food or power. perhaps it was just a kingtrying to be difficult, you know how kings are.the most likely reason is that it was some sort of royal retreat, like the us president’scamp david, or hitler’s eagle’s nest up in the mountains of bavaria. no eagles forthe incas though, they had the large stone altar of the condor where they would performhuman sacrifices and the birds would come and remove the carcasses.the incas were quite advanced and the construction of some of machu picchu’s temples is soaccurate that you can’t even fit a sheet

of paper between the stonework, meaning itholds together without mortar. the stepped terraces of the city are also a very smartway of adapting the mountain to the needs of the city. surprisingly, their civilisationnever got around to inventing the wheel, although perhaps if you’re over 2 kilometres up ahill, the last thing you want is to see your cart rolling off down into the nearest just over 100 years, the city was deserted, possibly due to the devastation caused bysmallpox, which the conquistadors brought with them from spain; what a lovely welcomegift. on to italy now and into a bay on the westcoast that also holds the city of naples. naples has existed in some form for around3000 years, making it one of the longest continuously

inhabited places on earth. but across theother side of the bay lies pompeii, and pompeii was not quite so 79 ad, the entire roman city was destroyed and buried under a huge mound of ash and pumiceup to six metres deep, killing some 16,000 people, when mount vesuvius erupted. a mixtureof ash, stones and gases were blown 33 kilometres into the air and an astonishing 1.5 milliontonnes of pumice and molten rock were spat out of the volcano every second! this endedthe 500-year history of pompeii, having been built at some point around 700-600, i guess some of you are thinking; why build your city next to a giant volcano? thatjust seems like trouble. well, it was actually a pretty quiet volcano then, since the previouseruption had been a relatively small one almost

200 years before. still, 16 years before theeruption that destroyed pompeii, there was a huge earthquake that took out a lot of thecity and led to looting and chaos. this was less a red flag, more an entire flag factorymaking 10 metres square banners saying “move away from the giant fire bucket”. excavation of the city began in 1738 whenworkmen discovered it whilst digging the foundations for a summer palace. it’s a huge touristattraction with much of the art and buildings restored. vesuvius hasn’t erupted since1944. but with 30 separate eruptions since 79 ad, this vivacious volcano shows no signsof stopping and poses an enormous threat to the 3 million people who now live within 20miles of its crater.

for our next city we travel to the desertsof jordan. petra was a city carved into the walls oflooming sandstone, which form a natural fortress around it. it lay on the key caravan routethrough to gaza and the red sea so it was the centre of nabataen trade. the nabateanswere described as “one of the most gifted people of the ancient world” and it’shard to argue with. the petra we see now, of stunning tombs cut with beautiful detail,and ingenious waterways that made an arid land thrive, was probably built around the1st century. at the same time in ancient britain, we were pretty pleased that the romans hadinvaded so we didn’t have to live in a circle of mud and sticks anymore.the tombs and temples are often much smaller

inside than their grand entrances would suggestbut, despite this, experts believe that we have only uncovered around 15% of what isthere. there are many secrets yet to be found. some bedouin tribes believe there is treasurein the rocks and you can see the bullet holes where they have tried to shoot it out.the romans came along in 106 ad and the city began to empty as its importance as a traderoute decreased and by 700 ad it was consigned to history.if you don’t want to make the long journey to see the ancient city, you’ll be gladto know it’s on google street view so you can enjoy some of its wonders without evenhaving to get dressed. our final two cities have more of an air ofmystery around them since we have no definite

proof that they actually existed, nor do weknow exactly where they could have been. our first legend is the magical city of gold;el dorado in the earlier versions of the story, el doradowas a man and may have been the king of the native muisca people, a tribe from near modernday bogota in columbia. when a new king was appointed, he would be covered in gold dustand then dipped into the waters of lake guatavita while his onlookers also threw in gold jewellery.from the mid 16th century and for hundreds of years after, many attempts to find thecity were made but nothing was ever found. a lot of the myth was fuelled by the factthat the conquistadors saw many of the local people wearing gold, without seeming to understandits value, so they assumed there must be some

huge stash of it somewhere. one failed attemptresulted in the discovery of a great river and when a tribe of warrior women chased theexplorers off, their similarity to a greek myth was noted and the river was named; theamazon. the english explorer, sir walter raleigh ledtwo great expeditions to venezuela, aiming to find el dorado and to establish an englishcolony in south america and disrupt the spanish trade with the native people. on the secondjourney he was on strict orders not to get into any battles with the spanish due to thedelicate politics back home. raleigh stayed on the island of trinidad but his son waskilled in an inevitable fight with the spanish. when raleigh returned home, he was beheadedfor disobeying orders. i’m not sure what

they really expected though, fighting thespanish was pretty much a national pastime around that time.since the city el dorado proved impossible to find, many resorted to searching lake guatavita.there were many attempts but surely the best was when a london company drained the wholelake in 1898 and were annoyed to find that the remaining mud baked as hard as concretein the jungle sun, making it almost unpassable. they uncovered a pathetic â£500 worth of goldfor their efforts. they probably made more money in free drinks when they told the storyin the pub back home. and finally, the most famous lost city ofthem all; atlantis. the legend of an island lost to the sea haskept going for thousands of years but no evidence

has ever been found and there is a generalconsensus amongst historians that it has no real basis in truth. its origin is largelydown to the greek philosopher plato who discussed an imaginary island as part of his work therepublic which he used to explore the idea of a perfect the story, ancient athenians are the only people able to defend against atlantean attackand the island itself loses favour with the gods who decided to submerge it into the atlanticocean. probably a bit harsh but then greek gods aren’t exactly famous for their calmdemeanour and balanced decision making, they were far too engrossed with drinking, incestand making animals with lots of heads. plato’s story stuck though and there havebeen hundreds of proposed sites for this lost

city; everywhere from the mediterranean tothe antarctica and even the bermuda triangle. the people of atlantis were rumoured to bea technologically advanced super race with submarines and aircraft. but if they wereso smart, why didn’t they do something when they noticed the sea levels were rising aroundthem. or maybe they did and we just haven’t found them yet.

there are some remarkable cities dotted aroundthe world but what about the ones that have been consigned to the past? today we lookat 9 amazing cities that were once bustling hubs, full of life but are now a mere shellof their former selves, forever lost to history. our first lost city is in south-western usaand it was probably abandoned by the 14th century. white immigrants rediscovered itin the late 1800s. the local native american’s

The Ancient City

The Ancient City, obviously knew of its existence but left thesesacred ancestral sites uninhabited. mesa verde in colorado is a large nationalpark and it holds around 4,300 ancient dwellings, with the largest being cliff palace. thisgiant 150 room structure follows the shallow curve of an overhanging cliff and, with itssandstone wall, looks like it’s been carved

right out of the rock. and if you’re thinking,wait; that’s not a city, remember this was built after a long history of nomadic travelling.the people would constantly be on the move, following the seasons and the various animalsthat they hunted. so to build something this big and this permanent was impressive. itwould be just like you coming from a tiny farming village and getting off the trainin new york. historians call the people puebloans, fromthe spanish “pueblo” meaning town. they started building permanent structures in around750 ad, as a way to store food for longer, probably to get some down time when they weresick of running after buffalo. as settlements grew, they increased their reliance on farmingsince they could no longer move with the migrating

animals. plus, the more they built, the morewood they needed and so the less forest there was for them to forage and hunt what happened to its inhabitants? well, unlike many great native american peoples,it wasn’t the early settlers who drove them out of their homes. more likely it was a changingclimate and a series of mega-droughts in the 13th century which hindered their matter how cool your house is, you’re not going to stay if you can’t eat.we’re heading around the other side of the world now, to ancient mesopotamia, which isconsidered by many to be the cradle of civilization. with creations such as writing, metallurgyand farming, they started the long journey that led to you being able play angry birds,on your smartphone, whilst eating a big mac.

and mesopotamia housed one of mankind’sgreatest cities; babylon. at its peak, it had a population of over 200,000 people, whichwas around 0.003% of the world’s population, or to put that in modern terms, it would beover 20 million people. only tokyo is bigger than that right now.the city has a long and violent story and empires have risen and fallen around it. itappeared in history around 2300 bc, although who built it and exactly when are a littlefuzzy, since 3000 years of bad filing have meant it’s kind of difficult to find theoriginal planning application. after 2000 bc the rise of the babylonian empire beganand the city became the key holy place of mesopotamia and was likely the largest cityin the world at that point. it went through

a bit of a slump, but hey, we all do, andthen grew again to greatness between 600 – 300’s been ruled by such leaders as nebuchadnezzar, who created the famous hanging gardens ofbabylon, and by alexander the great. when alexander died, the battle to take over hispower basically emptied the city. i can only imagine his wake was full of big egos andan awful lot of wine. it was also supposedly the home of the mythicaltower of babel, which was written about in the book of genesis. the tower was built toreach all the way up into the heavens and the architects hoped it would act as a signthat their people would remain and not be spread out across the world. but then godcame down and threw a spanner in the works

by making everyone speak a different language,so they had to wander off to separate corners of the earth. you could read this all as anallegory, showing that mesopotamia really was the birthplace of all where is babylon now? its ruins lie in modern day iraq. in the 1980s, saddam husseinstarted to rebuild parts of it to demonstrate the great history of the arab region. he alsodecided to add a huge portrait of himself and nebuchadnezzar and inscribed “this wasbuilt by saddam hussein, son of nebuchadnezzar, to glorify iraq”. if you’re going to bea twisted, evil dictator, you may as well do it with we travel south, across the mediterranean to reach carthage, a lost city on the tipof tunisia, at africa’s point closest to

italy. the area is now a suburb of the tunisiancapital; tunis, but it was once the great power hub of the area, the base of a navalempire. the city was created by phoenician colonistsin about 814 bc, travelling over from their home, in what is now known as lebanon. theywere led by their queen, dido - no, not the late 90s british pop artist. queen dido wasworshipped for many years after her death, this was largely due to her flamboyant end.a rival king was threatening to invade carthage if she didn’t consent to marry him. shebuilt a huge pyre, pretending that she was burning everything that reminded her of herprevious, now deceased, husband. but at the final moment she leapt onto the fire and fellon her own sword. now that’s what i call

a rejection; it makes someone not showingup to a date seem rather mild in comparison. “do you want to go out with me?”“i’d rather fall on my own sword, whilst simultaneously enveloped in flames.”“think i’ll take that as a no then.” carthage was actually very difficult to attackthough, with its massive navy of 220 warships and an enormous 37 kilometres of wall surroundingit. in fact, it wasn’t until 146 bc that it first fell. the romans, who were in a prettybad mood from dealing with hannibal (the carthaginian military commander, not the cannibal) for15 years, took the city. they then burnt the ships and sold some 50,000 carthaginians intoslavery. the romans then built it up into one of thelargest cities in their empire. the vandals

took it over for a while but eventually, in698 ad there was the second great battle of carthage. the armies of umayyad, one of thelarge islamic caliphates, completely destroyed the city, cutting off its water, tearing downthe walls and wrecking the harbour. it really ruined its retail value. our next city was left half-abandoned in thejungle for around 300 years but has now become one of the world’s largest tourist attractions.angkor wat is the largest religious monument in the world and is the pride of cambodia,even featuring on their national flag. constructed in the 12th century by king suryavarman ii,it was originally designed as a hindu temple but had become buddhist by the end of thecentury. this was mainly due to a change in

the beliefs of the land.the beautiful temples we see now are only a small part of what used to exist though.angkor was in fact the largest pre-industrial city in the world and between 1010 and 1220it held at least 0.1% of the world’s population within its 1000 square kilometre sprawl.there are a number of theories as to why this architectural marvel ended up mostly deserted.there was an uprising against a ruler from siam in 1431, since the siamese had takencontrol of the city some 80 years earlier. this probably led a large portion of peopleto migrate out of the city. but it could also have been a mixture of floods, earthquakesand the bubonic plague; hopefully not all at once, that would have been a really badweek.

so angkor was left to rot in the jungle andsome monks stayed on in the temple, which is most of what remains of the city today.the large moat, that surrounds the holy building, mostly protected it from the encroaching vegetationand from the bullets and shells of the cambodian civil war. ironically, despite all the conservationwork, it’s now under more threat than ever since all of those tourists marching overthe sandstone and using up the ground water are weakening the buildings day by day. thedamage of 500 years of jungle growth is nothing compared to what a little kid with a footballand an ice cream can do. okay, let’s come out of the jungle and headto higher ground. machu picchu sits almost two and a half kilometresabove sea level and had a brief but mysterious

history. the incas built it in 1450 but weare still unclear as to its purpose. since the site, although very beautiful, has noreal strategic benefit in terms of trade or food or power. perhaps it was just a kingtrying to be difficult, you know how kings are.the most likely reason is that it was some sort of royal retreat, like the us president’scamp david, or hitler’s eagle’s nest up in the mountains of bavaria. no eagles forthe incas though, they had the large stone altar of the condor where they would performhuman sacrifices and the birds would come and remove the carcasses.the incas were quite advanced and the construction of some of machu picchu’s temples is soaccurate that you can’t even fit a sheet

of paper between the stonework, meaning itholds together without mortar. the stepped terraces of the city are also a very smartway of adapting the mountain to the needs of the city. surprisingly, their civilisationnever got around to inventing the wheel, although perhaps if you’re over 2 kilometres up ahill, the last thing you want is to see your cart rolling off down into the nearest just over 100 years, the city was deserted, possibly due to the devastation caused bysmallpox, which the conquistadors brought with them from spain; what a lovely welcomegift. on to italy now and into a bay on the westcoast that also holds the city of naples. naples has existed in some form for around3000 years, making it one of the longest continuously

inhabited places on earth. but across theother side of the bay lies pompeii, and pompeii was not quite so 79 ad, the entire roman city was destroyed and buried under a huge mound of ash and pumiceup to six metres deep, killing some 16,000 people, when mount vesuvius erupted. a mixtureof ash, stones and gases were blown 33 kilometres into the air and an astonishing 1.5 milliontonnes of pumice and molten rock were spat out of the volcano every second! this endedthe 500-year history of pompeii, having been built at some point around 700-600, i guess some of you are thinking; why build your city next to a giant volcano? thatjust seems like trouble. well, it was actually a pretty quiet volcano then, since the previouseruption had been a relatively small one almost

200 years before. still, 16 years before theeruption that destroyed pompeii, there was a huge earthquake that took out a lot of thecity and led to looting and chaos. this was less a red flag, more an entire flag factorymaking 10 metres square banners saying “move away from the giant fire bucket”. excavation of the city began in 1738 whenworkmen discovered it whilst digging the foundations for a summer palace. it’s a huge touristattraction with much of the art and buildings restored. vesuvius hasn’t erupted since1944. but with 30 separate eruptions since 79 ad, this vivacious volcano shows no signsof stopping and poses an enormous threat to the 3 million people who now live within 20miles of its crater.

for our next city we travel to the desertsof jordan. petra was a city carved into the walls oflooming sandstone, which form a natural fortress around it. it lay on the key caravan routethrough to gaza and the red sea so it was the centre of nabataen trade. the nabateanswere described as “one of the most gifted people of the ancient world” and it’shard to argue with. the petra we see now, of stunning tombs cut with beautiful detail,and ingenious waterways that made an arid land thrive, was probably built around the1st century. at the same time in ancient britain, we were pretty pleased that the romans hadinvaded so we didn’t have to live in a circle of mud and sticks anymore.the tombs and temples are often much smaller

inside than their grand entrances would suggestbut, despite this, experts believe that we have only uncovered around 15% of what isthere. there are many secrets yet to be found. some bedouin tribes believe there is treasurein the rocks and you can see the bullet holes where they have tried to shoot it out.the romans came along in 106 ad and the city began to empty as its importance as a traderoute decreased and by 700 ad it was consigned to history.if you don’t want to make the long journey to see the ancient city, you’ll be gladto know it’s on google street view so you can enjoy some of its wonders without evenhaving to get dressed. our final two cities have more of an air ofmystery around them since we have no definite

proof that they actually existed, nor do weknow exactly where they could have been. our first legend is the magical city of gold;el dorado in the earlier versions of the story, el doradowas a man and may have been the king of the native muisca people, a tribe from near modernday bogota in columbia. when a new king was appointed, he would be covered in gold dustand then dipped into the waters of lake guatavita while his onlookers also threw in gold jewellery.from the mid 16th century and for hundreds of years after, many attempts to find thecity were made but nothing was ever found. a lot of the myth was fuelled by the factthat the conquistadors saw many of the local people wearing gold, without seeming to understandits value, so they assumed there must be some

huge stash of it somewhere. one failed attemptresulted in the discovery of a great river and when a tribe of warrior women chased theexplorers off, their similarity to a greek myth was noted and the river was named; theamazon. the english explorer, sir walter raleigh ledtwo great expeditions to venezuela, aiming to find el dorado and to establish an englishcolony in south america and disrupt the spanish trade with the native people. on the secondjourney he was on strict orders not to get into any battles with the spanish due to thedelicate politics back home. raleigh stayed on the island of trinidad but his son waskilled in an inevitable fight with the spanish. when raleigh returned home, he was beheadedfor disobeying orders. i’m not sure what

they really expected though, fighting thespanish was pretty much a national pastime around that time.since the city el dorado proved impossible to find, many resorted to searching lake guatavita.there were many attempts but surely the best was when a london company drained the wholelake in 1898 and were annoyed to find that the remaining mud baked as hard as concretein the jungle sun, making it almost unpassable. they uncovered a pathetic â£500 worth of goldfor their efforts. they probably made more money in free drinks when they told the storyin the pub back home. and finally, the most famous lost city ofthem all; atlantis. the legend of an island lost to the sea haskept going for thousands of years but no evidence

has ever been found and there is a generalconsensus amongst historians that it has no real basis in truth. its origin is largelydown to the greek philosopher plato who discussed an imaginary island as part of his work therepublic which he used to explore the idea of a perfect the story, ancient athenians are the only people able to defend against atlantean attackand the island itself loses favour with the gods who decided to submerge it into the atlanticocean. probably a bit harsh but then greek gods aren’t exactly famous for their calmdemeanour and balanced decision making, they were far too engrossed with drinking, incestand making animals with lots of heads. plato’s story stuck though and there havebeen hundreds of proposed sites for this lost

city; everywhere from the mediterranean tothe antarctica and even the bermuda triangle. the people of atlantis were rumoured to bea technologically advanced super race with submarines and aircraft. but if they wereso smart, why didn’t they do something when they noticed the sea levels were rising aroundthem. or maybe they did and we just haven’t found them yet.

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