Sejak lahir saya sudah berinteraksi dengan anjing. Orang tua saya pecinta anjing dan selama saya dan kakak-kakak saya kecil hingga dewasa, kami selalu memiliki anjing sebagai binatang peliharaan yang sudah seperti keluarga kami sendiri.
I’ve played roughly alongside dogs always since I was born. My parents dearest dogs, as well as my siblings as well as I stimulate got had dogs that nosotros process similar our ain menage unit of measurement from when nosotros were immature upward until adulthood.
I’ve played roughly alongside dogs always since I was born. My parents dearest dogs, as well as my siblings as well as I stimulate got had dogs that nosotros process similar our ain menage unit of measurement from when nosotros were immature upward until adulthood.
Kini saya harus tinggal di Jakarta, pilihan tempat tinggal tidak mudah sehingga saya harus tinggal di apartemen yang tidak memungkinkan untuk memiliki anjing sebagai binatang peliharaan sehingga interaksi dengan binatang ini selalu saya rindukan.
Now I alive inward an story inward Jakarta. I stimulate got no selection but to non ain a pet dog. And this stimulate got made me immature adult woman the interactions that I used to stimulate got alongside animals.
True Love Cafe di Bangkok, Thailand adalah tempat terbaik bagi pecinta anjing seperti saya. Terdapat 24 anjing jenis Siberian Husky atau Alaskan Malamute yang dirawat dengan sangat baik dan siap bermain dengan pengunjung cafe ini.
True Love Cafe inward Bangkok, Thailand is the best identify for dog-lovers similar myself. There are 24 dogs that consists of Siberian huskies as well as Alaskan malamutes that are good taken attention of, of which are gain to play alongside visitors inward the cafe.
True Love Cafe inward Bangkok, Thailand is the best identify for dog-lovers similar myself. There are 24 dogs that consists of Siberian huskies as well as Alaskan malamutes that are good taken attention of, of which are gain to play alongside visitors inward the cafe.
Saya datang terlambat untuk menikmati sejak awal anjing-anjing ini keluar dari "rumah" mereka, namun tetap dapat ikut sesi bermain yang dimulai sejak siang hari. Di sesi ini ada 10 siberian husky dan satu anjing jenis maltese yang berkeliaran dan dapat kami ajak bermain. Lucunya binatang dengan muka fierce ini justru senang ngemil buncis. Dengan semangat mereka berlompatan saat pemilik cafe membagikan buncis untuk para husky ini.
I was likewise belatedly to run into the dogs coming out of their ‘homes’. But I was withal able to bring together the play session alongside them that starts from noon. In this session, at that spot are x Siberian huskies as well as 1 maltese domestic dog running roughly as well as playing alongside us. What’s funny is that these fierce-looking animals really dearest to munch on string beans. They were energetically jumping roughly when the cafe possessor were near to feed these huskies alongside string beans.
I was likewise belatedly to run into the dogs coming out of their ‘homes’. But I was withal able to bring together the play session alongside them that starts from noon. In this session, at that spot are x Siberian huskies as well as 1 maltese domestic dog running roughly as well as playing alongside us. What’s funny is that these fierce-looking animals really dearest to munch on string beans. They were energetically jumping roughly when the cafe possessor were near to feed these huskies alongside string beans.
Salah satu anjing favorit saya di sini adalah Magnum, siberian husky dengan warna abu-abu dan kuping yang benar-benar dalam posisi tegak. Selain magnum ada banyak siberian husky lainnya dengan bulu sangat halus dan wangi, serta satu jenis husky lainnya dengan bulu sangat tebal, Panda!
One of my favorites hither is Magnum, a grayness Siberian husky alongside ears that indicate out straight. Besides magnum, at that spot are many other Siberian huskies alongside shine fur that smells nice, as well as 1 that has a real thick fur, Panda!
One of my favorites hither is Magnum, a grayness Siberian husky alongside ears that indicate out straight. Besides magnum, at that spot are many other Siberian huskies alongside shine fur that smells nice, as well as 1 that has a real thick fur, Panda!
Tidak perlu khawatir dengan kebersihan di cafe ini karena expanse bermain berbeda dengan expanse makan. Bahkan sebelum masuk ke expanse bermain, kita diwajibkan untuk melepas sepatu dan menggunakan alas kaki plastik yang sudah disediakan. Selain itu juga wajib mencuci tangan dan menggunakan anti bacterial lotion sebelum dan sesudah masuk expanse bermain ini.
Do non fearfulness for the hygiene inward the cafe, equally the play expanse is inward a dissimilar identify from the dining area. Before entering the play area, nosotros are required to stimulate got off our shoes as well as purpose a provided plastic comprehend for our feet. Besides from that, nosotros are asked to launder ours hands as well as purpose anti-bacterial lotion earlier as well as later entering the play area.
Do non fearfulness for the hygiene inward the cafe, equally the play expanse is inward a dissimilar identify from the dining area. Before entering the play area, nosotros are required to stimulate got off our shoes as well as purpose a provided plastic comprehend for our feet. Besides from that, nosotros are asked to launder ours hands as well as purpose anti-bacterial lotion earlier as well as later entering the play area.
Perlu diakui, adanya binatang-binatang inilah yang jadi alasan utama saya datang ke True Love Cafe. Kue dan minuman di cafe ini cukup enak, namun tidak se-spesial kehadiran anjing-anjing lucu ini. Bermain dengan anjing memang jadi terapi ampuh dan membuat bahagia.
I stimulate got to admit, these animals is the primary argue why I came to True Love Cafe. The pastry as well as drinks inward this cafe is quite proficient - but non equally proficient equally the presence of the cute dogs. Playing alongside these dogs is really an effective therapy to brand a someone happy.
I stimulate got to admit, these animals is the primary argue why I came to True Love Cafe. The pastry as well as drinks inward this cafe is quite proficient - but non equally proficient equally the presence of the cute dogs. Playing alongside these dogs is really an effective therapy to brand a someone happy.
Dan kenapa namanya True Love Cafe? Jika anda pernah memiliki anjing sebagai binatang peliharaan, you know that dogs give us truthful dearest forever :)
Then why is it called True Love Cafe? If you’ve owned a pet domestic dog before, you know that dogs give us truthful dearest forever :)
Then why is it called True Love Cafe? If you’ve owned a pet domestic dog before, you know that dogs give us truthful dearest forever :)
@marischkaprue - hoping to stimulate got dogs equally her menage unit of measurement members in 1 trial once again inward the future
Photo past times Ferry Rusli
- True Love Cafe terletak di 153 Soi Areesumpun 2, Samsennai, Payatai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
- True Love Cafe is located inward 153 Soi Areesumpun 2, Samsennai, Payatai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
- Contact True Love Cafe via e-mail di atau telp di +66901019669
- Contact True Love Cafe via e-mail at or telephone phone +66901019669
- Tidak ada biaya khusus untuk bermain dengan anjing-anjing ini namun untuk menikmati waktu di True Love Cafe kita harus membeli develop makanan dengan harga termurah 275 THB (Thailand Baht) per orang atau Rp. 110.000,- dan anda akan mendapatkan pilihan dessert dan minuman.
- There is no exceptional fee to play alongside these dogs, but to savour True Love Cafe nosotros must buy nutrient for 275 THB (Thailand Baht) minimum per person, or IDR 110,000, as well as you’ll larn to conduct your dessert as well as drinks
- Cara termudah untuk menuju True Love Cafe adalah dengan naik BTS menuju stasiun Ari, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan naik tuk-tuk (tarif hanya twenty THB atau sekitar Rp. 8000,-)
- The easiest means to larn to True Love Cafe is to stimulate got BTS towards Ari station, as well as thus stimulate got rickshaws (the fee is alone twenty THB or roughly IDR 8,000)