Nestled inward a bay betwixt the iii islands of Koh Nang Yuan, Twins consists of ii primary pinnacles, as well as a smaller, deeper "little brother".
Twins offers divers the jeopardy to consider the larger groupers commonly alone spotted at depth on the to a greater extent than remote dive sites. Blue-Ringed angelfish as well as the striking yellowish Raccoon Butterfly fish are abundant, along alongside a host of varied Parrotfish as well as wrasse. Combined alongside green, blue, as well as ruddy anemones this is 1 of the islands virtually colorful dive sites.
Venture due south a brusque distance across the sand to run across "Mork" as well as "Mindy", a friendly duo of the uncommon Saddleback Clownfish, thus dorsum to the East pinnacle for the best security halt on the isle alongside a schoolhouse of unopen to 500 curious, pocket-size Yellowtail Barracuda.
Source photograph : takau99 ,
artinbangkok ,
Henry & Tersia's as well as