Bangkok Thailand Place should to visiting : Eating Theatre Tip: The Java Pot

UPDATE - Sorry to tell that the Coffee Pot no longer exists. Sadly, Tony the possessor passed away inwards 2011. RIP.

I don't know most you, but .. every bit a long term resident hither inwards Thailand I am nevertheless learning to appreciate dissimilar Thai foods. When I outset came here, I holler upwards I ate fried rice or greenish curry most 50% of the fourth dimension together with was a chip scared to endeavour novel things specially anything likewise spicy. These days I honey spicier foods together with tin swallow only most whatsoever Thai dish. Nevertheless, sometimes my English linguistic communication tummy says "hold on, plenty chili, plenty rice, plenty weird spices... I desire proper food". No offence meant, but straight off together with and thus I acquire that require for something from the former country, something simple, center together with veg, potatoes or a large English linguistic communication breakfast. I bring touched on this before, together with during the high season, the Pineapple Guesthouse nigh our diveshop does some practiced English linguistic communication food.

The Coffee Pot has been to a greater extent than or less for years, owned yesteryear an Aussie guy called Tony who tin sometimes live on seen exterior fixing upwards large bikes. Somehow I had never been inwards at that spot until a few weeks ago. Many people had told me that the Coffee Pot was practiced for large breakfasts, for steaks together with for java of course. The eating spot is on Patak Road (the dorsum route inwards Kata together with Karon) only northward of the PTT gasoline station on the same side of the road, only contrary the turning into Thaina road.

 Sorry to tell that the Coffee Pot no longer exists Bangkok Thailand Place should to visiting : Restaurant Tip: The Coffee Pot

Inside at that spot is a lot of space, room for at to the lowest degree l people. I bring been a few times at lunchtime, but it's depression flavor together with at that spot were never to a greater extent than than a few people seated. Tony says inwards high season, specially inwards the evenings, it tin live on pretty full, every bit his BBQ is famous throughout the land!

 Sorry to tell that the Coffee Pot no longer exists Bangkok Thailand Place should to visiting : Restaurant Tip: The Coffee Pot

The decor includes photos of John Lennon, James Dean, Motorbikes together with Marilyn Monroe. I reckon I volition bring to become sometime inwards high flavor for a meaty dinner. First fourth dimension I had a belatedly breakfast every bit advertised on the front end of the eating spot - two eggs, toast, bacon, tomato, beans together with fresh java - 120 Baht. I was surprised yesteryear the size of the plate together with impressed yesteryear the role of proper thick crusty staff of life to brand the toast. And the java was practiced too...

 Sorry to tell that the Coffee Pot no longer exists Bangkok Thailand Place should to visiting : Restaurant Tip: The Coffee Pot

So having had this breakfast special, I had to endeavour the Full Monty breakfast - 220 Baht including extras - orangish juice (fresh), hash brown, mushrooms together with sausage. Surely plenty to sink a boat? And a really practiced cure for that good known Changover. I am non certain if the Full Monty was worth the extra 100 Baht, every bit the 120 Baht breakfast is really practiced value together with really filling. Breakfasts are served all day. Here's the Full Monty:

 Sorry to tell that the Coffee Pot no longer exists Bangkok Thailand Place should to visiting : Restaurant Tip: The Coffee Pot

I checked out the BBQ & Grill carte du jour spell I was at that spot - click the photograph below to enlarge. People tell me that Tony's steaks are tally for a giant, which would adapt me, give cheers you... I reckon that later the coming vegetarian festival, a large steak at the Coffee Pot mightiness live on inwards order!

 Sorry to tell that the Coffee Pot no longer exists Bangkok Thailand Place should to visiting : Restaurant Tip: The Coffee Pot

Check out that Mixed Grill - two eggs, bacon, mushrooms, onions, sausage, pork chop, lamb chop together with a steak together with chips together with salad - 690 Baht. During the vegetarian festival I endeavour really difficult to stick to the special "cleansing" diet. I holler upwards this mixed grill mightiness live on the means to acquire all muddied over again :)

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