Thailand Go Across Provinces เดินทาง ข้าม จังหวัด : Blue Planet Faces Novel ‘Great Depression’ Equally Virus Cost Mounts

 World powers scrambled on Th to construct a global reply to the  human tragedy as well as o Thailand Travel across provinces เดินทาง ข้าม จังหวัด : World faces novel ‘Great Depression’ equally virus cost mounts
World powers scrambled on Th to construct a global reply to the human tragedy as well as once-in-a-century economical collapse caused past times the coronavirus epidemic, equally snuff it tolls inward the the U.S. of A. as well as Europe soared higher.
In a locked-down New York, the United Nations Security Council was to come across on the pandemic for the get-go time. And, past times video conference, European Union finance ministers are wrangling over how to bail out their worst striking members Italy as well as Spain.

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