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hi everybodysimon hill welcome to a cold monday lunchtime in the uk comedian is gettingcolder so today this is a ladyboy love story wide so a couple of days ago i puta couple of videos up that we're a tester you probably seen them there wasa go-go video in music pictures of gogo girls and then i did a ladyboy one thiswas a test for see if my subscribers

hotels bangkok thailand

hotels bangkok thailand, were interested in that subject and asit turned out the ladyboy video got almost twice as many views as the go-goone over two and a half thousand in fact a lot of thumbs down thumbs down but ithink that's maybe a young maybe so yeah haidee boys now last night i also gotinvolved with a livestream i met a

couple of new youtube creators i'll talkabout those a bit later i'm also going to mention at the end of this storyyoutube have be monetized one of my videos that's new to me so i'll talkabout a bit later as well but yeah i thought right there's obviously a demandfor information on ladyboys or stories so this one i've had for a while in thebag it's about a friend of mine it was a professional driver i've known for manyyears he's about 10 years older than myself and so his story i chatted to apiece said yep you can do this and he's giving me the name to change the nameswhich is quite funny strange names is chosen as wellso he's called george in this story now

20 years ago george went to timeout forthe first time till week holiday i didn't get the bug wasn't really thatfuss with it and came back now george hasn't been married but quitea few girlfriends over the years and that trip didn't seem to affect himanyway thought of the lovely country and that was it but he did only go bangkokand i think it was somewhere near phuket around that area so several years passedand some reason george sort of slowed down on the girlfriends and put his headdown and worked a lot and saved money and something seemed to change in hislife over the last 10 years or so so five years ago another the games anotherfriend of mine was going to thailand on

his own and he said to george look i gota month booked in thailand don't really want to go along do you fancy a trip andgeorge said yeah why not i have another holiday for a few years and off theywent and this is five years ago landed in thailand they spent a few days inbangkok then he went down to pattaya pattaya however you pronounce it acouple days into that my other friend who took george her prom in the uk hadto come home salary sort of the night left george on his own in patera nowgeorge he just thought well i blow mouth books i'm just canals oliday and hewasn't really fussed about the girls and things and but enjoyed having a drinkingmeeting people he found himself in

walking streetsat about half 9:00 in the evening and you had a few drinks it was a little bittipsy it mixes drinks a little bit in even he was feeling a bit tired so hestarted wandering back to his hotel early i got a quarter of the way alongbeach road the hotel he was staying at was the hard rock hotel i'd rock cafehotel a halfway along b throat so anyway back quarter the way along he's pinnedbit tired and there was a one of these little monuments with a round concreteseat going around it and he sat down there next to the beach looking to seeand if nodded off fell asleep ur back ten o'clock at night anyway bag half anhour eating on shore a time but maybe

half an hour later he woke up found hishead leaning on a girl but it startled him a bit her knees a bit shocked youknow woke up and he leaning against someone could imagine and this girlturned out to be a ladyboy so they started talking and george didn't knowmaybe mixed wrong drinks or something while you sleepy but yeah they gotchatted so they sat there and they chatted for a few hours and they decideto take a walk along the beach and chat him more and more quite a few hourspassed and then they you always say goodbye was heading off to a room thatshe shared and george went off back to the hotel now this lady boy george iscalled bambi don't whine bambi bambi had

been telling him about some of the upsand downs she's had in their life and some of the psychological things she'sgoing through and georgia been a good eargeorge had also told her some of his life maybe and they arranged to meet upthe next morning and have a breakfast than the chancenow this ladyboy bambi came from a village somewhere near a place called pior p pi i think it was he said from a young age being born in as a boy fromabout the age of 1415 could had the desire the feelings the to change buther family were not impressed not with it not supportive in any waywhatsoever it's a very small village

that she lived in farming village ithink the parents actually were doing something to do with the building tradebut she she was sort of 8 caste and she left home at 15 years old went off tobangkok and various places working different jobs and had the callin andbecame a ladyboy a year or so into these working that she raised enough money andhad breast implants and that's the only operation that bambi's had ever made heri don't make it feel better or whatever i don't don't understand that thepsychology drona or lung she she went through the operation and after thatfound work was hard she ended up in pattaya and tried getting into some ofthe shows and things and couldn't get in

she wasn't a good enough dancer itwasn't quite good enough looking maybe and she found herself on the streets doing what a lot of people do inthailand raising money anywhere you can and triedgoing home and when she went home the parents were sort of surprised shocksdidn't open their arms and welcomed her backfact they sort of pushed her away and said we you know we don't want to knowand must have been horrible for her horrible she went back to tear and itwas at this point a few weeks actually got back that the encounter with georgenow he'd gone back to the hotel had a

good night's sleep in the morning alittle bit confused with his feelings he found himself attracted to bambithat even knowing that she was a ladyboy he couldn't work out what he was feelingbut he went and they met up and had breakfast and they spent the daytogether talking about that eyes and everything and they they clicked georgewas really not sure anyway cussing the short of the story littlebit shorter they tried how would you call itvertical aerobics with a lady bullock or ism they they tried different things outand they spent a week together and george just didn't know couldn't workout his feelings didn't though his own

sexuality just couldn't work it out butthey hate it off so well he then said look i've got a i'm going off to bangkokfor a week and i'm off home so they exchanged emails phone numbers andthings like that and he went off to bangkok spent with round bangkoksharpened a bit really confusing what happened didn't understand everythingand jumped on a plane came out this is five years agohis friends all sorted everything's fine he gets home didn't do much for thefirst week just terribly confused in life but then he found himself more andmore being drawn to bambi and they started talking email phone calls andafter number three weeks or so george

seems to have come to the conclusion orrealized that he really had fallen for bambi the stigma area then was in hismind he wasn't sure bad people but he actually talks he actually talked tomyself at this time and another person and both of us sort of said well you youshould go follow your heart she goes you know becareful obviously going to thailand financially all the pitfalls you knowall this you've seen read the books and seen everything you could be reallycareful but go and try and explore so haven't you spent some time there so hedid he got back on a plane chris found bambi they came out at petare and wenton a catholic holiday wandering around

ireland he george fell in love totallyfelt so they sat down and they talked to very well what should we do what can wedo we know this is new to both of them bambi had never really had a long-termrelationship so they thought well george wanted to meet the parents and see whatthe village was like where bambi came from one of the see if the parents wouldaccept him and bambi if they went there so they did they got on the bus went upto the new point and you can imagine they got a taxi to andy's house thefamily with a round of taxi turns up and it gets a high-ranked foreigner withtheir son was some no daughter bambi big shops i can imagine but they openthe door to george and went in a couple

of days they spent there they seem toiron everything out with the family the family sort of wasn't sure they didn'twant to lose face in the village i don't understand again the psychology behindall somebody turning change into a ladyboy and the home village how theyrespond but everybody seems to be getting better bambi was feeling greatthat the family was sort of in the arms of it and george suggested that hewanted to take some time out from the uk he was coming up to retirement soon thatmaybe they spent some time with the family family suppose it will don't knowabout staying here and you're so walk have you got a little bit of an nextdoor that i could buy maybe we'll build

really small little house i'm all forbambi and she having to go and a family yeah that sounds good we're happy withthat so george bought a really small piece of land off the family and thefamily were in the trade so very cheap little one-bedroom thai-style house wentup in six weeks george back to the uk had to come back that bambi there sobambi looked after the building george wrapped up his work here in theuk put all his money away squirreled it away and clearly in place that it wasall safe rinse it is house eggs and off he wentand i remember talking to him just for a gram then he was sort i don't know whati'm doing but i'm really happy i'm gonna

go and try life with a leggy boy and hego on the plane over he went straight to the village the house was about a weeklater was finished and livable and they moved into it now that is four years agoand george is still in that house in the village withbambi still happy still sending me emails and he statement he's not comingback he is good his house rented a he's gotan income he's got himself a retirement now he's having 65 and he's juststanding there and i don't know the aspects of if he's going to get marriedif you can marry a lady but not sure the law was on that but he's still therehe's a pig having a great time and the

village have accepted bambi the familyhave accepted her name and george everything's going really well happyending leggy boy love story majorthey do exist he's going to keep here email in the i'll see him next year i'mgoing to go up to the village in meet bambimaybe staged somewhere near dives so i'd be interested this videos on and he'sgot to keep the updated hopefully he likes this video so he can smoke shortlady boy left story hope you enjoyed that right last night sunday evening iwent on i was watching smoker boring match came off put youtube on now thisone guy i am talking about his name of

puddin puli farah now i went on hisyoutube is that he's an australian guy who's to thailand three or four times ayear and does vlogs about his trips i went on to his channel maybe six monthsago or scott the videos wasn't that's us with them and i had subscribed beinghonest last night i suddenly saw that he was doing a live video this sudden i wasthinking to doing some like question answers so i thought i just whenevernosy and we'll see what it's always within a few minutes of it on there hishonesty and history and the subscribers on their people talking some of mysubscribers some people watching me now i got involved and it's definitely anover 18s video i was shocked i was

surprised i was learning things thatanguish is a bit can i go watch of it but some of thelists that come in out of the channel i was amazed i really enjoyed the one-houri think it was a long livestream a lot of shops and i was amazed and it was abrilliant livestream completely fair i'm very honest a different style some ofyou will love in some of you won't but i really really enjoyed the stream and alot of it was to do with ladyboys i want to avoid it at the end of this videothere will be a link come up there probably with this figure from lastnight the live stream if you've got the time and the patience the more you watchit that very guess point have a look now

the reason i mention in this is itsconnection with ladyboys so this very boy story i've just done if you've gotany questions about the lady voice or that scene what i suggest you do is goto pump pulley farang subscribe and ask him the questions because he's got a lotmore knowledge than i have and the other person on my channel by watch is warrenwhich is shazza jazza and chania his links below as well can give questionsto them on ladyboys but yeah complete hammer it was reallygood to stream now while i was in there i met another creator big fat bestiesit's got a growing channel your back asian subscribers i when i'd look at hischannel and he's got some really good

videos there especially some of thelater ones so if you get chance i'll put a link with a big fat best ego and iwill look at that one as well and yeah very goodso come pretty far along thank come buoy firing thanks for letting me join therelast night over the livestream enjoy yourselflearned some stuff youtube this morning sent me an email saying they monetizeone of my videos i had a quick look at it nothing specialdidn't you break any rules or anything so don't all that sort back all aboutbeing you to youtube i'm gonna have to go and investigate that but it's becausei'm talking about bars and that sort of

thing i could end up all my videos beingbe monetized so i'll keep you informed on that really not sure okay that's ittoday i've dropped this on dropping this video in today i give that some otherones lined up ready but it just ties in with that so as i stream last night soyou'll see this one before other ones the numbers might get all mixed upthat's to sort by those are tonight anyway thanks for watching hope youenjoyed it and i'll see you soon bye for now

hi everybodysimon hill welcome to a cold monday lunchtime in the uk comedian is gettingcolder so today this is a ladyboy love story wide so a couple of days ago i puta couple of videos up that we're a tester you probably seen them there wasa go-go video in music pictures of gogo girls and then i did a ladyboy one thiswas a test for see if my subscribers

hotels bangkok thailand

hotels bangkok thailand, were interested in that subject and asit turned out the ladyboy video got almost twice as many views as the go-goone over two and a half thousand in fact a lot of thumbs down thumbs down but ithink that's maybe a young maybe so yeah haidee boys now last night i also gotinvolved with a livestream i met a

couple of new youtube creators i'll talkabout those a bit later i'm also going to mention at the end of this storyyoutube have be monetized one of my videos that's new to me so i'll talkabout a bit later as well but yeah i thought right there's obviously a demandfor information on ladyboys or stories so this one i've had for a while in thebag it's about a friend of mine it was a professional driver i've known for manyyears he's about 10 years older than myself and so his story i chatted to apiece said yep you can do this and he's giving me the name to change the nameswhich is quite funny strange names is chosen as wellso he's called george in this story now

20 years ago george went to timeout forthe first time till week holiday i didn't get the bug wasn't really thatfuss with it and came back now george hasn't been married but quitea few girlfriends over the years and that trip didn't seem to affect himanyway thought of the lovely country and that was it but he did only go bangkokand i think it was somewhere near phuket around that area so several years passedand some reason george sort of slowed down on the girlfriends and put his headdown and worked a lot and saved money and something seemed to change in hislife over the last 10 years or so so five years ago another the games anotherfriend of mine was going to thailand on

his own and he said to george look i gota month booked in thailand don't really want to go along do you fancy a trip andgeorge said yeah why not i have another holiday for a few years and off theywent and this is five years ago landed in thailand they spent a few days inbangkok then he went down to pattaya pattaya however you pronounce it acouple days into that my other friend who took george her prom in the uk hadto come home salary sort of the night left george on his own in patera nowgeorge he just thought well i blow mouth books i'm just canals oliday and hewasn't really fussed about the girls and things and but enjoyed having a drinkingmeeting people he found himself in

walking streetsat about half 9:00 in the evening and you had a few drinks it was a little bittipsy it mixes drinks a little bit in even he was feeling a bit tired so hestarted wandering back to his hotel early i got a quarter of the way alongbeach road the hotel he was staying at was the hard rock hotel i'd rock cafehotel a halfway along b throat so anyway back quarter the way along he's pinnedbit tired and there was a one of these little monuments with a round concreteseat going around it and he sat down there next to the beach looking to seeand if nodded off fell asleep ur back ten o'clock at night anyway bag half anhour eating on shore a time but maybe

half an hour later he woke up found hishead leaning on a girl but it startled him a bit her knees a bit shocked youknow woke up and he leaning against someone could imagine and this girlturned out to be a ladyboy so they started talking and george didn't knowmaybe mixed wrong drinks or something while you sleepy but yeah they gotchatted so they sat there and they chatted for a few hours and they decideto take a walk along the beach and chat him more and more quite a few hourspassed and then they you always say goodbye was heading off to a room thatshe shared and george went off back to the hotel now this lady boy george iscalled bambi don't whine bambi bambi had

been telling him about some of the upsand downs she's had in their life and some of the psychological things she'sgoing through and georgia been a good eargeorge had also told her some of his life maybe and they arranged to meet upthe next morning and have a breakfast than the chancenow this ladyboy bambi came from a village somewhere near a place called pior p pi i think it was he said from a young age being born in as a boy fromabout the age of 1415 could had the desire the feelings the to change buther family were not impressed not with it not supportive in any waywhatsoever it's a very small village

that she lived in farming village ithink the parents actually were doing something to do with the building tradebut she she was sort of 8 caste and she left home at 15 years old went off tobangkok and various places working different jobs and had the callin andbecame a ladyboy a year or so into these working that she raised enough money andhad breast implants and that's the only operation that bambi's had ever made heri don't make it feel better or whatever i don't don't understand that thepsychology drona or lung she she went through the operation and after thatfound work was hard she ended up in pattaya and tried getting into some ofthe shows and things and couldn't get in

she wasn't a good enough dancer itwasn't quite good enough looking maybe and she found herself on the streets doing what a lot of people do inthailand raising money anywhere you can and triedgoing home and when she went home the parents were sort of surprised shocksdidn't open their arms and welcomed her backfact they sort of pushed her away and said we you know we don't want to knowand must have been horrible for her horrible she went back to tear and itwas at this point a few weeks actually got back that the encounter with georgenow he'd gone back to the hotel had a

good night's sleep in the morning alittle bit confused with his feelings he found himself attracted to bambithat even knowing that she was a ladyboy he couldn't work out what he was feelingbut he went and they met up and had breakfast and they spent the daytogether talking about that eyes and everything and they they clicked georgewas really not sure anyway cussing the short of the story littlebit shorter they tried how would you call itvertical aerobics with a lady bullock or ism they they tried different things outand they spent a week together and george just didn't know couldn't workout his feelings didn't though his own

sexuality just couldn't work it out butthey hate it off so well he then said look i've got a i'm going off to bangkokfor a week and i'm off home so they exchanged emails phone numbers andthings like that and he went off to bangkok spent with round bangkoksharpened a bit really confusing what happened didn't understand everythingand jumped on a plane came out this is five years agohis friends all sorted everything's fine he gets home didn't do much for thefirst week just terribly confused in life but then he found himself more andmore being drawn to bambi and they started talking email phone calls andafter number three weeks or so george

seems to have come to the conclusion orrealized that he really had fallen for bambi the stigma area then was in hismind he wasn't sure bad people but he actually talks he actually talked tomyself at this time and another person and both of us sort of said well you youshould go follow your heart she goes you know becareful obviously going to thailand financially all the pitfalls you knowall this you've seen read the books and seen everything you could be reallycareful but go and try and explore so haven't you spent some time there so hedid he got back on a plane chris found bambi they came out at petare and wenton a catholic holiday wandering around

ireland he george fell in love totallyfelt so they sat down and they talked to very well what should we do what can wedo we know this is new to both of them bambi had never really had a long-termrelationship so they thought well george wanted to meet the parents and see whatthe village was like where bambi came from one of the see if the parents wouldaccept him and bambi if they went there so they did they got on the bus went upto the new point and you can imagine they got a taxi to andy's house thefamily with a round of taxi turns up and it gets a high-ranked foreigner withtheir son was some no daughter bambi big shops i can imagine but they openthe door to george and went in a couple

of days they spent there they seem toiron everything out with the family the family sort of wasn't sure they didn'twant to lose face in the village i don't understand again the psychology behindall somebody turning change into a ladyboy and the home village how theyrespond but everybody seems to be getting better bambi was feeling greatthat the family was sort of in the arms of it and george suggested that hewanted to take some time out from the uk he was coming up to retirement soon thatmaybe they spent some time with the family family suppose it will don't knowabout staying here and you're so walk have you got a little bit of an nextdoor that i could buy maybe we'll build

really small little house i'm all forbambi and she having to go and a family yeah that sounds good we're happy withthat so george bought a really small piece of land off the family and thefamily were in the trade so very cheap little one-bedroom thai-style house wentup in six weeks george back to the uk had to come back that bambi there sobambi looked after the building george wrapped up his work here in theuk put all his money away squirreled it away and clearly in place that it wasall safe rinse it is house eggs and off he wentand i remember talking to him just for a gram then he was sort i don't know whati'm doing but i'm really happy i'm gonna

go and try life with a leggy boy and hego on the plane over he went straight to the village the house was about a weeklater was finished and livable and they moved into it now that is four years agoand george is still in that house in the village withbambi still happy still sending me emails and he statement he's not comingback he is good his house rented a he's gotan income he's got himself a retirement now he's having 65 and he's juststanding there and i don't know the aspects of if he's going to get marriedif you can marry a lady but not sure the law was on that but he's still therehe's a pig having a great time and the

village have accepted bambi the familyhave accepted her name and george everything's going really well happyending leggy boy love story majorthey do exist he's going to keep here email in the i'll see him next year i'mgoing to go up to the village in meet bambimaybe staged somewhere near dives so i'd be interested this videos on and he'sgot to keep the updated hopefully he likes this video so he can smoke shortlady boy left story hope you enjoyed that right last night sunday evening iwent on i was watching smoker boring match came off put youtube on now thisone guy i am talking about his name of

puddin puli farah now i went on hisyoutube is that he's an australian guy who's to thailand three or four times ayear and does vlogs about his trips i went on to his channel maybe six monthsago or scott the videos wasn't that's us with them and i had subscribed beinghonest last night i suddenly saw that he was doing a live video this sudden i wasthinking to doing some like question answers so i thought i just whenevernosy and we'll see what it's always within a few minutes of it on there hishonesty and history and the subscribers on their people talking some of mysubscribers some people watching me now i got involved and it's definitely anover 18s video i was shocked i was

surprised i was learning things thatanguish is a bit can i go watch of it but some of thelists that come in out of the channel i was amazed i really enjoyed the one-houri think it was a long livestream a lot of shops and i was amazed and it was abrilliant livestream completely fair i'm very honest a different style some ofyou will love in some of you won't but i really really enjoyed the stream and alot of it was to do with ladyboys i want to avoid it at the end of this videothere will be a link come up there probably with this figure from lastnight the live stream if you've got the time and the patience the more you watchit that very guess point have a look now

the reason i mention in this is itsconnection with ladyboys so this very boy story i've just done if you've gotany questions about the lady voice or that scene what i suggest you do is goto pump pulley farang subscribe and ask him the questions because he's got a lotmore knowledge than i have and the other person on my channel by watch is warrenwhich is shazza jazza and chania his links below as well can give questionsto them on ladyboys but yeah complete hammer it was reallygood to stream now while i was in there i met another creator big fat bestiesit's got a growing channel your back asian subscribers i when i'd look at hischannel and he's got some really good

videos there especially some of thelater ones so if you get chance i'll put a link with a big fat best ego and iwill look at that one as well and yeah very goodso come pretty far along thank come buoy firing thanks for letting me join therelast night over the livestream enjoy yourselflearned some stuff youtube this morning sent me an email saying they monetizeone of my videos i had a quick look at it nothing specialdidn't you break any rules or anything so don't all that sort back all aboutbeing you to youtube i'm gonna have to go and investigate that but it's becausei'm talking about bars and that sort of

thing i could end up all my videos beingbe monetized so i'll keep you informed on that really not sure okay that's ittoday i've dropped this on dropping this video in today i give that some otherones lined up ready but it just ties in with that so as i stream last night soyou'll see this one before other ones the numbers might get all mixed upthat's to sort by those are tonight anyway thanks for watching hope youenjoyed it and i'll see you soon bye for now

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