Bangkok Thailand Place should to visiting: Mosques Inward Phuket

Over the years 10 years this spider web log has been online I convey blogged virtually many temples inwards Phuket including Buddhist Wats, Chinese Shrines too fifty-fifty a Sikh Gurdwara. Phuket every bit good has a Hindu Shrine, too diverse Christian places of worship. Phuket has a long history every bit a prophylactic port where traders from Arabia, India, PRC too Europe did concern amongst local Malays too Siamese. Phuket's population changed over the centuries, amongst unlike people too cultures existence dominant, but inwards full general Phuket too Siam (Thailand) ever stayed opened upwards to all religions. Thailand is a secular country, the laws of the province are non ready past times whatever faith too at that topographic point is liberty of religious practice. The southward of Thailand has a large Muslim population too this includes Phuket. I convey never seen exact population figures, but everyone seems to concord that virtually 25 - 30% of the local population inwards Phuket is Muslim. Some parts of the isle such every bit Kamala, Rawai or large parts of the N of the isle convey a large Muslim population. I've been hither too thence long that the mix of people is normal. I know it surprises some visitors who may move expecting Phuket to move all Buddhist. Some Muslims hither wearing clothing inwards western clothes, though y'all may run into people inwards to a greater extent than traditional Muslim clothes some the island.

So I realised that despite the large Muslim population here, I convey rarely mentioned Islam inwards 10+ years of blogging! I did ane time write virtually a Halal festival, too Muslim owned/run restaurants such every bit Abdul's Roti Shop or the Bang Rong Floating Restaurant. You may uncovering quite a few restaurants inwards Phuket that don't convey pork on the carte du jour every bit they are Muslim run. People inquire me sometimes to recommend Halal restaurants. I don't actually know virtually this. But if y'all swallow close a mosque inwards a Muslim area, y'all volition belike move OK!

Anyway - this page is non meant to move a give-and-take virtually Halal nutrient or Phuket history or Islam. I wanted to spider web log virtually mosques inwards Phuket too convey been out too virtually late taking photos, although I realise that at that topographic point are many mosques that I convey non seen, specially inwards the N of the island. The map at the halt of the page shows the location of 27 mosques. I retrieve at that topographic point are a few more. But y'all tin move run into at that topographic point are mosques all over the isle too I had some comments on Facebook too Twitter from Muslims who convey visited Phuket too non industrial plant life a mosque. Well, directly y'all tin move uncovering one! They are ofttimes a fight difficult to find! I convey enjoyed taking some lilliputian drives to uncovering mosques too discovering hidden streets too unlike corners of Phuket. As at that topographic point are many to a greater extent than mosques than those I photographed, I retrieve some to a greater extent than exploration trips are needed.

Let's commencement amongst the southward of Phuket island. I convey driven past times the entrance to this beautiful golden mosque (below) inwards Rawai many times, but never stopped until now.

Phuket Aquarium. There is every bit good a smaller mosque on a side street which nosotros overstep on the mode to The Beach Bar (one of our favourite hangouts).

Laem Hin Seafood, a favourite eating theatre or ours, too y'all tin move every bit good teach a longtail boat over to several floating restaurants from here. To achieve the eating theatre too jetty y'all overstep the mosque, which is some other that has been late rebuilt.

Heroine's Monument (a statue/shrine at a master copy route junction betwixt Phuket Town too the airport), if y'all plow left, the route heads dorsum to the W coast via the Cherng Talay area, earlier reaching Surin too Bang Tao beaches. The mosque unopen to Bang Tao (Mukaram Mosque) is quite impressive.

Bang Pae Waterfall too the Gibbon Rehabilitation Center. Just afterward this y'all achieve the Bang Rong community, nevertheless some other Muslim line-fishing village. There's a floating restaurant inwards the mangroves too a jetty for boats to Koh Yao Yai too Koh Yao Noi islands.

Buddhist temples. I did non realise earlier searching closely that at that topographic point were too thence many mosques inwards the N of the island. I idea at that topographic point were simply a few, but at that topographic point look to move virtually 10 N of Thalang town!

 years this spider web log has been online I convey blogged virtually many  Bangkok Thailand Place should to visiting:  Mosques inwards Phuket

(above) Darul Itihaad Mosque past times the master copy route southward of Thalang.

I promise this page is useful too / or interesting for Muslim visitors to Phuket too for anyone (like me) amongst an involvement inwards civilization too history. The map below shows locations for most mosques inwards Phuket. I may convey missed a few pocket-size ones. For now, give thank y'all you, shukran too run into y'all inwards Phuket!

Mosques inwards Phuket - Location Map


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